Desolate World

Chapter 96 - Controversy

"It will also benefit the village, if we build the adventurer guild there. You don't have to go far away to issue missions," Sofia then said with a meaningful glance.

Aria seemed to know what Sofia meant. She said in a disappointed tone, "Sorry Sofia, although you are my friend, I can not give you too many advantages. Every guardian should get similar chances to grow."

Sofia seemed also to be disappointed with Aria's decision. However, Ace understood Aria's feelings. She should be disgusted by what they tried to do. Moreover, as an angel, she was a lawful good race according to many games and stories that he had played and read in the past. Someone like her would never tolerate something like this. So Ace knew he should take an initiative.

Ace then said, "How if we consult it to Mars? He is the village head after all."

Aria showed her dissatisfaction, but she nodded. She said, "Although I think it is useless, as he will decide the same."

'We'll see,' Ace said in his heart.

They then went to Mars's residence. It was a big building that was similar to the temples in ancient Roman. It was built almost entirely with stone blocks. There were many stone pillars that supported the heavy stone roof. It had two large, heavy wooden doors in the entrance that were suitable for Mars's size. 

For a note, he built this residence without other people's help. He took and sculpted the stones one by one by himself. He was also the one that assembled every part of the residence. Because of that, although the building was out of place with its surroundings, no one said anything, even Aria.

When they arrived, they saw Mars in his human form was chiseling the surface of the wall with the beautiful engraving. Knowing that there were people who wanted to meet him. He stopped what he was doing and welcomed them.

"What is it?" Mars asked.

Aria then said Ace and Sofia's request. She then said her refusal to give them preferential treatment for them, as it was not fair for the future guardians. Mars only nodded while listening to her.

Mars then looked at Ace and asked, "What do you say?"

Like before, Ace was pretty nervous when met Mars. But maybe after traveling with the dragon for some time, he could say his point of view. 

"I'm just asking for what we deserve," Ace said. He was sure that short sentence was enough to be his argument. 

Aria frowned. But, she seemed to want to wait for Mars's opinion.

"Well, then give him what he wants. Anything else?" Mars said with an indifferent tone.

Mars's answer made Ace smile. Even Sofia breathed a sigh of relief.

"What?! Why?" Aria was so surprised that she heightened her tone.

"Why not? It's only land, after all," Mars said with a flat tone.

"Huh? But it wouldn't be fair to the later guardians," Aria said.

Mars frowned after hearing Aria's outburst. He then said, "Miss Aria, you said 'later' and 'future' guardians several times. But, did you forget who helped you design the village? Who did find and save the refugees? Who helps us clear the forest with the villagers? They are Ace's family. Not the 'later' and the 'future' guardians.

Why didn't you protest when I assigned the new humans and goblin as the elder of the village? But you deny the contributions of Ace and the others. Is that fair? Any questions?" Mars asked while glaring at the angel.

With an ashamed expression, Aria said, "No."

"Thank you, Boss!" Ace said with gratitude. 

Ace wanted to bow his head to Mars for his decision. In almost 2 weeks' journey coming back to the village, he witnessed how Mars behaved. He was not a typical leader who liked a formality like most sanctuary majors or bureaucrats. Who were rigid in implementing regulations. 

He was more like a tyrant. Yes! A good tyrant. He wouldn't shy in giving preferential treatment to his favorite and trusted subordinates. Because of his character, Ace was sure It would make people under him try their best to show their worth. 

Of course, it could lead to corruption of his subordinates and dissatisfaction from normal people. But, Ace believed Mars would not easily be influenced by some of his rotten subordinates. He had a bottom line after all. To whoever crossed it, he would be merciless. 

"It's okay. Continue your good work!" Mars said.

"Yes, boss!" Ace said. Although he had visualized the result from the start, he couldn't help but be touched by Mars's decision. It made him want to work harder for the dragon.

On the way back to the village hall, Aria didn't say anything. She seemed to haven't been able to accept Mars's decision yet. But, as an upright person, Ace believed she would do what Mars had decided.

As they entered the village hall, Noah and Kira were still waiting. Ace grinned at them. As if knowing the results, they couldn't help but smile although not too obviously. After all, Aria was there.

Although Ace was not intentional, whether it was Phil, Noah, or Kira had formed a faction with him. The difficulty that they had passed together, made them have camaraderie among them.


It was then Sofia's turn of performance. She then pointed to a spot near the plaza. It made Aria frown, but she could only nod. However, Sofia didn't want to put Aria's initial arrangement out of order. Actually, knowing her husband would get an acre of land, she had started her plan while she helped Aria make the village's design.

She then rearranged the village design according to the modified version that she had prepared. It made Aria dumbfounded. The new plan that Sofia proposed didn't make Aria have to revise the village design. 

Looking at how Sofia rearranged the design a little, but could maintain her overall concept, Aria showed a helpless smile. At this point, she should understand that Sofia had planned the plan while helping her arrange the village design.

Sofia knew that by exposing it, Aria would never trust her like before. But, at least she wanted to show the angel that even if she had other thoughts over something, she wouldn't harm her and would put Aria's interest into consideration. After all, she wanted to maintain her friendship with Aria.

"Okay, You win. And thank you for your consideration. But, next time, please tell me your thoughts directly. so we don't have to undergo such drama," Aria said.

Sofia smiled guiltily and said, "Sorry!"

Although she said that, she knew well that this angel wouldn't approve her plan if she said it from the beginning, as Sofia knew how stubborn and righteous Aria was. 


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