Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 5 - The Package : Part 1

The world of humans. The place where corruptions, manipulations, power play, and lies were everywhere. They did all of that easily in every environment they were in. Either consciously or unconsciously.

They blamed the others for what was happening, too blind to realize that they were the ones who did that too. Everyone believed they were right, they tend to play the hero of the story.

What a pity.

"You think you can lie to me?" Kiaran's voice rang in the air. A mocking smile formed on his face as his blue eyes looked at the man in front of him.

A coin was being played at his finger, getting tossed to the air as he caught it again. The gold color of it hauntingly glimmered despite the dark room the two men were in.

Kiaran walked closer to the man, so close that he could see the man's sweat underneath the fancy suit he was wearing. "You dare lie to me?" Kiaran asked once again.

The fancy suit man tried to keep a strong facade as he stared at Kiaan's half masked face. "I really don't know what you're talking about." He cleared his voice.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a meeting to attend." The man quickly spoke and went to leave the room.

He was halfway leaving when Kiaran suddenly pushed him to the wall and pull the collar of his suit, making the man startled.

"Tell me where the package is or-" Kiaran took out a gun from his pocket and put it on the man's head. "-you're dead." He threatened.

The old fancy suit man just stared unwaveringly at Kiaran, as if taunting him. "You know you can't kill me." He sneered.

Kiaran raised an eyebrow at the statement. "Oh? What makes you think of that?"

"Because people know you can't kill, you're just full of your words, trying to be intimidating." Belittled the man as he smirked at Kiaran.

Kiaran grumbled under his breath, he gritted his teeth. He let go of the man harshly and sighed. He lowered the mask that was covering half of his face as he brushed his black hair.

The man startled a little at the sudden movement, his eyes bulged at the sight of Kiaran. No one was supposed to know the mercenary's identity, everyone who saw his face ended up dying.

"Listen here old man," His head looked over to the man, a finger pointing at his own face. "You already see my face now, you know what's gonna happen." He stated hauntingly.

"Consider this as an assurance, you tell me where the package is and I'll let you go with the knowledge of my face." Said Kiaran. The 18-year-old leaned on a table, waiting for the man to answer.

"Why would I do that, huh? It's only your face, I d-don't get anything by saying shits." The man answered, trying to keep his cool.

Kiaran clicked his tongue. "Ah, I forgot to tell you the other side of the assurance, huh?"

Kiaran played with the coin in his hand again. "The assurance is either you tell me 'shits' or you're dead." He said casually.

"And you just admitted that you do know something." Kiaran smiled, making his eyes form a crescent moon shape.

"W-well, you can't kill." The man said defensively, crossing his sweating hands over his chest.

Kiaran's mouth formed a circle shape. "Oh right, I can't kill." He paused and snapped his finger. "But he can."

A half-masked man came into the room, he wore a white hat over his black hair. The identical blue eyes looked at Kiaran and nodded his head.

Kiaran threw his gun at the person and he caught it easily. He quickly pointed the gun at the fancy suit man.

Kiaran clasped his hand and smiled again. "So, which assurances do you want, old man?"

The man staggered back, he quickly bowed his head down, trying not to look at the two persons standing before him. "T-the package is with the head minister, she kept it with her."

Kiaran's smile widened. "So you want the first assurance, that's great!" He exclaimed as he went to pat the man's shoulder.

He moved his mouth to the man's ear, eyes glinted with madness. "Too bad I lied." Whispered the teen.

Kiaran could feel the man's breath hitched. He chuckled and walked away. He looked over the boy who steadily held his gun.

"Axel, finish him."

Kiaran got out of the room when he heard the man's scream cut through as the sound of three gunshots rang in his ear.

He smiled.


Axel disposed of his clothes and quickly washed his hands. He looked at the mirror and sighed. Blue eyes tiredly met with each other and all he could see was a murderer.

He grumbled under his breath and turned off the water. The boy quickly got out of the bathroom just to meet with his brother who was heading to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Axel asked, fluffy hair dripping wet.

"To get a drink or to commit an arson," Kiaran answered, half yelling. "I'll decide it on the way."

The door slammed close, leaving Axel standing and staring at it alone. He sighed for the second time today and decided to eat something.

He lazily walked to the dining table, checking some leftovers. He took some food and put it down on the table. The sound of a chair creaking filled the house as the boy sat down.

The three chairs around him mockingly stared at him. His father and his sister had been gone for a month, there was no use to wait because his father would be gone again with his favorite child when he got back to the house.

It was always like this. His father would avoid him at all cost, abandoning his presence. His sister would ignore him because she always did that.

She was cool though, especially when she fought the governments. Axel saw it once, he actually believed he could call himself her number one fan.

She would fight gracefully with no words. Her cold stare could make those who see them awed and trembled, depending on the situation.

Axel finished his food and put it down on the dishwasher. His ocean eyes caught the big mirror and went over to it. He tidied his hair and clothes as he stared at the sight of a murderer again.

As he stared at his own reflection, he could not help but feel like he was being watched. Being a murderer made him paranoid of every single thing, he would be really sensitive if someone was staring at him at school.

"Axel?" A whisper caught his ears, making him startled. He frowned and looked around him. The voice sounded like his father.

That was weird, was he hearing things?

"Father? Is that you?" He asked quietly as he turned his back on the mirror. Deep-sea eyes warily scanned around the dining room.

"Yes, it's me, son." His father answered with a weird tone in his voice. That was really weird. Not only that, the fact that his father called him a son was eerie too.

"You come back, already?" He hesitantly asked as he left the dining room, searching for a certain hitman who happened to be his father.

His head moved to the left and right in the hallway, blue eyes moved around quickly. "Father, where are you?" He half yelled this time as he kept exploring his big house.

What the hell? Nobody's at home.

A loud crash was coming from upstairs, scaring the young boy. He became alert and quickly moved his feet upstairs quietly. He grabbed the hidden gun under the table on the second floor.

He heard some muffled voices coming from his bedroom. Axel pressed his ear on the door to hear more.

"It works, this arrow could make us see everything, father." A familiar voice said.

"But we can't even come to him, we can only see him." Axel heard the voice again, the voice of his father.

"I will find a way, don't worry, father." Was that Kiaran then? He was at home already?

Axel went to open his door. "Kiaran? Father?" The boy unsurely asked as he took the sight of his bedroom.

Which was empty.

Okay, this was getting out of hand. Why did he keep hearing things that sounded like his family? And what was that loud crash?

"Son?" His father's voice rang in the room, making Axel look around again.

"Father, don't talk." A hushed whisper almost missed Axel's ear. Axel tried to observe his room again, trying to find a certain mercenary and hitman.

"Okay, where are you guys? Come on, this is not funny." Axel ventured, his gun was already tucked away. He noticed this was maybe Kiaran's doing again, trying to scare him.

He could feel the room getting colder as he spoke and Axel was trying hard to keep his cool. He could not help but notice how his heartbeat fastened as doing so.

A bell rang in the house, making Axel jump. He shrieked so loud that he swore he could hear Kiaran's laugh. He just could not find where in the world his brother at.

The bell rang for the second time and he realized someone was at the door. "Coming!" He yelled and the boy quickly staggered down to the front door.

He opened the front door to find a guy around his late teen smiling down at him. The leatherback brunette hair danced with the wind as a pair of grey eyes stared down at Axel.

"Is Adreanna home?" He asked sheepishly, feet fidgeted as he waited for an answer.

"Oh? My sister? She hasn't come back for a month now." Axel answered. He tilted his head, trying to find out who's the man in front of him.

"You're her brother? Oh right, silly me. I'm Zack, your hopefully future brother-in-law." He introduced himself and lent his hand out.

Axel blinked a couple of times at the statement. Adreanna had a boyfriend? She did not tell him at all.

Well, she would not tell him if she was going to tell anybody at all. She was a walking ice fridge for god sake.

Axel stuttered at the hand gestured, he was so caught up with his own thoughts that he forgot to accept the offering hand. He quickly accepted the hand and gave a nice smile to Zack.

"I'm Axel." He stated and moved aside, making an invitation to the older guy.

"Oh, no, you don't have to." Zack waved his hands in front of Axel. "You see, I come here to ask her on a date, but she's not here, so yeah, I better get going." He continued as he patted Axel's shoulder.

"You didn't tell her you would be coming here? You're her boyfriend, I'm sure she'd come right away." Axel questioned Zack, he leaned on the doorway as he asked him.

"Oh, this is the best day of my life. Her brother even gives me permission to be her boyfriend!" He exclaimed happily.

Axel gaped at the statement. "I'm sorry, what?"

Zack chuckled, the sun stood behind him as if giving him the spotlight. "I don't even have her number, like I said, I was just going to ask her out."

"Ah." Axel nodded in understatement. He squinted his eyes, trying to examine Zack.

He looked like a nice guy, warm like the sun, he could melt his sister anytime. Though he looked stupid but at least had a decent face every girl loved. Usually, the guy who tried to ask her out was a douchebag, but this one could work.

Alright, Axel approved.

"She loves the red color theme, she may seem emotionless-" Axel paused, a finger was rubbing his chin. "-which she is, by the way. So good luck." Uttered the boy as he gave a thumb up to Zack.

"Noted, thanks kiddo." Zack patted Axel's head. Axel noticed how Zack tried to hide the white flower he had been holding behind his back.

"I can give you her number if you'd like." Axel offered as he took out his phone.

Zack's face beamed at the statement. "Yes, please."

They ended up exchanging phone numbers with each other too. Zack said he could ask some advice from Axel regarding Adreanna and Axel seemed cool with that.

They bid each other goodbye after a few small talks. Axel knew he just gave his number and his sister's to a stranger, but well, if he was a bad person, Adreanna would probably kill him off anyway.

He closed the door and made his way upstairs again. He took one glance at the big mirror in the living room.

This house sure had many mirrors.

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