Desperate Night

Chapter 150 150 Attitude 4

"Betrayal? Do you think you are still the high and mighty director? Poor guy, I would rather join a stronger person than the powerful President Wen." Harris smiled while shooting.

"What I didn't expect was that you actually strengthened yourself. You also secretly wore a bulletproof vest." After he found that the continuous shooting was useless, he immediately threw away the gun and rushed forward for close combat.

Bang! !

In an instant, the two collided and fought each other.

Within a few seconds, both of them were shocked by the huge punching force of the other party. Blood was flying around.

Harris was beaten back repeatedly and was no match.

Bang! !

With a gunshot, Wei Hongye was hit in the chest by a sneak attack with an armor-piercing bullet, and a large amount of blood spurted out of his body.

"I will kill you! Dare to betray me!!" He roared and punched Harris in the face.

If he hadn't been shot, his strength and skills would have perfectly suppressed the opponent. Unfortunately.

"Betrayal? That's not what you said when you stole Director Gao's patent." Harris took two steps back, shook his head, and let his men shoot to buy time for him. "You can rob others, I just learned from you, hand over the things, you can't escape."

"Yanxi, take Shanshan away quickly! Go!" Wei Hongye shouted. "I will find you later, go!"

The fight between the two stunned the rest of the people around.

At this time, the roar sounded, Qiu Yanxi quickly recovered from the shock, grabbed her daughter and ran away.

But she didn't run far, she was shot in the right leg, blood splattered, and she fell to the ground.

"Run! Shanshan, run!" Qiu Yanxi let go of her daughter, and before she fell, she pushed her away.

Wei Shanshan was still in a daze at this time, looking back at her mother and her father who was besieged, she stood there at a loss.

"Run!" Qiu Yanxi pulled out her pistol and fired back, shouting loudly.

This shout seemed to awaken Wei Shanshan's fear and desire to survive.

Her tears suddenly burst out of her eyes, and she turned around and ran away in panic.

She didn't dare to look back, and could only hear her father's screams behind her and her mother's curses when she was caught.




In the inner courtyard of the Black Wind Camp.

Yu Hong, Lao Zhou, and Aisina sat around the wooden house, using the house to block the cold wind, and chatted quietly around a slowly burning bonfire.

It was getting late and it was about to get dark, but the time on the detector showed that it was only one o'clock in the afternoon.

"The temperature is getting colder and colder. It will be difficult to survive without fire next." Yu Hong said in a deep voice, "I can pull out wires in the cave to supply electricity, but we don't have electric heating equipment."

"There must be some in the residential area. It should be found in the nearest abandoned town. My arms can move a little. Let's go out early tomorrow to look for it." Lao Zhou whispered. "It's about three degrees this time, isn't it?"

"Don't go, let's light a fire in the house first. We can go to the post office and get some stone stoves to use." Yu Hong suggested.

He looked sideways at the area outside the yard.

The forest covered by gray fog was gloomy and quiet.

And the low fence around the camp seemed to completely separate safety and danger.

Safe inside, dangerous outside.

"It seems that even the call of the multi-eyed bird can't be heard today." He whispered.

"Boss, I found another situation. You may need to pay attention to it." Lao Zhou whispered.


"I feel there is a smell in the air, an unpleasant smell. Not only me, Nana also smelled it, and so did Dr. Xu."

"Unpleasant smell?" Yu Hong sniffed carefully, and after sniffing for a long time, he vaguely found that there was indeed a faint odor in the air.

The odor was like some wire was burnt, and it was really hard to smell it if you didn't look carefully.

He was waiting for the strengthening array to end, and took the opportunity to come out and learn about the situation of the camp with Lao Zhou.

Unexpectedly, he learned such a thing.

"Let's study it after this period of time. Don't pay attention to it for now. I will give you a few sets of breathing filter masks later. Use them first." Yu Hong said.

"Yes." Lao Zhou nodded.

"Uncle Yu, when will my father come back? Do you know?" Aisina asked in a low voice.

The red light of the bonfire reflected her thin face. She was no longer as fat as before. Her skin became paler due to lack of sunlight, and her face gradually protruded a beautiful outline of a mixed-race child.

"I don't know, but it will be fine." Yu Hong comforted. "Your father brought a lot of good things with him and he is very experienced. It's not easy for him to get into trouble."

"I want to help." Aisina hugged her knees and lowered her head. "I don't want to paint or learn to read anymore. I want to help do something. I don't want to be a burden."

"How can you be a burden? Nana works so hard and is so cute. No one will think you are a burden." Yu Hong smiled.

"I'm not cute! Doctor Xu told me that useless people will die the fastest." Aisina raised her head and said seriously. "I don't want to be a useless person!"

Her face showed an unprecedented seriousness.

"Nana is not a useless person." Lao Zhou also tried to comfort her. But she was interrupted by the little guy.

"I'm not kidding." She grabbed Lao Zhou's hand seriously. "My illness has improved a lot here. Although my father told me not to tell anyone about this, but..."

She paused.

"But I think Uncle Zhou and Uncle Yu are both trustworthy people. Doctor Xu said that if I don't work hard, I will have to be Uncle Yu's wife in the future. I don't want to be a wife. I want to be a useful person!"



The two were speechless.

"Nana, be good, it's getting dark, you should go back and read and learn to read." Lao Zhou said with a smile.

"I have a disease. As long as I don't suppress it with pyroxene, things similar to those mysterious shadows will slowly emit from my body." Aisena said calmly.

"." These words stopped Yu Hong, who was about to speak.

He and Lao Zhou looked at each other, and then returned to Aisena.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that your body also emits red radiation?" Yu Hong tried to ask as simply as possible.

"My dad said that if I didn't use pyroxene to suppress it, I would become one of those guys out there," Aisena explained.

Yu Hong and the two looked at the little guy. They both thought that Aisena was sick, and Li Runshan never said what kind of illness she had.

I don’t know who this little guy’s mother is, I just know that she may be a researcher from Silver Tower.

Immediately, Yu Hong took out a detector, pressed it against Nana's skin, and pressed the detection button.


The number displayed on the LCD screen: 8.533.

Then he tested his own and Lao Zhou's, but neither exceeded 2.

In the camp, the ground is surrounded by talisman formations, and the pyroxene grass continuously emits negative radiation, offsetting the red value in the air.

In this environment, Esenna actually still has a red value radiation of 8.

"Perhaps what she said is true?" Lao Zhou was a little convinced.

"Of course it's true. As long as I don't suppress you for two days, I can go out to inquire about information and deliver letters to you. As long as it's not a special black disaster, no one will attack me." Eisenna answered seriously.

"How do you know no one is attacking you?" Yu Hong squinted at the little guy. There seems to be quite a secret hidden in this child.

"I went out secretly many times before my father found me." Aisena replied.

Yu Hong looked at the child and suddenly remembered that Lao Li brought her and the two of them to live here in the first place. At that time, Lao Li often went out alone to collect firewood, dig mines, dig soil and fetch water. Aisena was the only one in the room.

But he always smiled and never seemed to worry about anything happening to his daughter.

Now it seems that this little guy really doesn't have an ordinary physique.

"Nana, go study first. Don't tell anyone about your physique in the future. Do you remember?" he warned.

"Yeah." Aisena nodded heavily.

"Lao Zhou, take her back." Yu Hong gave Lao Zhou a look, and the latter nodded, got up and took Nana back to the house.

After a while, the gentle sound of a child reading aloud came from the room.

Yu Hong put out the bonfire and stood up, still thinking about the secret he just heard.

He checked the time and saw that the strengthening of the black seal was almost completed. He was looking forward to whether the strengthened black wind protection formation would be successful.

He immediately suppressed his curiosity about Aisena's secret and turned back toward the cave door.

hold head high! !

At this moment, a shrill scream came from outside the fence of the sub-safety area.

Multi-eyed bird!

Yu Hong paused, turned around, and looked in the direction where the cry came from.

"And it's not an ordinary multi-eyed bird. This sound is much louder and thicker than the others."

He already knew a lot about the black plague of multi-eyed birds. When he heard the sound, he knew that it was a standard multi-eyed bird, that is, a level four black plague.

"Finally couldn't bear it anymore?"

The camp in the sub-safety zone has been expanding for some time. These multi-eyed birds were previously led by two living people, Ding Shao, but now those two people are gone. Only the camp is the largest gathering place for living people.

They have endured these days and are considered to be able to resist.

Yu Hong turned around. He had been wearing his suit for fighting.

He exhaled and walked towards the direction of the sound.

Passing through the inner courtyard, he signaled to Lao Zhou and the others to hide and be silent. When Yu Hong came to the fence, he happened to see a flesh-colored, large-eyed bird that was as tall as a person. It was naked and featherless, standing next to Yao Feiling on the ground.

Its huge, sharp beak and two dense rows of red eyes were facing Yao Feiling, as if it was considering where to start its beak.

Yao Feiling was on the ground with tears on her face, looking desperately at the monster in front of her. All her limbs were severed, and she was abandoned by Ding Shao. At this time, she could not move and could only lie on her back on the ground. The bloody wounds all over her body were already smelly.

If it were her two days ago, she probably wouldn't be able to recognize that the person lying on the ground now is herself.

"I don't want to die." She whimpered and her face twisted.

The arrival of Yu Hong attracted Duomu Bird's idea.

"Did the living flesh attract monsters?" He glanced at Yao Feiling on the ground, thoughtfully.

The enhanced vitality of a person is indeed exaggerated. His limbs were broken, he was blasted once by a grenade at close range, he was hit hard several times by himself, and he lost so much blood, but he could still hold on for so long.

"You can impress it with your beauty and make it stop talking. Then it will fly with you." Yu Hong said seriously.

Yao Feiling paused and closed her eyes.

"You can ridicule me no matter how much you want, but at such a close distance, you can't escape even if I die! The speed of large birds is far beyond your imagination. If you don't rely on camp weapons to fight, you can't escape either"

boom! ! !

In an instant there was a muffled sound like thunder.

Before he finished speaking, Yu Hong had disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already grabbed the big bird with both hands, and his right leg slammed upwards, knee-knocking it!!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!

Amid the continuous and huge crashing sounds, the big bird struggled for a few times before being smashed into pieces by exaggerated knee strikes one after another, with blood and flesh flying everywhere and bones splattering everywhere.

It howled madly, but before it could howl a few times, it stopped abruptly.


The bird's head was torn off by Yu Hong with one hand, and he stomped it to pieces with one foot, and the bird's body was torn into small pieces.

Throwing away the body casually, Yu Hong shook off the blood and flesh on his body, watching them quickly shatter and turn into black smoke, with no ripples under his mask.

He turned back to look at Yao Feiling, who had a dazed look on her face.

"You're right. It died much faster than I thought."

Yu Hong walked slowly past her, climbed over the fence, and returned to the outer courtyard.

He had to go back and check the enhanced formation.

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