Desolate World

Chapter 149 - Town Wall

Troy was bored. It had been 10 minutes since he was 'put under custody' by the wolves.

The silver wolf seemed to be sleeping, as he could hear a soft snore from it. As for the other wolves. Some of them took a turn to eat the carcass of the boar. And the rest were playing among themselves.

'When can I go?' Troy asked in his heart while chewing a slice of bread. 

He just realized that his fullness had been below 60% for some time. So he must eat something to make it back above 70. 

Then he realized a wolf was sniffing at his bread.

"Do you want it?"

The wolf then looked at him with enthusiasm and even wagged its tail. 

Troy smiled. He then took a chunk of his bread and gave it to the wolf. 

The wolf accepted it with excitement and began to eat it. From the way it ate it, he was sure it enjoyed the bread.

"That's a good deed. I thank you on my nephew's behalf," Troy then heard a man's voice.

He then saw a tall man with some of his colleagues walking in his direction. What surprised him was that not all of them were human. A short green man with large pointy ears and a dark woman with a pair of purple eyes were also among them. He then knew that the two of them were a goblin and a shadow after checking their information. He also just realized that an elf was also with them.

"You seem to be confused about something. But, it's alright. You will comprehend everything when you are in the town for a few days. 

By the way, maybe you know my name. But it is a custom among us earthlings to introduce ourselves, right? 

Nice to meet you, my name is Sampson. I'm the captain of the combat team of Nightglow Guild.

Welcome to Laketown, " The tall man said while offering his hand to Troy.

'A higher up from a guild,' Troy concluded.

He then recalled the past. When the Sunny Gulf Guild came knocking on the door of his shop to offer him an olive branch. He then arrogantly refused their offer without much thought. 

How many times he regretted that decision. He knew that they were bastards, but they were strong and the interests of many people were placed at the guilds. So offending them was similar to challenging many people. 

He didn't want to repeat the same mistake that he had made. So, he shook Sampson's hand. He even showed the best smile he could make.

"Thank you for saving me. My name is Troy," He introduced himself.


After Sampson came, the silver wolf led the other wolves to leave. Troy saw them go through the mist and just disappeared like that, even without Sampson's order. 

Sampson complained that the wolf was too arrogant. It only listened to his owner, who was a kid with the name 'Geo', the son of Sampson's little brother.

However, he also praised that all of his nephew's pets were really smart. Although they couldn't talk, they seemed to understand people's saying. Sampson also said that the pets had succeeded in rescuing 3 guardians in the wild including Troy, as Ace —his brother— asked Geo to order his pets to do that.

The muscular man then told him that his guild was assisting the town hall to rescue any guardian that was summoned outside of the town. Although, at the moment, their guild only had a few guardians as members, they already had more than 100 townsmen as the personnel.

From Sampson, Troy got the gist of the situation of Laketown. It was built with a unique city core that enabled it to shelter many races. At the moment, eight races were residing in the town. 

He was surprised to be told that Sampson's brother was one of the elders in the town. Although he was just a guardian, he held a large influence in the town. It was because his family had saved many people these few months.

Influenced by Sampson's openness, Troy also answered truthfully about his circumstance. How as a production player with a C rarity job, runemaster, he was summoned a little dar from the settlement. He told them that he had died two times before, during his attempts to go to the town.

As they walked out of the forest, Troy saw the massive wall about two kilometers from his location. Its height was 30 meters. He couldn't imagine how the townsmen had built it. Outside of the wall were vast farm fields, where wheat was growing. 

Troy was amazed at how they had arranged the field. He couldn't believe it was just wilderness three months ago. What he saw was mature farm management, not lost to the management of an agriculture sanctuary in the real world. Well, maybe it was lost in technology.

While the farmers were busy with their fields, several guards could be seen patrolling the farm area. He also saw some tamed monsters loitering on the fields. They were monsters that looked like cows and rhinoceros. It made no wild monsters dared to enter the fields destroying townsmen's hard work.

When entering into the town wall, he got a notification that he got 500 experience and some reputation for reaching the settlement. 

But he ignored them as he was surprised at the thickness of the town wall. It was 10 meters thick. It couldn't be compared to his last town's wooden town wall. Although he knew that the defense of the town would mostly be done by the barrier, such a thick and tall wall gave its residents insurance and a proud feeling. He even felt lucky to have been summoned to such a strong town. 

Sampson said that it was built by the Earth Mages of the Gnomes. They were experts in earth manipulation. It made him want to meet them.

After reaching the inside of the wall, Sampson excused himself, as he wanted to go to the top of the wall. He had a duty to respond to any signal from Geo's pets, if they succeeded in rescuing guardians like him.

But before they parted ways, he asked, "There are already 34 guardians that chose to join our guild, based on the guild's information. But, it will be fun to have you around too.

So, do you want to join us?"


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