Desperate Night

Chapter 112 112 Harvest 4

‘Excite! ’ Yu Hong was sure in his heart.

He immediately felt that the trace of internal energy in his abdomen quickly went up, flowed into the black mark on the back of his hand, and disappeared.

One second later.

The light spot in his vision suddenly brightened, then exploded and disappeared.

‘Excitation is successful, and the pyroxene grass enters a rapid growth period. It lasts for twelve hours. The growth location is the last growth area. ’

Letting go of his hand, Yu Hong relaxed.

After arranging the pyroxene grass, he got up and went down to the basement to the food that he had brought back this time.

All the food was piled up in the second basement.

In the dark basement, the green light of the atomic lamp was hazy and dim.

On the ground were a box of canned beef, a box of canned fish, two boxes of scallion oil biscuits, and a box of instant noodles with mushroom stewed chicken flavor.

In addition, there were four dried salted fish of different lengths, the long one was as long as an arm, and the short one was only as big as a book.

"What a nice guy!" Yu Hong sighed. He had long been tired of eating protein bars and meat jerky, and now he finally had a chance to change his taste.

'First strengthen, extend the time of consumption. ' He stretched out his hand and gently pressed on the surface of the stacked cartons.

'Strengthen food, direction: extend shelf life, increase calories and nutrition, reduce side effects. '

A black line flashed, and instantly flowed out of the black mark and merged into the carton.

Very soon.

A black countdown appeared on the carton: 3:32 pm on the 3rd.

'Do you want to strengthen the food? ' The feedback sound of the black mark sounded.

Yu Hong calculated the time.

'It took three hours to strengthen a piece of lizard jerky into a protein bar, and more than a day to strengthen a bag of ten pieces of jerky. Now there are so many foods, and it only takes more than three days to strengthen them into higher quality food. '

In fact, it's not just this. He has recently clearly felt that the time he needs to strengthen many things is shorter than before.

This time reduction is not very noticeable when it is distributed among various small things. After all, it doesn't matter if each one is shortened a little bit, but when all these foods are added together, the time reduction is very considerable.

After confirming that the strengthening has begun, Yu Hong patiently returned to the first floor and began to enjoy the cooked egg white soup.

He can wait for three days.

After eating, he rested for half an hour and then practiced.

The new method combines heavy leg skills and adds a lot of static skills. According to Yu Hong's initial strengthening goal, it can cause certain damage to the ghost.

It is precisely for this reason that Yu Hong has great expectations for it.

Standing in the first basement, he continued to practice the static skills of the first level of the method.

According to the description of the method, he sat cross-legged on the ground quietly, like a Taoist meditation posture.

At the same time, the internal energy that had just been consumed in the body began to slowly absorb the surrounding inexplicable particles again, gathering a little new internal energy.

He closed his eyes and concentrated his consciousness on the visualization picture of the first level, and the whole person seemed to be flying in that weird visualization picture.

Time seemed to have lost its meaning at this moment. He didn't know how long it had passed, and he gradually forgot where he was.

When he reacted, he had already condensed a small amount of the second internal energy in his abdomen.

Compared with the size and concentration of the first internal energy, he would be able to successfully condense the second internal energy after about two more such progress. This means that he has completely completed the first level of static work and started to complete the second level.


The sound of rain outside faintly came into the basement.

The raindrops hit the wooden door, making a dull crackling sound.

Yu Hong slowly opened his eyes from meditation and stood up with some joy.

"It's almost done. I didn't expect that after going out for a trip, the first level of static work was completed in an instant."

He didn't know what was going on, but as long as the progress was good, it was fine.

He glanced at the time on the red value detector. It had been more than three hours since he started practicing.

Ignoring the food being strengthened, Yu Hong went up to the first floor, came to the door, and pulled open the baffle.

Outside the strengthened glass, it was a dark night with heavy rain.

There were no black bugs, no moonlight, and no stars. It was pitch black outside, like ink, and nothing could be seen.

The sound of the rain was the only sign of life outside.

Not only that, the temperature outside also became cold. Even the door was constantly emitting coldness.

Yu Hong burned the fire in the fireplace more vigorously, letting the flames emit more warmth and dispel the moisture in the air.

Then he turned on the radio and tuned to the only national channel: AM500, the National Security Station.

He went to the sundries again and found a bottle of pyroxene ink and a stack of thin wooden boards. He began to listen to the radio while carefully drawing new rune array boards.

There was no news in the station, only a faint and soft music, which was like a sad music that combined piano, bamboo flute, and drums, with a breath of longing, quiet and low.

As time passed, pieces of rune boards were made by Yu Hong and placed aside, waiting for the black seal to be strengthened.

This time, he didn't use the vortex rune board he had before, but that didn't stop him from figuring out how to use it.

Judging from the basic survival leg technique that incorporates the vortex rune, his speed of condensing internal energy is much faster than before.

This may be due to the vortex rune's ability to absorb unknown energy.

After making a bunch of rune boards, Yu Hong drank some water, got up and lay down on his sleeping bag, closed his eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

The night passed slowly in such a quiet environment without him noticing.




Baihe City, at the gate of a comprehensive research park.

Groups of armed coalition soldiers were guarding the surroundings, guarding the black solar-powered cars parked at the door.

Soon, the door of a car opened, and men, women and children got out. They looked miserable, and some of them were injured, but at this moment, they all had one thing in common on their faces, and that was joy.

With rejoicing and joy.

These people were arranged into two teams by the soldiers, and were inspected, registered, and entered the park one after another.

Wei Shanshan and her daughter were also among them. The two women lined up in the middle of the team, surrounded by important family members from major research institutes like them.

Some of them were rescued by the rescue team like them, and some came from other cities in order to catch up with the complete relocation of the research institutions in Baihe City.

Soon after the registration was completed, Wei Shanshan and the two quickly arrived at a five-story building in the park under the guidance of a dedicated person.

There is already a group of people waiting here in front of the building. The leader was a haggard-looking, short-haired, middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses.

The man's facial features were very similar to Wei Shanshan's, but more three-dimensional and seemed to have a little foreign ancestry.

After seeing Wei Shanshan and Qiu Yanxi, the man's lips trembled unconsciously. He took a few steps forward and opened his arms.


The two father and daughter hugged each other fiercely, holding their heads and crying.

The scene was deeply touching, but Qiu Yanxi looked calm on the side.

"Thanks to you this time. I owe you this once." She whispered.

"Xixi, are you still angry with me?" Wei Hongye walked to his wife holding her daughter and grabbed her hand.

"No. It's just" Qiu Yanxi sighed. After going through the ordeal of life and death this time, she no longer seemed to have the same sharp and severe personality as before.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now. This time we came back and brought something to you. Although the thing turned into powder on the way, maybe you can use it as a sample to study something."

She carefully took out the plastic bag containing the pyroxene powder and handed it to Wei Hongye. After discovering that the grass had turned into powder, she immediately realized that this was something unusual and immediately found a bag to seal it.

"I understand, I will take it and analyze it carefully. Please tell me the specific origin of this thing." Wei Hongye nodded and said seriously, "Also, did the savage man named Yu Hong who helped you do anything to you? "

He didn't finish what he said, but his eyesight under his glasses became inexplicably solemn.

".No!" Qiu Yanxi said firmly. "Your daughter and I are fine! Don't worry about that."

"That's good!" Wei Hongye breathed a sigh of relief, not sure if he really believed it. "In exchange, I gave him the nuclear motor token he wanted. Only after he gets the token and then finds the motor and inserts it can he get the real micro nuclear motor. This transaction is fairly fair."

"Is it really fair?" Qiu Yanxi stared at her husband. She is well aware of the personality and essence of her man.

"I told him the location and gave him the key. Whether he can get the rest or not is none of my business. It's beyond my reach and I can't control that much." Wei Hongye looked calm.

As for whether he knew that there was a Black Crow team guarding the fishing side of the nuclear power generator, the news was sold to several buyers, but no one knew it except himself.

Take the powder of pyroxene.

"Okay, come in and have a rest first, and then talk about what you encountered and what this powder is." He smiled relaxedly.

"Okay!" Qiu Yanxi nodded.

"We don't have much time, we must go to New Aurora City as soon as possible." Wei Hongye said.

"What's wrong? Something happened again?" Qiu Yanxi frowned.

"Well, as the defense line retreats again and again, the red value of the environment is getting higher and higher, and shadows appear more and more frequently. Some monsters and shadows that were not originally dangerous levels are becoming more and more difficult to deal with. The pyroxene mine The scope has also begun to shrink. We can no longer stay here," Wei Hongye sighed.

"Is there nothing you can do about Aurora City and Silver Tower?" Qiu Yanxi opened her eyes wide.

"The wireless connection at Yinta has been cut off for half a month. The situation may not be good." Wei Hongye sighed. "The increase in the concentration of the red value environment has begun to cause various dangerous changes in the external environment. Aurora City, together with the heads of the coalition forces of various countries, signed a new agreement. For all black disasters with a danger level of four or above, isolation and blockade will be the main method. No As before, we will focus on defeating resistance and rescuing."

"How could that happen!?" Qiu Yanxi and her daughter were both stunned.

"That's why I'm so anxious to bring you back. This batch of relief teams may be the last. From now on, there will be no more coalition forces to come to you. If you are trapped outside, you can only resign yourself to fate." Wei Hongye sighed.

He raised his head and looked at the dark night sky in the distance.

"We must leave here within a month. According to reliable information, the high-risk black disaster pouring in from the gap in the front line will arrive in one and a half months. In addition to the troublesome speakers, large-eyed birds, and withered women, the danger level is also included Liu's intermittent people." He closed his eyes, with a hint of fear on his face, "With the current conditions in Baihe City, if we encounter them, we will definitely destroy the city. We must leave immediately before the news spreads."

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