Desperate Night

Chapter 124 124 Mark 2

Return to one level.

Yu Hong flipped on the switch, the light bulb came on, and white light shone evenly in the main hall.

He found a stool and sat down, and the satisfaction in his heart almost overflowed. From the first time he came here, to the dangers and difficulties he experienced, and now.

He finally.

Finally, with my own efforts, I had the most original and stable safe house.

There is a power supply that can last for at least twenty years, and there is a tap water system that is continuously connected to the underground river.

Next, just need a little bit of refinement here.

‘If it wasn’t for the completion of many details, perhaps Black Seal wouldn’t have taken so long at all. Next, I need to get some shower equipment, dig out a separate shower room, and also get a hot water supply system to use nuclear energy to dissipate heat to raise the room temperature of the entire safe house. Water filtration and purification also need to be put on the agenda.' Yu Hong stabilized, and ideas for improving the safe house came to mind one after another.

What washing machines, dryers, kitchen appliances, external monitoring systems, etc.

With energy, there are many things he wants to get.

‘I have to find time to go out and search the abandoned Hope City. I might be able to get a lot of harvest. ’

He made up his mind, and then his mood completely calmed down.

‘Then it’s time for the new highlight’

Mark binding object!

The newly opened second mark and the extra binding position, if used properly, can definitely have a better defensive effect than the pyroxene grass.

As for the new binding target, Yu Hong already has an idea.

‘Compared to binding trees and vines, the flexibility is too poor. If I can bind and control movable living creatures, I might be able to use them as a forward force to resist the blood tide. At that time, there will be no need for me to take risks myself. Some low-level dangers can also be driven away and tested by living creatures. ’

Yu Hong took out a pen and paper and thought about it.

‘There are only two kinds of living creatures that I can come into contact with. The rest are missing for some reason. There are no cats or dogs. I’ll investigate later. Now you can only choose from the two easiest to access. ’

He took a pen and wrote on the paper.

‘Cockroaches, lizards. ’

‘Cockroaches have strong fecundity and can easily form a group effect. Their diet is wide enough and their survivability is extremely strong. It is not afraid of many viruses and bacteria. It has many advantages, but the disadvantage is that it is too small and too weak to deal with ordinary shadows. After synthesis and strengthening, it will definitely be no problem, but on evil shadows, the radiation will not be effective enough. ’

Yu Hong shook his head slightly and looked at the second one.

‘Lizards reproduce generally. The species Lao Li breeds is the Beilin Red Lizard. They are oviparous and can generally grow quite large. ’

He recalled what Lao Li had mentioned in his previous chat.

'It is said that the largest one can reach the size of a cat or dog, and the upper limit can be more than ten pounds. But generally in order to harvest the meat and raise it to more than one kilogram, slaughtering begins. ’

'If it is strengthened, it may be larger in size and can be used as a protective object and placed around, and its protective power will definitely far exceed that of cockroaches. The diet is relatively narrow and the fecundity is not as good as that of cockroaches. If they are killed or injured, there will be no way to replenish them in a short time. ’

Although the creatures bound by the imprint can be restored and strengthened with their internal energy, Yu Hong knows what he needs.

‘I need a creature that can resist the Shadow Blood Tide to a certain extent, and can also patrol its surroundings on its own to ensure a certain range of safe areas. It can also reproduce and recover quickly. The diet is wide enough, the survivability is strong, and the concealment must be strong enough. Otherwise, if you encounter a bad guy with a gun or bomb, it will be meaningless to kill him in a few hits. ’

‘Mobile living creatures can go out with me and serve as assistants to explore many dangerous areas. ’

Yu Hong kept turning the pen and thinking.

“It’s best to have food for this living creature everywhere. It’s an excellent solution. Otherwise, it will not be conducive to subsequent expansion of quantity. ’

‘So, what’s out there everywhere? ’ Yu Hong’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly thought of something.

'etc. ’

He straightened up.

'Since the pyroxene grass can absorb other substances and convert them into special radiation that resists the red value, and since my technique can synthesize and strengthen the special effect of absorbing the red value, then why can't I synthesize and strengthen a method that can absorb the red value? Or even targeted creatures that prey on blood tide bugs? ’

Thinking of this, Yu Hong stood up, quickly put on his suit, and began to strengthen and restore the silver rune board.

To synthesize new living creatures, he had to go to the post office stone house. There were live cockroaches and lizards there, so he had to go out.

When going out, you are faced with the dilemma of not having enough talisman boards. The black seal is now vacant. You have to quickly restore the talisman boards and make more swirling talisman boards. Make full preparations and go to the stone house of the post office.

‘I just don’t know what the situation will be like when Lao Li goes back. ’

Yu Hong was worried for a few seconds, and then stopped thinking about it. He was not the nanny of the other party, and he could only help him at critical moments.

After quickly assigning the task of restoring the silver talisman board with the black seal, one piece took an hour and a half, two pieces in total.

Taking advantage of this time, he came to the sink and started to get water to scrub himself.

The water supply system comes with certain filtering components. Although the water that comes out directly is not drinkable, it is still fine for scrubbing and bathing.

Otherwise it would be impossible for City of Hope to install such facilities.

Yu Hong tested the radiation value of the water and determined that it was probably fine. He wiped his body vigorously with a towel, rinsed his hair, and then slowly dried it against the fireplace.

Next comes the cleaning and wiping of suits and clothes.

He hadn't cleaned himself in a long time. Now that he had enough water, he was going crazy and wanted to rinse everything he saw.

That is to say, the reinforcement has just been completed, and all the walls and floors are as clean as new, which greatly alleviates Yu Hong's anxiety about cleaning.

Soon, three hours passed, and it was already ten o'clock outside. Although Yu Hong had no hope, he still turned on the communicator and waited for the call from the post office.

Anyway, now that there is electricity, the energy can be used for decades, so there is no need to worry about waste.

Then, Yu Hong took out the piece of paper with the information on the person behind it that he had previously recorded.

What was recorded on the paper was the detailed information that the three of them came up with together.

Yu Hong waited for both pieces of the silver talisman array to return to perfection, then stretched out his hand, pressed it on the table, and held down the white paper.

‘Strengthen how to deal with people behind your back. ’

He thought silently in his mind.

In order to deal with this sudden high-risk evil shadow, it is necessary to obtain as much information as possible about the other party.

Black seal enhancement is a very cost-effective method.

Yu Hong didn't have any direction in mind. He was worried that once the direction was determined, it might lead to incomplete information in the reinforcement, leading to failure.

The strengthening of the black seal follows the principle of basic integrity.

In other words, if you have basic information and a complete structure, it can make it better and stronger for you. But if there is no basic information and the structure is incomplete, it will definitely fail.

Soon, a red countdown number slowly appeared on the paper where the writing was recorded: 2:14.

Yu Hong let go of his hand, and the black seal's questioning voice sounded in his ears. He replied in the affirmative, stood up again, came to the door, opened the flap, and looked out at the fluorescent swaying pyroxene grass yard, full of expectation.

For the first time since coming to this place, he was full of expectations.




post office.

Inside the underground civil defense.

Li Runshan carefully hugged Aisena and gently placed her on the small bed. Looking at her sleeping face, the fear, confusion, and panic in his heart all turned into determination.

‘I will definitely protect you. Absolutely! ’

He made up his mind.

After he came back before, he hugged Lin Heini and Aisenna, and they were affectionate for a long time.

After learning that Song Wei was missing, Li Runshan immediately decided to block the passage to the stone house.

No one is allowed to come near.

At this time, after solving the problem of food and drink and putting his daughter to sleep, he got up and had time to ask Lin Heini about everything that happened before.

The two left the bedroom alone, went into the next room, and turned on the light connected to the solar cell.

"I'm afraid it won't be long before we can no longer use light bulbs." Lin Heini sighed.

"The sun is getting shorter and shorter, but there must be a way. Yu Hong got a nuclear motor, but if we can't get some batteries, we can go to him to charge it and bring it back for use." Li Runshan said. He paused and looked at the other person.

"Tell me, why is Song Wei missing?"

Song Wei hasn't appeared yet, and in such a dangerous environment, there's no need to guess, she must be gone.

Lin Heini leaned against the wall, her eyes sad, and said softly.

"She had an unstable temperament. At first, she was able to persist underground because of the danger. But as time went by, she really couldn't control herself and went to the house to listen to music every day. You know, because too many people died, Some radio stations often play pure music to mourn the dead, to mourn those who sacrificed themselves to save the majority of people.”

"She went up to listen to the song, and then everyone disappeared?" Li Runshan asked.

"We found her pyroxene blanket on the bed in the house. All the pyroxene on the blanket was consumed." Lin Heini lowered her head and her eyes were a little red.

After all, she and Song Wei defected to Li Runshan together and depended on each other for life. They raised their children together, and their relationship was often closer than that of biological sisters. But now

She was the only one left.

If Li Runshan hadn't come back in time, she might have been unable to hold on any longer.


While the two were talking, suddenly there was a sudden soft sound in the corridor outside.

Li Runshan was about to speak when he heard the voice and stopped suddenly, his face serious.

He raised his eyes and looked at Lin Heini.

"Was the entrance closed when you came in?"

There is a talisman board close to the entrance. Once consumed, the talisman board will fall to the ground and make a sound.

But the sound just now was in the corridor, and it couldn't be the falling of the talisman at the entrance.

Lin Heini felt cold all over and nodded quickly.

"I checked it twice and used a steel pipe to hold it back!"

Li Runshan's face turned pale. He only had the last two ordinary talisman tablets given by Yu Hong left, and the rest had been consumed.

The two rooms here were arranged into pyroxene chambers when the survivors were there. So he had some confidence that he could avoid trouble.

Otherwise, he would not have taken the initiative to return to the post office immediately.

"Don't worry, both of our rooms are pyroxene secret rooms, there won't be any" snap.

Suddenly, a soft sound came from behind Lin Heini.

The sound was very, very close.

Lin Heini heard it.

Li Runshan also heard it.

Both of them froze in their movements. Li Runshan raised his head and looked at the talisman boards on the wall.

He was shocked to discover that one-third of the talisman boards on the wall of this room had turned completely pale and lost their effect at some point.

"Brother Shan, help me." Lin Haini was shaking all over and stretched out her hand towards Li Runshan.

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