
Chapter 150


Demonflame and Arron reach the Rip in the space time vortex, Demonflame looked upon it and saw massive darkness as time entered its great maw. Demonflame took the bomb and leapt into the Time vortex.

Lupine sensing what was about to happen teleported to the Rip and grabbed Demonflame "your to late Lupine we are already falling into the Rip."

Lupine tried to escape but soon stopped he knew that he could not escape death forever. Lupine released his Kyi and fell into the Rip Demonflame thorw the bomb onto Lupine right as he entered the Rip.

There was a pop and Lupine screaming a hellish scream as the expolion tore his body to pieces and then then atomized them into nothingness as time was rapidly sucked into the vortex. Lupine remind concures

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as he saw events pass by him, His life with Maggie gone in an instent, she had someelse next to her but he could not see. all he saw was a grey blur.

Lupine using all of his mental power foucsed on the blur but he still could not see it, the memory

was to far away

Lupine knew that even though he was destoryed somehow in some way a Riddle would take his place @@

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