Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 97 - Another World Burn : Part 2

"I'm joking, dad." Kiaran laughed at Cain's serious face. He pushed the word 'dad' at the end sarcastically.

He wondered how long it had been since his father stopped using the fake kind smile on him anymore? It seemed like the man realized that the overly kind smile would not work on him.

He was not that naive, you see.

He learnt how to manipulate from the best person anyway by experiencing it first. It did not take long for the student to beat the teacher.

"Of course, you won't do something like that, considering Adreanna could do it on her own." He shrugged, playing with the coin that was in his hand all the time and tossed it to the sky.

Kiaran caught the coin and flipped it to his palm. "But she has another thing to do, you see."

"I know my words won't work on you anyway. You probably won't do it for Adreanna head-on foolishly." He smiled, flashing Cain's identical fake kind smile.

"So what if I change the mindset of your character for the play this way." Kiaran threw the coin and let it get inside his trench coat sleeve. He leaned closer to his father with eyes that formed a crescent moon shape.

"I know who stole mom's body." He whispered playfully. "It's not the president, by the way." He added before opening his eyes to see Cain's shocked and angry face.

"The one who stole her is the one that offered me to grand my play, to make the world burn happened. Her idea is really really fun to do. She is the craziest person that I've ever met."

"You should kill that scientist instead." He hummed at his own words and looked at the traffic below the building.

"I don't really know why she stole her, but that was her intention from the start." He muttered, letting the wind crash onto him, blowing his messy black hair away.

"She did not tell me, though. She did not need to anyway. She was just saying some things that I had to do for her so that I could do my play properly." He shrugged and raised his eyebrows at the mess down below.

Everyone started to run like their lives were on the line. Which was true, by the way. They probably tried to leave the city before another world burn happened.

"She was a good mastermind but not smart enough." He smirked to himself, side-eyeing his father, who slowly approached him and stood by his side.

"I easily found out her intention from the start. She was not the type of the people that wanted to do a world burn just for fun like me." Kiaran revealed his plan, realizing how Cain stole some glances at him, probably trying to understand him.

The man had many opportunities to understand him before. But it was too late. Kiaran was not the same son that he used to abandon.

He was a better version of Cain. The best one. The more wicked one.

Kiaran loved the irony of it. It filled his heart with so much joy.

"The scientist must have had another intention." Kiaran flashed another smile at Cain as he tilted his head dangerously.

"So if you want to know where mother body is, do what I ask you to do, father." He still kept his smile while looking at his father. It was another way to mock the man without being too obvious.

It was fun.

"You let your mother get stolen?" Cain's face went dark at his son, containing the rage within him.

Kiaran flared up his nostrils. "She's dead anyway. I can't bring back someone who's dead, can't I?" He shrugged easily, feeling a mouthful of glee as he managed to make his father mad again.

"Besides, you let your youngest son get stolen too." He raised his eyebrows, stating the fact that made Cain's face freeze.

"And he was alive." Kiaran snorted while walking away from Cain to the edge of the building.

He wore his black mask again and brought out a rope gun from his coat. He smiled for the last time before completely covering half of his face. "So I don't think you have the right to say that."

Then Kiaran let himself fall from the edge, leaving Cain wordless with a buried rage.


The hitman had killed the last government that tried to flee from the city. He blew the car right away as it reached the border, making a ruckus for the people around that tried to evacuate.

It would send the message clear anyway. Especially if Alfred watched what had been going on in the news. They probably showed how the hitman killed people that tried to evacuate, but only some and not all.

Alfred was smart enough to know that Cain only killed the government-

Cain looked up at the sky and shot the helicopter's engine, sending it to crash onto the nearby house.

-and maybe killed some of those that were in his way.

He scanned this surrounding that was full of fire and screamed. Someone fell in front of him and looked up at him with fear. The person was cowering away from him, and Cain smiled kindly from behind his mask.

"P-please spare me!" The person yelled and quickly got up, stumbling his way in order to avoid the hitman.

Ah. Cain forgot that he was wearing a mask. Those who saw his kind smile would die right away since they saw his face. That person was lucky.

He raised his hand in front of his face and caught the knife that almost went inside his eye. He spun the knife pointed it to his right without even looking at the person who tried to creep up to him.

"You're bold trying to attack me in that state, Alea. I thought you were dead, you know? It really is nice seeing you alive. Seems like you've become a talented scientist, hm?" He smiled, finally looking at the woman that was pointing a white gun at his head.

"I was facing an annoying bastard, and I lost my mask to cover my identity." She grunted, staring at Cain with high murderous intent.

"But I handled him better than you, anyway." She added, making Cain raise his eyebrow, intrigued.

"Him?" Cain repeated her words with a knowing look behind his mask.

"Huh." The kind smile still etched on his face. The kind of smile that he always wore every time he faced his opponent. Though he knew that she was not seeing his face right now, he still kept the smile anyway.

"I don't care who he is if he's weaker than me," Cain stated as he dodged the shot from Alea, ducking down to the ground as he sliced the woman's hips.

She retreated back and hissed. "Of course, you don't care."

"You never do." She gritted as she glared daggers at him. Her body was full of bruises, and her clothes were full of burns. It seemed like she had a gruesome fight with 'him'.

"Even when your son got stolen, you did not give a single damn about it." She spat, raising her head high as she aimed the gun at him again.

Her face darkened. "Or when Cecilia died."

Cain suddenly disappeared from her vision in a blink of an eye, running at her with full speed and throwing the woman beside him into a nearby house.

Alea went flying into the window and landed inside. The woman fell onto a table and groaned.

There was a family on the corner of the room, and she gritted her teeth at them. The mad scientist blew each head off with her modified gun and caused the family's body to rot slowly.

Cain sauntered to the front door and kicked it. He opened his mask and smiled at her kindly.

"Be careful with that mouth, scientist." Cain's face still contained with his smile as he spoke. If you saw his face, you would believe that it was genuine when it was not.

"I don't really want to kill you because you were Cecilia's best friend." Cain grabbed her collar and made her get up from the ground to face him.

"Oh, still trying to 'care', huh?" She sneered, staring madly at him. "Your son, the mercenary sold you out, you know? He told me that you would be here."

"That's funny. He also told me that you would be here." Cain chuckled. It was way too friendly for the deadly intention within him.

"He even told me to kill you off." He shrugged and threw the scientist to a wall, making her bounce back down to the ground.

Cain crouched and stared down at Alea. "My son is the best, don't you think? I'm starting to enjoy his play." He grabbed her brown hair and forced her to face him. "By having the stage to kill you."

"You know what, you're right. I don't care." He darted, staring at Alea's teary brown eyes. "I don't care. if you will die."

"Cecilia will accept it if your death will make me happy anyway." Cain gripped the hair harsher, causing her face to become red.

"You took everything from me." She tried to speak, having it hard to even swallow her own saliva.

"Oh, really?" He questioned emphatically with a pair of sympathetic blue eyes.

"That's sad.. " Cain tilted his head and smiled before pushing a gun to her head.

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