Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 6 - The Package : Part 2

"Wait, you weren't at home?" Axel asked Kiaran who just came from the front door, all burned up, literally.

His messy black hair was wet either from gasoline or water, Axel could not tell. The clothes Kiaran wore had a couple of fires that had not died yet.

"Do I look like I was at home, Axel?" Kiaran pointed out as he took off his burnt shoe. He shook his head repeatedly, trying to dry his wet hair.

Axel fidgeted in his place as he watched his brother. "Well, I heard your voice in my room, so I thought-"

"You must be hearing things then." Kiaran paused, he looked over his little brother. "Right, get your clothes, we need to visit a certain head minister."

Kiaran took off his clothes and quickly changed into his usual criminal one. His black trench coat almost touched the floor as he wore it.

Axel sighed, he had not moved from his spot at all.

"Do I have to kill again? Can I not come? I don't want to kill people, Kiaran." Axel uttered pleadingly.

"And so do I." Kiaran smiled softly at his little brother. "I don't want to kill people too." He said as he splashed water over his burnt clothes.

"That's why I need you, I can't possibly get my job done without you, Axel." Kiaran assured. He made his way to his little brother and messed with Axel's hair.

"If you don't want to kill them, can't you just stop doing all of this?" Axel looked up at his brother who was still messing his hair. Blue eyes met with each other, the other was concealed with lies and the other one was concealed with sincerity.

"You know I can't, we can't, Axel. You need to make our father proud, remember?" Kiaran hugged the boy as Axel leaned on his chest.

"I want to make father proud." He muttered. The boy closed his eyes while Kiaran kept playing with his hair.

"Exactly." Acknowledged the older teen. "That's why you need me to help you." Continued Kiaran.

"Do you want me to help you, Axel?" Kiaran asked, waiting for Axel to answer.

The boy in question just nodded his head and Kiaran took it as an absolute win. "That's my brother."


A woman around her forties was busy working with papers on her desk. Glasses adorned her eyes as she scanned her work.

The room she was in was fancy, gold decorations were everywhere and people who saw it knew that she ate all the people's money to gain that. Yet everyone stayed silent at her behavior.

Paintings that could cost someone's lifetime hang around the wall. They sat there and watched the woman fake some documents again.

Kiaran and Axel burst in from the door, sending it flying as doing so. A mask covered half of their faces, one was black and the other was white. Only bright blue eyes were visible on the sights. Though Axel's white cap covered most of his blue eyes.

"I'm still working, come back later." The woman spoke without giving a single glance to both of them.

"I'm afraid you can't work anymore, ma'am." Kiaran said. He came to the woman's desk and put a demanding hands on it.

"Where's the package?" He demanded. Axel followed Kiaran behind, a gun was aiming at the woman's head.

The woman sighed, she put down the paper in her hands and finally stared at Kiaran's blue eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about, if you want money, just take whatever you want in here before my guards kill you."

Kiaran chuckled, his smile widened madly behind his mask. "I don't want your petty money, I want the package."

"And besides," Kiaran paused, he leaned over to the woman and stared dead right to her greedy eyes. "I've finished off all of your guards."

The bright room was dead silent after Kiaran's statement. Axel loyally stood there, ready to shoot the woman anytime while the woman raised an eyebrow at Kiaran.

The woman lowered her glasses to see the infamous mercenary. "Oh, so you're the one who killed my assistance." She lightly pointed out.

"Yes, and he said the package is with you," Kiaran admitted. He made a gesture with his head to Axel, making the boy get closer to the woman and aim the gun at her head.

"So, care to tell me where the hell that is, ma'am?" The mercenary leaned on the table as he watched the woman smile.

"Yeah, I'd rather not." Uttered the woman.

Suddenly bodyguards came into the room, they pointed their guns at the two brothers, leaving no room to run.

"Damn, there are more? And here I thought I've finished off every single one of them." Kiaran talked, unfazed at the threat in front of him.

The woman smirked at that, she tilted her head at Kiaran. "I have the finest bodyguards that could kill you in a second." She spoke with confidence as she crossed her hands over her chest.

"I told you to take whatever you want and leave, too bad you can't leave now." She smiled, belittling the infamous mercenary.

"Boys, finished them." The woman commanded and the room fell into chaos.

Kiaran was still standing there, dodging the bullet that ran through past his ears easily. Axel became his shield and flipped right in front of his brother. He put away his gun and took out six little knives that he held steadily in his hands.

The young boy lunged, feet pounding the floor, throwing knives as they met with the head of his opponent. Axel's knife slid down the fancy wall, skidding.

Breaths steadily caught in his head, having done this many times now. Axel swung again, a high slice through the air as his knife found its way to the opponent's heart.

Four bodyguards were already down and Axel still had two knives left. His next swing was caught by one of them, and Kiaran upon seeing that smirked because he knew what was going to happen.

Axel jumped high in the air and kicked the knife in one of the bodyguard's hands, making it flung away to the other bodyguard right in his eyes.

The bodyguard that was just holding the knife quickly tried to shoot Axel. The boy saw what he was going to do and kicked his head, sending him to the wall and making a little crack sound.

One of the bodyguards tried to shoot from behind and Axel threw his last knife backward without batting an eye. The bodyguard fell down backward from the knife that was stuck in his left neck. Blood oozing down on the white floor, staining it red.

"Oh look, there are five more bodyguards to go," Kiaran commented while putting out a gun and aiming at the camera in the corner of the room.

The woman was startled at the sudden loud bang near her, she looked at Kiaran with a wide eye. "Oops, sorry for startling you, I didn't mean to." The mercenary casually said.

Kiaran lowered his mask and smiled charmingly at the woman. He tucked away his gun and brought out his cigarette. "You want one?" The black hair teen asked.

The woman just stared at him in disbelief. Her mouth agape at the teen's face. Kiaran shrugged, messy black hair bounced around as he lit his cigarette.

Placing a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, his other hand was holding his weight as he leaned back on the woman's table.

"It's my favorite part when he took out his gun, watch." Kiaran nodded at Axel who was still fighting for him.

The woman could not help but look over at Axel. Her eyes were looking at Kiaran and Axel back and forth. Though, her hand slowly reached the gun under her table.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Kiaran stated. He blew some smoke from his lung as he smiled again at the woman. "Watch my brother in action, would you?"

The woman's breath hitched as she saw two more of her bodyguards fall down bleeding on the floor. There were three people left in front of Axel. The boy did not sweat at all as his soft blue eyes turned murderous.

The three bodyguards lunged at Axel. The boy quickly dodged down and rolled under one of the men. His cap fell down as doing so, revealing fluffy black hair underneath.

He took out two guns, spun around, and suddenly the three opponents were already on the ground with a hole in his head. The woman gasped at the corpses in front of her.

A sound of clapping rang in the air as Kiaran blew a whistle at Axel's performance. "That's my brother!" Kiaran exclaimed.

Axel bit back a smile and quickly got his cap back and hid his black hair again. The boy's expression went stoic as he stared at his brother and nodded approvingly.

Kiaran looked over the trembling white-faced woman and nudged her. "He's doing a great job, you should compliment a kid you know."

She staggered back and quickly put out a gun, aiming at Kiaran's head. Kiaran calmly put his hands in the air and raised an eyebrow at the woman. He spat the cigarette in his mouth as Axel aimed his gun at her.

"Put your gun down or I'll shoot him." The woman stated stoically. Her hands trembled as she tried to hold the gun steadily.

"Put your gun down," Kiaran ordered Axel as the blue eyes met the other blue ones.

Axel lowered his gun hesitantly and put it on the floor. His eyes still stared at Kiaran's, questioning what should he do. Kiaran just nodded in assurance and Axel obeyed his brother.

"Okay ma'am, I need you to tell me where the package is and you can live." Kiaran demanded softly at the aggressive woman.

"How can I trust you not going to kill me right after I tell you?" She retorted back as she walked backward slowly.

"And I'm not dumb. I've seen your face now. No one lives after seeing the mercenary's face." She continued, heels clanking with the floor slowly as she still made her way backward.

"Damn, I'm that famous, huh?" Chuckled Kiaran as he smiled delightfully at the woman.

Axel was just standing in silence, worrying about his brother but at the same time, he knew his brother got a plan.

"See, you can trust me because you're the one who is holding the gun at the moment, and I just want to know where the package is and you can run away after telling me," Kiaran reassured. His hands were still in the air, unmoving.

"I can run away right now then, without telling you anything." Said the terrified woman who was somehow still had confidence that he could outrun a murderer and a mercenary.

"You can, yes." Kiaran darted, the teen stared deadly at the woman's eyes. "But if a certain assassin follows you right after, it's not my responsibility."

The woman's eyes widened at his statement. Everyone knew the famous assassin who killed every government higher-up and she was happened to be the government that could be on the assassin's list.

Axel tried to hold his laugh at Kiaran's statement. Adreanna was not even here, it was typical for him to use their older sister as a threat.

"The package is behind that painting, the code is 3379." She stuttered as her eyes stared at a certain painting.

Kiaran smiled at her again and then made his way over the painting. He scanned it and ran his finger on the side of the painting. He raised his eyebrows when he opened the painting, revealing a neat safe behind it.

Kiaran looked at the woman from the corner of his ocean eyes and found the woman trembling like crazy. The woman was staring at him like she was anticipating something to happen.

Kiaran snickered at her and focused back on the safe. He narrowed his eyes at the buttons. He examined it thoroughly, making the tension higher in the air.

The woman's hand was still aiming at Kiaran while Axel was just watching his brother in action. The silence sang in the air, only the woman's ragged breath adorning it.

Kiaran pushed the button slowly, his fingers danced with the button, pushing four-digit numbers. And then a click was heard and the door opened, revealing a white box in front of him.

He took the box and examined it, blue eyes watching the neatly wrapped white box in his hand. He opened it and frowned. He looked up to the woman and chuckled.

"I was not expecting this as a two million dollars worth package, not going to lie, a bit disappointed." He uttered as he walked over to the woman.

His expression went dark as he got even closer to the woman. "You were disappointed too that I could open the safe instead of triggering the police, right?"

The woman was shrinking away, gun still pointing at Kiaran. "S-stay away from me!" She yelled hysterically at him.

"You were giving me the wrong code, I noticed it right away when I saw the safe, the fingerprint was not on the button you told me." He stopped right in front of the woman after he cornered her.

"You were trying to trick a mercenary, ma'am." He teased the woman as he got really close to the woman.

"Don't worry, I'll take whatever I want and leave right away as you told me to." Said Kiaran as he took a step back.

Kiaran played with the box and tossed it in the air just to catch it again. He widened his smile at the woman.

"Too bad I want to take your life too."

Kiaran ducked his head and Axel shot the woman. Her eyes rolled back and the blood splattered on the wall from her head.

Kiaran looked back at Axel and pat his head. "Let's get out of here, shall we?" He said as he put back his mask.

Axel nodded and walked by his brother, blue eyes wandered as they stared at the white box. "What's in that?" The murderer asked.

"Some weird-ass looking a single black arrow." Answered the mercenary as they got out of the room with corpses all over the floor.

"That crazy scientist gives me two million dollars for this shit." He continued as they made their way out, some dead bodyguards were on their way.

Suddenly a sound of a loud siren rang in their ears and someone shouted, guns were aimed at the two masked criminals.

"Put your hands in the air! You are under arrest."

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