Ten years ago a war was fought agist a evil force. a destined to destroy the evil wielding a magicl blade called Demonsong is killed and sent ten years into the future. once he gets to ten years in the future he, a elven girl named Sophia and a Drahonblo
Ten years ago a war was fought agist a evil force. a destined to destroy the evil wielding a magicl blade called Demonsong is killed and sent ten years into the future. once he gets to ten years in the future he, a elven girl named Sophia and a Drahonblood named Quinn must find a way to stop this new unknown evil that threatens the world and quite possibly the universe.
- 1 1 Prologue Ten years ago
- 2 2 Sophia ravencraf
- 3 3 Remembering the lost years
- 4 4 The kingdom of Nevermore
- 5 5 The First Elder God
- 6 6 meeting with a long lost friend
- 7 7 Voidheart reawakens Kain Komba
- 8 8 The Black Dragon Inn
- 9 9 The First Bladewalker
- 10 10 The city of Xen
- 11 11 The Elder Lord Council
- 12 12 The Creators Gifts
- 13 13 The Jury of the Black Gods
- 14 14 The Xin'sdarx
- 15 15 A Meeting with a Shadow Dragon
- 16 16 The Forest of Dra'sghoul
- 17 17 The Prisoner, Eli Roads
- 18 18 Lupine Riddle reborn
- 19 19 The breaking of the Seal of Abordawn
- 20 20 Ryi'sjune meets Black Racer
- 21 21 The Ashen Desser
- 22 22 The Flame of Creation
- 23 23 A place to call home
- 24 24 Kar'sree and Chistina
- 25 25 The lighting of the Flame of Creaton
- 26 26 The world beyond the void
- 27 27 The Dessert of Iron Sand
- 28 28 Kite and Krissy Evergreen
- 29 29 Dark desires of the broken mind
- 30 30 Ai'snasha and Bran Dra'sghoul
- 31 31 Ryi'sjunes last ac
- 32 32 Epilouge
- 33 33 Child of the Heveans
- 34 34 Ravens visit from Ryi'sjune
- 35 35 Rebirth
- 36 36 Natasha Fairchild the last Angel of Overworld
- 37 37 The Birth of Bastion Fairchild
- 38 38 Natashia Fairchild and Xin Ti'sryll
- 39 39 The Mark of the Achangel
- 40 40 Karen Snow
- 41 41 A evil from a ancient time
- 42 42 Bastion Fairchild
- 43 43 The Changing of the old guard
- 44 44 Bastions Dream
- 45 45 The Awaking of Lupine Riddle
- 46 46 The Tree of the Multiverse
- 47 47 Prolouge
- 48 48 The Trail of Nathaniel Kingsmen
- 49 49 The Betrayer
- 50 50 The Child of the Betrayer
- 51 51 Lost in Time, Forever frozen in a world unchanging to the passage of time
- 52 52 The First Dragonborn
- 53 53 The Children of the Dragonborn
- 54 54 Ten years earlier
- 55 55 The Tale of two brothers
- 56 56 Prolouge The Birth of a Demon
- 57 57 The Counicl of Three
- 58 58 Jasons Vision of the Future
- 59 59 one hundred and fiftytwo years of marridge to a Vampire Queen
- 60 60 Awaking in a new world
- 61 61 Dr. Matthew Spector Lazaruass project jounarl entry one:
- 62 62 Lazarus Project Phase One Journal Entry Two.
- 63 63 Lazarus Project Journal Entry three
- 64 64 Lazarus Project Journal Entry four final stage of phase one
- 65 65 Feaster's purpose
- 66 66 Azora Vi'sharee
- 67 67 Kendo Yi'shara
- 68 68 Midnight Snack
- 69 69 Azoras Fated Fight against Feaster
- 70 70 Rise of The Dragon King
- 71 71 The Mark of the Dragonborn
- 72 72 Mikka Dra'sghoul bearer of the Mark of the Archangel
- 73 73 The Cult of Siv'svorea the world eater
- 74 74 Training in the Rain
- 75 75 Time Jump ten Years Birth of Silva son of Father Nine,Grandson to Father Prime
- 76 76 A Enemy of the Past Returns
- 77 77 Mai meets Kan'sya Nightwolf
- 78 78 Mikka's inner jounrey
- 79 79 Mikka and Mai
- 80 80 Father Nine summons Father Prime
- 81 81 The Re-Re-Return of Lupine Riddle
- 82 82 Draco Vermillions fight with Lupine
- 83 83 Lupine faces The Flashpoin
- 84 84 Prolouge
- 85 85 Vi'shan son of Ava'stra Evermoon
- 86 86 Vi'shan helps an old man
- 87 87 Marco Blackwell
- 88 88 Vi'shan meets Marco
- 89 89 Vexatar joins the group
- 90 90 The Return of Tyirexeon the Vampirc King
- 91 91 Vi'shan meets Terra Vermillion
- 92 92 The Map
- 93 93 Vi'shan and Terra
- 94 94 The journey though Varburn Woods to the Life Tree
- 95 95 The King of the Dragonblade Thorne
- 96 96 Brandy Vermillion
- 97 97 The Artis
- 98 98 The High El'stare converge
- 99 99 The masscure of The El'stare
- 100 100 Vi'shans Awaking
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