Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 98 - Another World Burn : Part 3


The boy ran from his sister, clenching his fists as he gritted his teeth. The red jacket that he borrowed from Adreanna flapped around from the impact of the wind. He ignored the weird stares from the people around him that probably still did not notice that he was the mute murderer.

The moon followed him as he ran aimlessly, trying to calm the feeling of mixed anger and sadness for the fact that Adreanna kept everything from him.

Then he stopped.

He stopped on the empty side road where everyone probably had evacuated from their own houses and tried to save their own lives. Axel bit his lips at his own actions.

Since when did she have to say everything to him? She did not betray him. Why did he overreact? Was he overreacting? Why did he get angry? Should he get angry? But he was just staying with her, so why-

Why was everything so confusing?

Axel gnashed his own lips when he grabbed his black hair. The air was too tight and he felt like he would die for running out of breath.

"Everyone, stay in line! More cars will come. Please don't panic! Everything is being handled just fine." A woman in her late forties yelled, catching Axel's attention from his own anxiety attack.

A building not too far from his right was in a commotion. Everyone kept pushing one another as they tried to get in a car. The woman's face was full of worries, but she still tried to calm herself down for the people around her.

"The kids will get in first and the pregnant women. The next building has to wait for a moment until all the people in this building evacuate. Please remain calm. We still have two more days." She commanded while holding a kid in her hand.

"The mercenary could kill us right here and now. Are you going to be responsible for this, ma'am?!" A man from the next building chimed in, angrily demanded the woman.

She put the kid inside the car and stared at the man with cold determination. "I will be responsible for everything, sir. I can assure you, everything is going to be fine as long as I'm here."

Axel frowned. The woman seemed familiar. He must have seen her somewhere.

Then it got him. It really brought him to the point where his eyes widened. The woman's picture was on Adreanna's wall. She was the vice president of this country that often got underestimated to the point that many people ignored her.

Axel watched as she helped a pregnant woman get inside a bus. There were more cars and buses coming her way, trying to help her evacuate the people around.

The man from earlier looked at her with disdain. "A woman like you should not order shits. You are fucking useless for this country. I am not betting my life on a mere woman like you."

The vice president tried to smile. "Sir. I know I'm not as great as the president himself, but I'm here to help you evacuate. So please wait for your turn."

"For my turn?" He repeated her words and scoffed angrily. "Yeah, right. As if I'm going to give my life up just for this nonsense. I'm leaving on my own. I don't care about your command or not. The world is going to burn, and everyone is going to die."

The man quickly left the building and walked on his own. He made sure to spit in front of her before leaving the scene.

"Sir, wait-" She tried to catch him up but then a swarm of people went past her, following the man's movement to go on their own. Only some people were left to hear her order.

The vice president fell to the middle road from how many people were pushing her. She groaned while trying to ignore the cuts on her arms. That was the reason why she did not have the time to notice a car coming her way at a fast speed.

Axel quickly rushed to her aid. He pulled the woman into his arms and flipped to the air right as the car went past him. She let out a little yelp when he gently dropped her down to the side of the road.

Axel quickly wore the hood of his jacket and lowered it down. He tried to avoid the light and covered his face when the woman got up to face him.

"Thank you for the help, young man. That was very brave of you." She brushed off the dust on her clothes and tried to put on the best smile for him despite her being hurt right now.

"You're the vice president, right?" Axel asked, still praying that she would not notice who he was. "Why didn't you evacuate first?" He continued. It was weird for a government that high to not care about her safety first.

The woman chuckled. "Ah. The people are still in here, no?" She paused and pointed to the people around. "Just because I'm the vice president, doesn't mean I'm going to abandon them."

"This position doesn't make me a queen or a goddess." She stared at Axel's blue eye and rested her hand on top of his hood.

"A queen or king did not live because of their people. They live for their people." She explained under the beam of the moonlight. Axel felt as if he had just seen a real goddess despite what she had just said.

"Being a vice president doesn't mean I can do whatever I like." She darted while signalling her people to get in the car. "I don't control people. People control me."

She diverted her gaze to Axel again and retreated her hand from his head. "I'm just following their wishes and trying to do my best."

Axel froze in front of her smile. He watched her with sincerity. The woman looked so tired, and yet she still managed to talk to him and tried to handle everything.

Then a phone rang inside her pocket, making the vice president quickly turn away from him.

"Ah, wait a second." She muttered while bringing her phone to her ear with a serious face.

Axel watched her back with an unexplainable gaze. She was going to die sooner or later, right? She was one of Adreanna's targets.

He never really thought about the people he killed before. Kiaran always had all the information, and Axel would just mindlessly follow his brother's orders.

The boy tried to look away from the woman to shove the early guilt within him. His blue eye quickly caught a young girl who was staring at him like he had grown a second head.

The ponytail kid with a teddy bear in her hand was looking at him wide-eyed. Axel raised his eyebrows, making his eyepatch tug upward a little. The girl pointed at the wanted poster near her and then went to point at his face.


Axel lowered his hood and put a finger to his mouth, signalling her to shut her mouth. He did not mean to be scary, but he guessed that he was pretty terrifying in the girl's eyes.

The girl froze in fear and nodded. She turned around and quickly rushed inside a car as if she had just seen a demon.

Which, ironically, she just did.

Axel diverted his focus to the woman again. She was frowning as she received the call. The boy observed the vice president quietly.

She was a good person, but she was the government. Would Adreanna kill her too?

She was not like the other governments, though.

"I just got a call. The governments that tried to evacuate had been wiped out." She spoke to one of her men after ending the call. Axel managed to catch a glimpse of her words.

"I told them to help the people first... damn it!" She raged, biting the lower lip to calm her nerves.

"The hitman is trying to kill every government that tried to evacuate, warn them all now!" She commanded to her men, shouting as she tried to focus on evacuating the people first.

She turned around and put her phone into her pocket again. "Right. Young man, you should evacuate-"

She snapped her mouth shut when she did not see any sign of the boy anymore. "Huh. Where did he go?"

The woman tried to search for him again. She looked around and found no trace of the boy. Maybe he had gone into one of the transportation?

She exhaled and ignored the wanted poster in front of her. "He seems familiar.. I hope he will be okay."

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