Desperate Night

Chapter 111 111 Harvest 3

ah! ! !

After being hit more than ten times in a row, Du Chengtao's painful and angry roar finally came from the mountain wall.


He suddenly reached out and grabbed the mace, summoning all his strength, rushed out of the mountain wall, and hit Yu Hong on the head.

The two heads collided violently on the spot.

Bang! !

Du Chengtao's head was dizzy, as if a ball had hit the wall and was knocked back by his own rebound force, bouncing back into the pit in the mountain wall.

Yu Hong took a step back and shook his head.

The goggles in front of me were even more blurry now, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

"Fuck!" He finally got angry and stretched out his hand to grab Du Chengtao's neck. The right leg exploded instantly and disappeared from where it was.

With his current strength and condition, he used the low-level leg sweep, which was a basic survival kick.

As of now, the mace alone is enough to deal with most enemies.

There are very few places where he can use his leg skills, but at this moment, this Du Chengtao can endure beatings better than all his previous opponents, giving him the opportunity to finally use his leg skills again.

boom! ! !

In an instant, Yu Hong kicked out hard, hitting Du Chengtao in the abdomen.

The huge leg power kicked out the opponent's abdominal muscles in an instant. Not only that, it also kicked the opponent's abdomen completely through it, and along with the back and spine, it turned into a ball of flesh and blood and sprayed on the mountain wall.

"It hurts!!" Du Chengtao was still able to shout, slapping his hands forward randomly, and still resisting.

His strength was almost half of Yu Hong's, and he actually caused a lot of interference to Yu Hong when he resisted.

In addition to his strength, this guy's physique is even more abnormal, even more exaggerated than Yu Hong's current body after practicing martial arts.

That is to say, he was not wearing a bulletproof suit, otherwise he would not have been seriously injured so easily.

However, his abdomen was punctured and his body was hit with multiple fractures. At this time, Du Chengtao could no longer move his body. He could only lean against the mountain wall, unable to move, and relied on his still intact arms to wave wildly to stop him.

Yu Hong drew out the mace that broke the opponent's shoulder and looked at this so-called danger level three fully enhanced person.

In just a short while, he discovered that the blood hole in Du Chengtao's abdomen had started to stop bleeding and healed.

"Exaggerated physique, stronger than me, but not as strong as me." Comprehensive evaluation comparison, he felt that his strength was much stronger than this guy, but his physical recovery ability should be far inferior.

"Poor guy, rather than living so crazy in the world, it's better to die early. Anyway, in this world, life may not be as peaceful as death."

He looked at Du Chengtao, who was wailing, feeling bored for a moment.

From the looks of it, if nothing unexpected happens, his own physical fitness should have surpassed that of a fully enhanced human being and reached the pinnacle of human beings.

Although this is nothing in a human society that relies on powerful weapons, it is as free as a bomb, but for his personal survival in the wild, this is a good thing.

At least in the future, whenever he encounters a living person, as long as the opponent does not have a hot weapon, there is a high probability that he will not be his opponent.

"It hurts!" Du Chengtao was still screaming, his voice harsh and unpleasant, like a crow.


Soon a mace hit him hard on the forehead.

The huge force gave the mace super impact, cracking his forehead and skull on the spot and denting it inwards.

Du Chengtao's whole body trembled, and he finally stopped completely, embedded himself in the mountain wall, and became motionless.

His hands fell softly and hung at his sides, his breathing stopped quickly, and the skin on his body began to turn black rapidly, as if it was being contaminated by ink.

Yu Hong was about to go forward and search to see if he had gained anything. When he saw this scene, he frowned, took two steps back, and distanced himself.

As soon as he walked away, he saw that Du Chengtao's entire body was quickly covered with a layer of black gel, and then soon turned into the black gelatin human form he had seen before.

Yu Hong glanced at the red value detector on the stand-up collar of his suit. The value on it had soared to more than 100 positive values.

"It's time to go." He quickly stepped back, supported the middle-aged officer who reminded him with one hand, got into the car, and the two quickly started and left quickly towards the far side of the road.

Behind them, Du Chengtao's body quickly softened. After dozens of seconds, he pulled his body out of the mountain wall and turned into a strange human form made entirely of black gelatin. Then he walked step by step towards Huanfeng City. .

He didn't even look at the solar-powered jeep that was leaving. As if he had been summoned by something, he walked quickly towards Huanfeng City, which was covered in black gelatin.

Yu Hong saw this scene from the rearview mirror while sitting in the car, his face darkened.

He had already opened his goggles at this time. The shattered goggles not only had no auxiliary effect on him, but only hindered him.

The middle-aged male officer was sitting in the passenger seat, gasping for air and obviously still injured.

He looked at Yu Hong who was driving, with a look on his face that he was hesitant to speak, and the emotion of being shocked just now remained in his eyes.

"What do you want to say?" Yu Hong asked casually.

"Brother, are you also an enhancement person?" the officer asked in a deep voice.

"I'm not, I'm just an ordinary person." Yu Hong replied. He had just verified that he did not belong to the enhanced human system and was taking another route.

"My name is Zhou Xueguang. I am a deserter who just escaped from the front line." The man was silent for a while and then said.

"You don't ask me why I was able to kill that Du Chengtao??" Yu Hong was a little surprised.

"Everyone has secrets, just like I don't want you to ask me why I am a deserter." Zhou Xueguang replied.

"Okay, I was just about to ask that." Yu Hong raised his eyebrows, "What are your plans next?"

"No plans, just find a place to settle down and survive. Only after you recover from your injuries, you are qualified to consider other things." Zhou Xueguang sighed.

"Come to my place, there are many abandoned safe houses nearby, you can stay for repairs. There is also a post office that can provide basic food. I will also ensure the supply of large pyrotechnics and talismans." Yu Hong suggested.

"You trust me so easily?" Zhou Xueguang slowly wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve and asked.

"It's not that we live together, but just live next to each other temporarily. You just reminded me, and you don't look like a bad person." Yu Hong replied.

"It's bad to believe in people too easily." Zhou Xueguang couldn't help saying.

"Don't worry, I have met many more good people than bad people." Yu Hong smiled.

"That's because you are lucky."

"As long as you are strong enough, bad people will become good in front of you." Yu Hong smiled.

".This is true." Zhou Xueguang was speechless.

"How is your injury?" Yu Hong asked.

"It's OK. Two ribs are broken, the wrist is dislocated, and there is a cut on the shoulder. After finding a place to settle down, burn it with fire and take some anti-inflammatory medicine to heal it. By the way, do you have any anti-inflammatory medicine?" Zhou Xueguang asked helplessly, "I'll lend it to you."

"It will be here soon." Yu Hong said casually. This attitude gave Zhou Xueguang some confidence. At least there seemed to be no shortage of medicine.

The two chatted casually and drove all the way. After more than an hour, they finally returned to the original place where another jeep was parked.


Yu Hong opened the door and got out. Looking at the car that was fully loaded, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"How do you think I should move all these things back?" he asked.

Zhou Xueguang limped out of the car and looked around. It was surrounded by gray fog and it was almost evening.

"It's getting dark. I suggest you don't stay here and move them back and forth slowly. If the distance is not far, come back tomorrow." He replied.

"It's okay, move the most important thing first." Yu Hong thought for a moment and reached out to untie the nuclear power generator on the roof.

Fortunately, this thing is only the size of a freezer.

'Wait. ' He suddenly remembered something, got into the car, took out the chip token given by Wei Hongye, and then walked around the nuclear power generator. He soon found a long slot of the right size.

Holding the chip, he inserted it into the slot.


It fits perfectly.

"Then what?" Yu Hong looked at the big freezer, waiting for any changes.


Suddenly, a small door slowly cracked open on the side of the entire black freezer with the slot. Just like a real freezer, opening the door reveals a narrow space the size of a watermelon inside.

In the space is a square black metal box that looks like a battery.

There are all kinds of unknown holes and slots around the box, and rows of green lights flashing, which looks very much like a power adapter.

But Yu Hong carefully checked the inner cavity around the freezer and confirmed that this thing seemed to be the real nuclear power motor.

The outer layer was actually used for protection and isolation. The real motor was only the size of a watermelon.

Reaching out the motor, Yu Hong felt that it was much heavier than he thought.

Then he pulled out the solar panel from the car with his bare hands, and then he took Zhou Xueguang, who looked calm, to leave the road, climb up the mountain forest on one side, walk into the fog, walk into the woods, and return to the safe house.

They walked and stopped along the way, and it took more than half an hour before the two arrived at the location of the cave safe house.

Standing outside the courtyard wall, Yu Hong quickly put the things back into the cave, and then took Zhou Xueguang to the post office.

The main safe houses, that is, the caves abandoned by the residents before, are all distributed near the post office.

Not long after, he placed Zhou Xueguang in the basement of the post office, explained the rescue process to Lao Li, and quickly returned to the safe house.

He couldn't wait to quickly integrate the nuclear power generator into his cave.


The wooden door of the cave closed, and Yu Hong sat on the ground, looking at the nuclear power generator in front of him, his eyes full of hope.

"How long have I not taken a shower?"

"It's been so long that I can't remember it anymore," he sighed.

The stench has completely solidified on his body, so that his nose can't smell anything at all, because it has long been numb.

Only a particularly strong smell can stimulate his sense of smell now.

Quickly boil water, cook soup, throw mushrooms and wild vegetables in, and then adjust to the lowest fire. Yu Hong looked at the sky outside, and quickly went out. It took more than ten minutes to bring back a lot of supplies from the car and pile them in the second basement.

He planned to use this place as a breeding room and storage room in the future.

While it was not dark, Yu Hong sped up his movements and went back and forth twice, finally carrying back all the supplies donated by the kind-hearted Lang Feng and others.

After a rough calculation, these canned food and other supplies are enough for him to eat for more than ten days. Together with his own protein bars, he won't have to worry about food for a long time.

'Make full preparations first, strengthen the food, and then start the fusion nuclear power generator. '

It was getting dark outside, and there was a faint rumble of thunder in the night sky, as if it was going to rain.

Yu Hong closed the baffle, sat down at the wooden table, put his hand on the black mark on the back of his hand, and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, a white light spot that seemed to be alive slowly appeared in his dark vision like a firefly, and fluttered gently.

'Current mark: 1. '

The cold mechanical sound of the black seal came.

‘First seal: pyroxene grass. Do you want to activate pyroxene grass?’

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