Desolate World

Chapter 44 - Aria's Quest

[You triggered a quest: find some people]


To build a village according to Aria's requirements, you are asked to find at least 100 humans (NPC) and bring them to Aria.


• 15,000 exp

• 1 acre of land inside the new village.

• 1,000 reputations in the new village.]

After listening to Aria's explanation, Ace got such a quest. She explained that she had invented a city core that enabled them to build a village for a minimum of 8 races. 

Angel and dragon races as initiators and 3 other races, that were elves, dwarves, and gnomes that were rescued from the wilderness by angels were already 5 races that would become inhabitants of the village. So Ace, as human, was requested to find at least 100 human NPCs as the sixth race. As for the seventh and eighth races, they should be searched together around the misty forest.

However, there was a doubt in Ace's heart. He then asked, "I still didn't understand. Why was it required 8 races to build the village? Can't your city receive other races as its inhabitants?"

It was apparent that Ace's questions made Aria surprised. Then she shook her head and said, "It seems you haven't understood the difference between the cities before the world changed and after that. As the world changed, its rules were changed as well. Not only the creatures were affected, but nature also experienced many changes.

The contour of the world was changed. Such as mountains, deserts, lakes even seas suddenly appeared from thin air in some areas. The mana density suddenly rose to some degree. We, as the inhabitants of the world, must adapt to the changes.

Now come back to the cities. Before the world changed, a place was called a city or a village if there were many buildings and some amount of people inhabit it. However, it is not the case anymore. 

As many races that were so different were placed in one world, many wars and conflicts occurred. The defense of the city couldn't hold back the continuous attacks from enemies. As a result, the city's inhabitants were either chased away, enslaved, or worse, slaughtered, after the city defense was beaten.

Then the scholars of many races found a way to strengthen the defense of the city from many sources. They just need to place a city core in the center of an area that has a rich mana concentration. A barrier will enclose the area once the core is activated.

However, the city core also has other uses other than for defense. Many amazing buildings which have various magical functions can be built inside it. It can also summon guardians from another world such as you to protect the existence of the city. 

And the last use was important for the development of the inhabitants of it. It can convert mana from the environment around it to strengthen its inhabitants' power automatically. So, as long as people are inside it, they will get a steady experience, although not much. If you can already meditate, the effect will be multiplied.

However, the common city core can just accommodate a race. It means the guardians that were summoned will only be from that race and only that race that have the access to the converted experience."

"And your city core was different?" Ace asked.

"Yes. My city core is different. It can accommodate 8 or more races. So please help us gather humans," Aria asked.

Ace nodded, "I will try."


Two hours later Sofia and the rest arrived at the shore. When Geo saw the lake, he was excited. It couldn't be helped, it was the first time he saw a large lake. In fact, It was also the same for the rest. However, as adults, they could hold themselves better. 

Cloud then asked her grandson and Mia, Adrian's daughter to play on the shore. After traveling together for a few days, Geo and Mia, whose ages were not too different, became friends and often played together. Cloud as a doting grandmother would accompany them when playing.

Geo's pets didn't want to be left behind, followed them. 

Ace then introduced his family and Adrian's to Aria, Gon, and Mars. Looking at the huge Mars, they were alarmed. The atmosphere became awkward afterward. However, Ace thought that they would adapt fast, as Mars actually was pretty kind. As for Gon, he was in 'cool' mode, looking somewhat indifferent to Ace's family.

After examining everyone, Ace found that everyone's level had increased at least one level. 

"It was a shame you weren't with us. The monsters became crazy and attacked us desperately. Besides gotten enough experience to level up, we also got many materials," Sampson said smugly.

"Yeah, it's a shame," Ace said lightly.

Sampson seemed to realize that something was wrong. He then looked at Ace intently, he then said with surprise, "F***, how come?"

"Hahaha, just luck…," Ace said.

"Come on! I won't let you go until you talk," Sampson said sternly.

Looking at his curious brother and the others who seemed also surprised, Ace told them all.

Everyone then looked at Ace with a weird look, even Sampson gazed at him with a blank look. In the and Adrian said, "You are so lucky Ace. I never met a level 50 monster, let alone a giant monster. And gotten goodwill from a powerhouse just after meeting, it was so absurd."

"Yeah. As I said, I was lucky. By the way, I think it is edible. I mean the crayfish. How about we take some of its remains?" Ace suggested. He wanted to shift the topic. As he saw his brother was pretty annoyed. He didn't know what he would do if they continued to discuss it. In at worst case, Sampson would annoy him for days.

"But how? It was at the bottom of the lake," Adrian asked.

Ace just smiled. He then approached Aria and said his idea. Aria agreed and then talked to Mars. Mars was interested in the idea and then dived into the lake directly. 

After waiting for three minutes, everyone saw the carcass of the gigant afloat on the surface of the lake. The size of the gigant made Ace's family and Adrian's family agape. Ace also was shocked, not at its size but how could Mars lift such a huge object to the surface by himself. 

That night, everyone had a sumptuous dinner. They also got a lot of materials from the gigant's carcass. Its shell was so thick, it was almost impossible to make it as armor material. However, Aria said that maybe she could make something from it.

Ace then explained Aria's request before to his party. It made Adrian so excited. He and his family left the underground cave to find a settlement and life under the sunlight. He never had thought, his destination would be right outside of the cave he used to live in for months. He said that everyone would be glad to join the village that Aria wanted to build.

He just felt sorry that their quantity was still less than 100. However, he was sure they could find more people around the misty forest. As when they ran away from the war, they saw many people also entered the forest. It was just that it would require more time to find them, as the mist in the forest was pretty this, so the searching 

Cloud then suggested finding them by following the river in the North and East of the Lake. As all people need water to live. Everyone agreed to start the search after bringing Adrian's people outside.

After cleaning themselves, they made a bonfire and slept next to it.


In the morning, Ace's group decided to go. Adrian said the entrance to the passage was behind a waterfall a few kilometers in the North. 

Ace didn't see Eric and Erica when he said his plan to Aria. He thought maybe they still digested their harvest. Aria was interested in his plan and said she wanted to go with them. Ace could only agree. 

"There is a place like that? It's interesting. I will also go," Mars said after Aria and Ace explained their plan.

"But, the passage was very narrow. I'm afraid you can't go in," Ace said.

Mars smirked, "Of course I can."

Mars's body then shrank at a rapid pace. He then changed to become a human. No… it somewhat similar to human. He had golden eyes, short red hair, and a pair of horns were on his head. His height was around 1,8 meters. 

Ace could just freeze watching Mars's transformation.

"So, can I go in now?" Mars asked with a teasing tone.

Ace could only nod, "Sure! I think so."


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