Desolate World

Chapter 43 - Unexpected Situation

When the crayfish's HP bar was just about 5% left, Mars flew higher. He then put two of his arms high, then a small ball of fire appeared above them. The ball was just like the sun.

Ace, who was a few kilometers from the battlefield, felt the temperature become a lot warmer. He didn't know what happened, but massive steam was created from the surface of the lake, as if the water in the lake was boiling.

The crayfish then tried to dive underwater, but no one tried to stop it. Eric, Erica, and Aria flew far away as if they wanted to stay away from the lake. 

The fireball continued to grow until it was about 10 meters. Mars then swung his arms, and the fireball descended with high velocity to the lake.


A ridiculously powerful explosion then occurred. It was several times stronger than the explosion that was caused by crayfish.


A mournful shriek then was heard. Even Ace's party far away from the lake could hear it.

The shock wave of the explosion swept everything around the lake. Not a few small trees were uprooted and flew a few dozens of meters. 

Ace almost fell down from a tree branch that he climbed to watch the battle. However, what was unexpected for him, he didn't suffer any damage unlike before.

'What's happened? How could I not be hurt just now? It's unscientific,' Although he was fine, he was still troubled by the fact in front of him.

Ace then looked at Gon, he was also fine. After asking about it to him, Gon reluctantly explained.

It turned out that, because Mars meant well to him, the world determined him as one of the group members of Mars, so some after-effects of the group members' attacks wouldn't hurt him.

'So I was included by Mars to his party. Like when I included Adrian's family into my party. NPC can also include players into his group,' Ace made a conclusion.

And then Ace remembered, Red and Blue always used thunder-type attacks when fighting. If there weren't a rule like that, it wasn't impossible some people would get electrocuted. However, until today, no one ever suffered such an accident. Moreover, they fought many times inside Misty Forest which had a damp environment. So logically some of them should be electrocuted, but the fact proved otherwise.

'Wait, if I was included to Mars's group, then logically the system would surmise that I had a contribution in the previous fight,' Ace theorized in his head.

A few seconds later, Ace got a notification that he leveled up to level 20. He leveled up six times. It was a pleasant surprise for him. He couldn't help to smile. He imagined if he dealt some damage to the crayfish he would get more experience.

'Don't be greedy,' Ace shook his head. Even if he attacked the crayfish, it was almost impossible for him to deal some damage, as his level was far more inferior than the gigant, moreover, it was a lord monster.

Ace looked at Gon, he had leveled up once to level 28. Ace was surprised he got so little experience. However, he then understood, like him, Gon didn't contribute anything in the fight, so it was normal he only got a little benefit. 

He then checked his gains. Every time he hit five levels he would get a new skill or trait. However, what he got was outside of his imagination. 

After reaching level 15, he got a mastery skill. 

• Dice and token mastery: can use a dice and 5 tokens as extra weapons. 

He was glad to get this skill. At first, he was in doubt, as in Joker job's description, it had 3 kinds of weapons that he could use. However, after becoming a joker, he only got a card throwing mastery. 

He was pretty disappointed after knowing that dice and token mastery didn't have level. It meant he could only use a dice and 5 tokens, without a chance to upgrade it.

However, what made him feel strange was he got an attribute increase for reaching level 20, not trait or skill. He got an additional 50 points of magic defense. 

50 extra points of magic defense really helped him. As a joker, what he lacked most was physical and magic defense. Of course, they could be supplemented by wearing good equipment. However, as he couldn't access a settlement, it was almost impossible for him to make or buy one.

However, what made him surprised was the next notification of the system.

[Congratulations, you have reached level 20. You got traits:

# Learner: Can learn skills from external sources.

# Mana gatherer: Can get experience by gathering mana from the environment or special objects.]

[Killing an enemy have a small possibility to get skill crystal]

[Skill crystals transaction in the auction is unlocked]

He was amazed that he got so much by leveling up to level 20. He had a gut feeling that reaching level 20 was a special milestone for him and maybe all players.

He then consulted about these two traits to Gon. Surprisingly, Gon's bad mood seemed to be lessened to a great extent.

"It means that level 20 is a transition point of your race. For us, dragon race especially dragonlings, level 10 is our transition point. 

Before experiencing a transition, dragonlings and dragon infants only had several skills that are inherited from the dragon bloodline. After reaching level 10, they can learn many skills by training or other external means. 

They can also consume monster cores and meditate to generate experience to level up besides killing enemies. Actually, in my race, meditation is an important activity, especially for dragonling. Because by meditating, they can unlock their potential and become real dragons.

Like me, I was used to being a dragonling, at level 17 I successfully unlocked my potential and evolved to be an earth dragon. You know, it was really hard to evolve to be a real dragon. In every 100 dragonlings, maybe only 1 to 5 that successfully evolve to be a dragon," Gon explained it with a proud expression.

Ace could only nod his head frequently. Looking at Ace, who was listening seriously, Gon's mood improved rapidly. He then told his past when he was still a dragonling to Ace.

'So, every player would get the same traits after reaching level 20. 'Learner' trait enables players to study other skills. If so, a player can have so many skills. No, there are surely some limitations. Like mage class can't learn warrior skills and so on. 

But, it also means that maybe I will no longer get a skill or even trait when reaching level 25.

However, can get experience by consuming monster cores and meditating is a good thing. It also answers my doubt back then when Gon leveled up by eating monster cores,' Ace tried to summarize Gon's explanation.


As everyone assembled at the shore of the lake, Ace discovered that Mars leveled up once to level 69, Eric and Erica leveled up 5 times to level 37 and Aria leveled up 2 times to level 44.

Ace concluded that killing a lord monster would give much experience, even Mars who is a dragon lord who had 18 levels higher than the crayfish had leveled up once. However, he then retracted his conclusion. Mars might have already stored some experience, so when he killed the gigant he got some amount of experience that was enough to level up.

"Okay, the crayfish is dead. There shouldn't be any trouble anymore in this lake. Miss Aria, where shall we build the village?" Mars asked.

"The lake is very large. I need some time to determine the most suitable spot. I think you could start the relocation," Aria said.

"Okay. Eric, Erica, tomorrow you two should come back to Dragma Valley and inform Lord Dragna and Lord Gabriel that the place has been found," Mars said to the two dragons.

"Yes, Boss!" Eric and Erica nodded.

"Oh, I almost forget. This is for you. You can decide for yourselves who will learn it," Mars then gave a blue crystal to Eric.

With a puzzled expression, Eric took the crystal. After examining it for a while, with a shocked expression he shouted, "Bubble Blast?! Is it the ultimate skill of the gigant?"

Mars nodded, "Yes, it is a pretty good ultimate skill. It requires the user's HP to be below 25% to activate the skill. You can use it multiple times. After learning it, you can advance to be an elite dragon."

Everyone was shocked. Ace could see Eric's and Erica's complexions became complicated. Eric then said," Sister, take it! I think it is suitable for you."

Erica shook her head, "No, your magic power is stronger than mine, this skill will deal massive damage if it is supported by strong magic power. I prefer a skill that emphasizes speed or continuous attacks."

Eric nodded, "I got it. Thank you, Boss! Thanks, Sister!"

Erica smiled. Although it was very subtle, Ace found bitterness in her expression. Ace sighed, 'What an enviable family love.'

Ace then thought about his brother, Sampson. They always had a quarrel whenever they had a chance.

'That was also good,' Ace couldn't help but smile. He couldn't imagine his brother would change to be nicer. Moreover, actually, he enjoyed having a competition and quarreling with his brother.

"Good, but that was not the end. Erica, take it! You can comprehend a skill or two if you study it while meditating," Mars threw a blue pearl-like object that should be a monster core to Erica.

Erica caught the monster core with a lost expression. After knowing what it was, Erica shouted excitedly, "Thank you, Boss! I will absolutely use the opportunity that you have given to me the best I can."

"You have to learn it before tomorrow. It will ensure your safety when escorting the people when you come back here," Mars said.

Eric and Erica nodded.  The brother and sister then left the rest to find a quiet place to learn the skill and meditate.

Ace looked at the leaving dragons with an approving smile until he heard his name was called.

"Ace, It's your turn. Maybe you can guess what I want to ask. However, I need to explain something to you," Aria said.

Ace nodded. However, in his heart, he said, 'No, I still don't understand anything.'


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