Desolate World

Chapter 97 - Plans

Next was Kira's turn. He said that goblins weren't good at fighting, but they were good farmers and good craftsmen.

Aria seemed to think hard about how to place the goblins.

Ace somehow could understand her difficulty. As they were good farmers, they could be placed in the South to do farming work like humans and maybe elves. But their lack of fighting ability would be a problem. As the west area would be exposed to the possibility of monster attacks anytime, the farmers also needed to know how to defend themselves. 

Ace then had an idea. He then said, "How about putting them in the crystal garden. They will be perfect to maintain the garden. Maybe you have heard it. They lived well in the cave for some time. If not because of the continuous attacks of the monsters and the vampires' arrival, I believe they would live there well.

My idea is to place them on the upper North side with dwarves. While dwarves are responsible to ensure the security of the underground, the goblins can take care of the garden. Moreover, the two of them were good craftsmen, they would have a good synergy."

Aria's face lightened up. Ace couldn't see her past frown. It showed him that she didn't like to hold a grudge. It made him relieved. After all, she was the core personnel of the village. Nothing good would happen if he offended her.

"It's a good idea. Kira, your people will be assigned to the crystal garden. It is an important place, where precious herbs and fruit are growing. I need to talk with Mars first about it. Please follow me," Aria said. 

She then stood up and was ready to leave. But, she didn't forget to say to Noah, Sofia, and Ace, "As for the rest, you can leave. Thank you for coming."

Later he heard from Kira that the goblins would maintain the crystal garden in the future. But, they couldn't be idle for the time being. Mars appointed Gon to be responsible for creating tunnels between the village and the crystal garden. while waiting for the dwarves, the goblin would also help him.

That night, Ace met Gon to congratulate him on getting a new responsibility. Only to be scoffed off by the gloomy dragon. But somehow, Ace could see the joy in his eyes. It seemed Gon had found his place. 

In Ace's opinion, Gon was not suitable in battle based on his timidity. But, who said that a dragon couldn't become a craftsman?

When Ace said that, Gon was only silent. But, Ace knew that a new door was opened in front of him. Ace then thought of a more extreme idea. But, He would wait for Gon to adapt and enjoy his newfound role. Ace could only give his blessing to his dragon friend.

That night, Ace couldn't sleep right away. He was thinking about the idea that he had just gotten. For a note, after a week they couldn't come back to his original world, Ace's family felt dizzy and sleepy. It puzzled them, because as they knew, it was impossible for them to get sleepy in that world. 

Cloud then theorized that it was a defense mechanism that their brain had. Because they had never put their consciousness to rest in the true sense for a long time since they played the game, their brains felt a kind of fatigue. Then it demanded them to sleep. 

They then slept for the first time in that world. Ace himself could only sleep for five hours. After that, they found that they could sleep if they wanted to. But, even if they didn't sleep for several days, they wouldn't feel dizzy or sleepy. Since that day, sleeping had become a kind of relaxation for them, because after waking up, they would feel refreshed.

Came back to his idea. He got the idea after recalling that they had some unused job changing scrolls. except for one healer scroll that was used to change Mia's job to be a healer. 

"What are you thinking?" Sofia, who was lying beside him, asked.

Ace then looked at her and said, "Do you remember the job changing scrolls that we have?"

Sofia was still puzzled, but she still answered, "Yes, I still can't make something like that. Even if my writing skill is already level 6, I still can't make this kind of scroll. So, what about them?"

Ace then said," I have an idea. How if we expand our group further. We already have land to build our guild house. What we need next is personnel. So, I think we should start the recruitment as fast as possible. It would be best if we can finish our building and start the production before the other guardians appear.

By doing so, we will have a solid foundation in this village."

Sofia nodded. Then she said, "I agree. However, it shouldn't be you who does it. Let your brother and Adrian who are responsible for the recruitment. It's time for them to take some responsibility. The clauses of the contract should be the same as the contract that Adian's family had signed. 

As for you, I think you have to start your journey immediately. Because, like you can see. Mars was too preoccupied to decorate his magnificent house. Aria and I are busy making sure the development of the village is on track. As for Gon, you know yourself how he is. Practically, no one can search the refugees except you. 

And don't bring your son along. When you are away, there were some cases of monster attacks on the perimeter of the village. I intend to ask my mother and Geo to do daily clearing, so no accident can occur. We are lucky no one died because of the monster attacks, but we won't wait for something to happen, right?" 

"Okay, let's follow your arrangement. But, leave a builder job changing scroll. I want to give Gon one, if he is willing, that's it," Ace said.


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