Desperate Night

Chapter 149 149 Attitude 3


Yu Hong patted the ashes on his body and saw the two people on the ground motionless through the smoke.

Looking at the suit he was wearing, he saw a lot of damage on the front, but the impact was equivalent to being punched by his own power.

Other than the damage to the suit, nothing else happened.

"That's good, it just solves the hidden danger completely."

He stepped forward, grabbed Yao Feiling's head, and lifted it up.

"How do you survive with such a temper?" He couldn't help but sigh. If the two of them really accept the task of issuing runes, they can avoid the upcoming high-risk black disaster. After all, high-risk black disasters don't appear everywhere. This can be regarded as a kind intention on his part. It's a pity...these two people couldn't wait to jump back.

"." Yao Feiling had no idea how many bones were broken in her body, and she could only stare at Yu Hong with hatred.

"Why do you hate me? I'm living a good life here, but you have to come here to seek death. I built the camp with my own hands. It's my freedom to accept or not accept whoever I want, and I will let you leave or not." Yu Hongti He walked up to Ding Shao and kicked her.

"You are just plotting against us!" Yao Feiling cursed intermittently.

"Is this your virtue? Are you planning something evil?" Yu Hong couldn't help laughing.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said.

"Do you think that because you have a beautiful face and a good figure, others will covet your body?"

Yao Feiling didn't speak, but the hatred in her eyes revealed her answer without reservation, and that was what she meant.

"This is simple." Yu Hong reached out and pulled off her goggles and mask.

The beautiful face below had already been covered in blood by the explosion of the grenade. That was caused by the broken mask cutting into the flesh in reverse.

"Your face is ruined now, feel it yourself."

Then, he carried the guy to a big tree.

Press its chest against the tree trunk.

"Wait, what do you want to do!??" Yao Feiling suddenly felt bad and screamed with difficulty.

"I really want to see how you will treat other people when you lose everything you are proud of." Yu Hong looked calm.

After a moment, Yu Hong let go of the unconscious Yao Feiling and let her fall to the ground.

"Okay, it's time to test your sisterhood." He also thoughtfully went back to the camp to get anti-inflammatory pills for them, one for each of them.

In fact, Ding Shao had already woken up. The physique of the enhanced person must be said to be very strong. Ding Shao was also injured. He was kicked hard in the abdomen, and was bombed at close range by a grenade from his sister. He suffered concussion and internal injuries. There definitely is.

Although I don't know why she pretended to be fainted, if Ding Shao doesn't help Yao Feiling, the latter may not survive tonight in such a dangerous environment.

In fact, what Yu Hong is most interested in is Yao Feiling. It is very interesting to think about how this guy who thinks everyone covets her beauty will react if she loses her beauty.

There are fewer and fewer living people in this world, and he is less and less willing to destroy two living lives.

If the other party hadn't wanted to kill him, he might have let the two of them off again.

After checking the weapons and equipment on the two men and making sure there were no powerful weapons such as grenades, he returned to the camp.

As soon as he entered the camp, the first thing Yu Hong saw was the old Zhou man who was secretly hiding in the window of the wooden house watching a play.

In the wooden house, Lao Zhou, Aisenna, and Doctor Xu were huddled in a row, their heads touching each other, trying hard to see how the battle was going through the mist.

Unfortunately, the fog was hazy, and the three of them could barely see that the winner was Yu Hong, who was the tallest.

No other details can be seen.

"Okay, okay, stop looking. There's nothing to see. Let's go back and rest." Yu Hong waved his hand, "Don't teach the children bad things."

"Yes!" Lao Zhou responded quickly, pulled the other two people, and closed the window.

Yu Hong squeezed the two pistols in his hands and looked back.

There was only one person left in the place of the two women. Ding Shao didn't know when he got up secretly and left.

Yao Feiling was left lying quietly on the spot, seemingly passed out.

Yu Hong didn't care about Ding Shao either. His kick just now didn't let him off the mark at all.

Kick forward, with his strength at this time and the increase of internal energy, that kick could probably smash a car to pieces. Ding Shao seemed fine on the surface, but it was because the suit covered up his abdominal injuries.

It's hard to say exactly how to survive. Even if he survives, he will definitely be useless if he doesn't die.

"Can't you bring me some normal people?" Yu Hong recalled that among the survivors he met, there were only a few who were normal and capable.

Shaking his head, he walked across the yard, entered the cave, and put down the enhanced suit.

Then arrange for Black Seal to begin repairs.

Taking advantage of the countdown to repair, he sat cross-legged and began to think about how to solve the problem of continuous resistance to the black disaster.

'Simply relying on one-time props, it would be okay if Black Disaster were all brainless fools, but the elephant bugs encountered before proved that Black Disaster was not brainless. If you were a little smarter, you could just use the weak Black Disaster to step on the thunder. , consume my Talisman Board, then all my arrangements will be invalid. ’

‘Whether it is a pyroxene rune board, a radiation grenade, or a vortex rune board, they are all irrecoverable, disposable weapons. Must. There must be a range of countermeasures that can recover on its own and is strong enough.’

He sat cross-legged on the ground, thinking hard.

'I now have inner energy, two kinds of runes, black lizard and pyroxene grass. The only one that can recover itself is pyroxene grass.'

He kept repeating the words "Pyroxene Grass" in his mouth.

Suddenly, an inexplicable light flashed across his mind.

‘The pyroxene grass can automatically expel the shadowy black insects from the outside world, mainly by continuously absorbing the red value, and then converting and releasing it into negative radiation. The main difference between the whirlpool talisman array and the pyroxene talisman array is that it cannot be done. They cannot recover themselves. ’

‘But what if I use pyroxene grass and vortex talisman to fuse and strengthen it? Is it possible to strengthen a range of talismans with vitality and self-recovery? Or to strengthen a stronger pyroxene grass? ’

Thinking of this, he had new inspiration in his heart.

Now that the black mark is free, it only takes less than half an hour to repair the equipment. I can give it a try to see if this idea works.

Immediately, he stood up, checked the black seal, and made sure that the repair set was completed. Then he brought in a piece of pyroxene grass from outside, then brought in a newly painted vortex talisman board, and put the two together.

Reach out and press it.

Just as he was about to start silently strengthening his thoughts, Yu Hong suddenly remembered something.

His eyes flickered and he paused for a few seconds before slowly speaking in his mind.

‘Strengthen the black wind protection array, direction: automatically absorb red value to repair itself, reduce negative radiation release at ordinary times, and automatically release stored radiation when a black disaster is discovered. ’

He wasn't sure if such reinforcement would work, but it would be okay to give it a try.

As his first imprint binding object, the pyroxene grass is somewhat unable to keep up, and it's time to strengthen it.


In an instant, a black line emerged from the back of Yu Hong's hand and flowed towards the pyroxene grass and vortex talisman array pressed on his palm.

The black line disappeared, and a cold mechanical sound sounded familiarly.

‘Do you want to strengthen the black wind protective formation? ’

Yu Hong felt relieved, it would be great if he could strengthen it.

He looked at the red countdown value floating on the vortex talisman board: 5 hours and 51 minutes.

For a short time, it seemed that the two were simply fused together.

He felt a little disappointed. But now the high-risk black disaster may come at any time, and the short time has the advantage of being short.

'yes. ’ Immediately, he responded in the affirmative.

He could afford to wait for just five hours.




Dozens of kilometers away, in a sparse mangrove forest.

The huge elephant, which is more than six meters high, is moving forward in the determined direction step by step.

After a while, the weevil slowly moved away and disappeared into the mist.

After its huge size completely disappeared, individual figures stood up one after another in some dry and moldy bushes in the mangrove forest.

These figures were all covered with camouflaged gray and black pyroxene blankets. They were all in tatters and dirty, with chapped lips and trembling bodies, but they did not dare to say a word.

There were more than ten people in total, silently carrying the pyroxene blanket and leaving in the direction away from the weevil.

Wei Shanshan followed closely her father Wei Hongye and mother Qiu Yanxi. The three members of the family were all wearing special pyroxene blankets, and they were in the best condition among the group.

"Harris has already entered the stronghold first. We must seize a stronghold this time and cannot move any further. We don't have much supplies. The red value concentration outside is getting higher and higher, and the danger is getting stronger." Wei Hongye explained in a low voice .

"Are you really sure?" Qiu Yanxi couldn't help but question in a low voice. "The leader of the stronghold doesn't look like he's someone to be trifled with."

"Don't worry, with the insect-type toxin trap I designed, combined with Harris's skills, if you get a chance to get close, you can instantly restrain their leader." Wei Hongye said confidently. "Then he will go out and bring people to pick us up."

"Yeah." Qiu Yanxi nodded. Holding his limp right arm with one hand, he bowed and moved forward.

Looking at her husband's still confident look, she actually had something to say in her heart, but it was not the right time to continue talking.

"It's okay. We will be able to control a small stronghold by this time tomorrow. If it hadn't been for the water source, I wouldn't have wanted such a stronghold as a gift in the past. It's a pity that now it has to be designed to capture and manipulate people." Wei Hongye sighed.

The group of people moved forward slowly, and soon they came to a small building in the forest with a cement wall.

There is a metal gate on the wall, and a white sign hangs beside the door: Honglin Mountain Management Committee.

The squeaky metal door slowly opened from the inside.

A group of heavily armed gunmen wearing black protective clothing walked out quickly and approached the more than ten people who were fleeing.

This team of gunmen is led by two people, one of whom is tall and has a large white star tattooed on his arm in protective clothing.

The other one was not wearing a helmet, showing a shiny bald head. It was none other than Harris, the security captain of the institute who went undercover.

From a distance, he and Wei Hongye exchanged glances, gesturing for him to cooperate together.

A smile appeared on Wei Hongye's lips, and her hand quietly touched the handle of the gun on her waist.

He has already seen that at least most of these people are the institute's security team members whom he has arranged to join over the past few days.

Watching Harris getting closer, the muzzle of the gun gradually moved towards the other leader.



There was a gunshot.

Wei Hongye's body that had just stood up felt as if he had been hit in the chest by a heavy punch. He flew backwards and fell to the ground.

Blood spattered from his body.

Not only him, but also the other camouflaged members of the escapees were shot accurately and fell to the ground before they had time to take action.

Harris and the other team members around him were the ones who started shooting.

"Harris!!!" Wei Hongye roared in disbelief. He stood up again, and his body seemed to expand. He fired three shots at Harris, but Harris dodged them one by one as he was well prepared.

"How dare you betray me!?"

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