Desperate Night

Chapter 123 123 Mark 1

‘Second mark! ? ? ’ Yu Hong was stunned.

The pyroxene grass is his first imprint-bound creature. He can't even count how much help this thing has given him. If it weren't for the existence of the pyroxene grass, his gate would be eroded by blood tide bugs every day, and he would have to spend a lot of time restoring the gate every day.

Even large blood tide monsters such as weevils may not be able to stop them.

Such a mark-bound creature seems ordinary and simple, and its function is also very ordinary, but in such an extremely dangerous world, the effect it can have is really great.

And now, the black mark actually has a second mark position! ?

Yu Hong's shock was followed by great joy.

But this moment was not the time for joy. He came back to his senses and stared at the figure outside the window who was trying to step into the pyroxene grass yard.

He was certain that that guy was definitely not a shadow. There was a high probability that he was the person behind it.

But before, it might have been disgusted by the continuous negative red value emitted by the pyroxene grass, but now, for some unknown reason, it actively tried to enter the courtyard wall.


Yu Hong watched helplessly as all the pyroxene grass within a few meters of the figure was rapidly turning black, shattering, and turning into ashes.

And as he continued to inject the inner energy into the mark, new and stronger pyroxene grass began to grow continuously in the mud around the figure.


The figure took another step inside and then stopped.

His body seemed to be constantly emitting invisible radiation power, fighting against the continuously recovering pyroxene grass around him.

Time passes slowly.

Ten seconds.

Thirty seconds.

Fifty seconds.

Finally, the figure slowly retreated, step by step, exited the courtyard wall and stood outside the wall again.

He raised his head and glanced at Yu Hong with a vague smile on his face. Then he turned around and disappeared into the mist.

At the same time, the grass inside the courtyard wall that was turned into black and gray quickly returned to its original state with the supply of inner energy.

Yu Hong breathed a long sigh of relief, sweating faintly on his forehead.

He just thought that the Pyroxene Grass Courtyard couldn't stop it. Once it really couldn't be stopped, he didn't have enough countermeasures to fight against the people behind it.

If the yard was breached, he would only have the cave safe house, a pyroxene chamber, to rely on.

'This time, even the pyroxene grass yard can't be driven away. It seems that the pyroxene grass alone can't handle the people behind it.'

Thinking of this, he looked away, feeling that there was only a small amount of inner energy left in his body, and he also knew how dangerous the situation just now was.

‘The second mark. What should be bound this time? ’

He breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and looked around the inside of the cave.

The dark red charcoal in the fireplace slowly radiated heat, and a black box-like communicator was placed on the wooden table in the middle. On one side are solar panels responsible for generating electricity.

Yu Hong's eyes swept over everything one by one.

‘The effect of the mark can be quickly regenerated and restored, and can be strengthened as the inner energy becomes stronger. This thing is closely related to my cultivation level. I must bind something that can protect my safety better than pyroxene grass.’

‘Dead items are definitely not as cost-effective as living items and cannot be restored on their own. ’

‘For living animals, plants can choose new weeds, vines, shrubs, or even trees outside! ’

Yu Hong turned around and opened the flap, looking at the trees outside that were dimly reflected by the light of the pyroxene grass.

Each tree is at least more than ten meters tall, straight and strong.

‘The advantage of big trees is that they are not easily damaged, but they grow slowly and have a fixed range, but the amount of radiation is definitely far greater than that of pyroxene grass. ’

Yu Hong feels that if a big tree is used as a mark binding object, the synthesis time may be quite long.

‘Furthermore, the black mark has not been strengthened yet, and the mark binding cannot be used in a short period of time. I remember that the initial binding of the mark was made by mistake when synthesizing and strengthening it with pyroxene and wild grass. Now that there is an extra mark slot, it only means that I can synthesize a living creature for the second time to bind. This process must still use black seal reinforcement’

'In other words, I still have to wait for the black mark to be strengthened before I can bind the second mark.'

Thinking of this, Yu Hong calmed down.

At this time, everything converges to the moment when the black mark is strengthened.

"There are still two days. It's almost over." He took a deep breath, turned off the baffle, and went back to continue practicing.

The new inner energy allowed him to make direct contact with the people behind him, which meant that the fused skills were beginning to show the abilities he had originally requested.

He originally optimized the technique in order to gain the ability to fight against ghosts and evil shadows.

"Work hard!"

He whispered to himself.

Keep your head down and continue to practice hard.

As for what was bound to the second mark, he had an idea at this time.

When a person completely buries his mind and concentrates on one thing, time will fly by.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

In the cave basement.

Yu Hong sat cross-legged and his body suddenly trembled slightly.

He opened his eyes, a look of genuine joy on his dirty face.

"It's done!!"

The second stream of inner energy was slowly and silently rotating in his abdomen.

There are two inner qi in total, and this is the result of his current cultivation technique.

As before, for the second level of basic survival kicks, you also need to accumulate nine inner qi before you can enter the next level.

The current technique has a total of six levels. And the higher the layer, the more environmental red value needs to be absorbed according to the instructions in the book.

This is also the fundamental reason why the red radiation in the air in the cave safe house is extremely weak.

Not only is it offset by the pyroxene grass, but also by the radiation offset of the talisman array, and Yu Hong's continuous absorption.

'Today is also the last day of the black seal enhancement! '

Yu Hong was full of expectations.

He stood up, stretched his limbs, walked out of the basement, and came to the newly excavated third stone chamber, which was the energy control room he set.

Here are the nuclear power motors he got, as well as the water supply system and other main bodies.

In fact, these days, Yu Hong is not the first time to check the situation. He can't wait to come here every day to check and study the nuclear power motors.

And this inspection, he found a problem.

This nuclear power motor itself is not perfect. In a corner at the bottom, there is a subtle engraving: K238 Experimental Model.

This makes Yu Hong speculate that this thing may be just an experimental model, with imperfect functions and far less value than the complete ones used in Hope City, so it was left there and no one moved it away. Connected to the situation that Wei Hongye said that the micro-nuclear energy technology was incomplete.

That's why Wei Hongye used it as bait and kept exchanging interests.

'But it doesn't matter. With the black mark, even if it's an imperfect experimental model, it can be completely repaired for me! '

Yu Hong looked at the changing countdown numbers on the wall.

There was only one minute left, and the strengthening was about to end.

He concentrated and looked at the nuclear power generator in front of him with strong expectations.

'From today on, I won't have to worry about energy problems for a long, long time.'

This exciting thought kept flowing back and forth in his mind.


Suddenly, Yu Hong felt numb all over.

Everything in front of him, everything around him, everything in the entire safe house cave, was completely blurred at this moment.

It was blurred for a moment, not even 0.1 seconds, and it felt like his vision was blurred, and something was floating by and covering it.

Then, everything changed.

The crude and primitive little basement was now completely transformed into a square room with smooth and thick inner walls and a black body.

The nuclear power generator disappeared, and the water supply system components also disappeared.

Instead, there were two integrated box covers embedded in the wall.

Yu Hong walked over and opened the black box cover on the left, which was marked with a red skull and written in red handwriting: Energy Main Control Box.

Inside the box cover were switch buttons, which were responsible for the power supply of all the basement rooms.

After closing the lid, Yu Hong opened another white box cover.

On the surface of this lid, a huge water drop was painted with blue paint.

Inside were water source switches corresponding to each room.


He closed the lid, took a deep breath, turned around and ran all the way, quickly going up to the first floor.

The first floor of the cave, where the exit gate was connected, also changed at this time.

The cave wall was completely regular, and all turned into a thick black color, as if it was coated with a hard metal coating.

Everything else was still in its original place, except for the wall on the right side of the fireplace, which was sunken inwards, with a rectangular washbasin.

The washbasin was made entirely of stone, smooth and flat, without any patterns.

There were only three structures: the faucet, the sink, and the drain pipe. At the same time, the entire washbasin was also black, as if it was coated with a layer of paint like the wall.

Yu Hong took a breath, went up and turned on the faucet.


A stream of clear water suddenly gushed out from the faucet.

It was endless.

Looking at the white water flow, Yu Hong pursed his lips tightly, his face trembling.

He couldn't remember how long he hadn't seen this most common tap water flow.

Only those who really lived in such a terrifying and dangerous environment in the wild for so long, like him, could realize how precious it was to have water resources available anytime and anywhere.

Looking at the rushing water line, Yu Hong inexplicably felt an indescribable touch in his heart.

"In the future, I can finally not go out to find water, finally I can finally not worry about taking a shower, and finally I can finally sleep without having to bear these smelly equipment, clothes and bedding."

At this moment, his eyes were unconsciously wet. Only he could understand how painful it was to sleep every day with those smelly, slippery and sweaty bedding and clothes.

Standing in place to turn off the faucet, Yu Hong tried to calm his excitement and checked the power supply again.

As he imagined, each room has a switch to control the lights. The light bulbs were also naturally embedded and installed in each room, and the switches and wires were buried in the wall.

The whole safe house looked like a carefully renovated three-bedroom and one-living room, and there was no trace of the initial roughness and artificial excavation.

Not only that, Yu Hong also found the reserved wall sockets in each room. Although they were all made of stone, not the familiar plastic products, it also made him suddenly understand why this reinforcement would take so long.

Now it seems that a lot of time has been spent on supplementing many small details of the safe house.

He checked all the rooms, three basements, and a main hall bit by bit.

He carefully checked every corner for changes.

And as he kept checking again and again, the joy and comfort in his heart gradually returned to calm.

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