Desperate Night

Chapter 70 070 Convoy 2

More than an hour later.

On the side of a winding gray road between the forests, a tall black figure slowly walked out of the dense woodland.

The figure was wearing a heavy black bulletproof suit, a helmet, and dark brown goggles. He looked around and made sure there were no other living creatures before slowly sliding down the slope beside the road.

With a splash.

He brought down a piece of black mud and dead leaves, and like a slide, he easily got from the slope to the road.

He stood down and patted the mud and rotten leaves on his body.

The figure looked up and quickly locked onto the three dark green jeeps parked on the side of the road.

"Finally found it!" He sighed, with joy in his voice.

After circling around a large area and spending more than an hour, he finally found the vehicle left nearby by Zhao Zhenghong and his group.

He walked quickly to the first car.

He carefully looked at the rugged and practical jeep military vehicle.

The car was like a building block, with two large and small rectangular blocks connected and assembled.

The big square is the car compartment, and the small square is the front of the car.

The two round headlights in front, which are covered with steel wire shields, are as eye-catching as toad eyes.

Yu Hong walked to the driver's seat and pulled the car door, but it wouldn't open.

He lowered his head and took out three car keys from his outer pocket. The shield-shaped car keys were also military green, with silver stars on them.

He pinched one end of the car key and pulled it hard, and immediately pulled out the cover, revealing the long silver key inside.

"It's the same as the door key, it's not automatic sensing." Yu Hong found the keyhole on the car door, inserted the key and twisted it.


The car door opened.

"Good luck. I got it right on the first try."

He glanced at the red value LCD screen on his collar, confirmed that the value was normal, and then leaned in to search.

The internal structure of the car is extremely simple.

The driving platform, seats, embedded radio, nothing else, not even an air conditioner.


Yu Hong stretched out his hand to pull open the roof of the car. The car turned out to have a folding roof with long strips of solar panels on it.

"It's actually an electric car, solar-powered!" He was overjoyed. He immediately found that the solar panels were connected to the wires and entered the car.

He continued to grope in the car, and soon he found the battery display screen for solar charging.

It was a round black and white LCD screen hanging on the left side of the driver's seat. It was only the size of a walnut and was blocked by the steering wheel. It was very inconspicuous.

He grabbed the LCD screen and looked at it.

"It's fully charged! This power is definitely much larger than my previous one!"

Yu Hong was in a good mood and quickly sat in the driver's seat. He tried to start it, go forward, backward, turn left and right, and there was no problem. The car performed well.

So he got out of the car and reached out to press on the door.

'Strengthen the solar car, direction: increase the space, improve and enhance the protection, and improve the durability. '

At first, he didn't dare to strengthen it too much. From the previous test, the larger the volume, the more time it takes to strengthen it.

So he planned to try it first, without strengthening it, to see how long the countdown time was.

Soon, a black line flashed and sank into the car from the black mark.

A mechanical voice sounded quickly.

‘Do you want to strengthen the solar car? ’

Yu Hong ignored the voice, but took a step back and looked at the countdown that appeared on the car: 4:05 on the 11th.

“. So long.” His face froze under the helmet. “Sure enough, the larger the size, the longer the time.”

He couldn’t use the black mark for eleven days, which was not a good thing for him.

‘But a solar car that can move at any time, with some basic protection, and with a pyroxene blanket, I can go out and explore other places instead of staying in the same place. ’

Yu Hong was a little embarrassed.

‘Wait! ’ Suddenly his eyes paused, ‘What materials should I collect? ’

In this era where food and drink can only be collected by oneself, staying in the same place and running to other distant places are not much different for him.

The only place that needs to go far away is the pyroxene mine. But because it doesn’t take much time to walk to the mine where he lives, driving is slower.

So. Thinking carefully, this car seems to have no use for him except transporting water.

Thinking of this.

A decision flashed through Yu Hong's mind. He quickly searched the trunk of the car and found a toolbox.

He took out the tools and quickly removed the solar motor in the car.

Fortunately, the car's solar system was very rough. It was obvious that the modifier didn't care about the beauty and hiding of the wires at all, as long as it was practical.

This also made it convenient for Yu Hong to disassemble it at this time.

He moved very quickly and quickly removed the solar motors of the three cars, stacked them together, and carried them back to the safe house one by one.

It took him more than two hours to move them back and forth.

In addition, three lighting bulbs were removed from the car.

Together with the required wires, this time he didn't need to wait for Li Runshan to bring the goods, and he could get the lights.

Back in the safe house, looking at the full house, Yu Hong felt much better.

"This way, I can install the lights when I need them, and when I don't need them, no one can drive away the three cars."

Next, he quickly found a corner in the cave, installed the headlight box, connected the wires, and connected the solar motor.


The switch was turned on.

Suddenly, the dark cave was illuminated for the first time.

The pure white light softly reflected every corner of the safe house and also reflected on Yu Hong's pale and rough face.

He looked at the light, and suddenly felt a touch of inexplicable emotion in his heart.

After staring at the light blankly for a while, he sat down in a good mood, took a short rest, moved all the other debris to the corner, and continued to dig the second stone chamber with great motivation.

With the light shining on him, his physical strength seemed to have improved a lot. He worked hard until noon. After eating, he started to exercise heavy leg exercises, and then he calmed down.

The sunshine outside is getting dimmer, the clouds are gathering, and thunder is gradually coming.

Not long after Yu Hong started practicing, suddenly there was a burst of messy footsteps outside.

" right here! I see the door!" Someone shouted with joy.

Soon, the footsteps got closer and closer.

"Come on, let me pull you up." A young woman's voice sounded.

Then the two of them went up the stone steps and stood outside the door.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Is anyone there? Is anyone there? We are a convoy passing by and want to buy some pyroxene from you!"

Yu Hong frowned slightly and glanced at the silver talisman array behind the door. There was no reaction, and he was immediately sure that it was not an evil shadow.

He recalled what Li Runshan had said before that a refugee team would pass by here recently, asking him to pay attention.

Dang even approached the past.


Pulling open the window shutter, he saw two young girls with similar looks crowded outside.

The two were wearing similar white long-sleeved T-shirts, their long hair was tied into a ponytail, their skin was fair and pretty, and their big, peach-blossom eyes were obviously made up.

The two girls stood one behind the other. The one in front has a straight nose, smaller and pinker lips than the other person, and a bigger and fuller chest.

"You are so sweet." When the girl saw the viewing window open, she quickly smiled. "We want to exchange some pyroxene for road use. What's your price? What materials can you accept?"

"Pyroxene? I only sell large pyroxene here, not ordinary pyroxene." Yu Hong said casually. It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to mine ordinary pyroxene, and the profit is too thin, so it is far better to keep it for making materials.

"As for supplies, food and dry food." He thought for a moment and answered.

I don't lack anything now, but I can save some dry food.

"Um, we only have enough food for ourselves, clothes and quilts, okay? There are also small furniture, tableware and the like," the girl replied.

"How much are these worth? Do you have any silver coins?" Yu Hong frowned.

The girl "Yin Yin Yuan" looked a little embarrassed, "In this way, we can help you with the work. You can see what kind of heavy work you need. We have more people, so we can help you do it faster."

"." Yu Hong finally understood that this feeling is that of a group of poor people.

"Please, help me. Before we came here, we thought there was a small village here. But when we came here, we found that everyone had left and you were the only three households left. We have also run out of pyroxene. There is really nothing we can do. If there is no pyroxene at night, If you use stone bags to defend yourself, many people will die in the car!”

The girl clasped her hands together and begged Yu Hong.

"How many people are there in total? How many cars are there?" Yu Hong asked.

"There are five buses, more than a hundred people in total." The girl said helplessly.

"Where did you come from?" Yu Hong continued to ask, "Why did you flee?"

"Come from Yuhe City, Yuhe City. When we left, there was chaos and many people died. The coalition army sent support troops there twice, but it was useless. We couldn't see hope and could only escape. "The girl whispered. If you look closely, you can see that there are many bloodshot eyes in her eyes.

"Is it an evil shadow that attacks you? Is it a dead girl?" Yu Hong's heart tightened and he asked quickly.

The other party encountered troubles that not even the Union Army could deal with, and it was still a city-level Hope City, which was completely different from the previous town.

The city-level Hope City is much more powerful than the town. It can be said that what he has now is available in the city, or even more.

If he couldn't defend even the urban area, that meant he definitely couldn't defend him either.

"It's not a dead girl. It's a talker." When the girl mentioned this name, her body trembled involuntarily, as if she was trembling.


Yu Hong remembered the danger level information recorded on the radio before. Among the evil shadows was the name of the whisperer. It was a super threat that was more dangerous and terrifying than the dead girl.

"Tell me the detailed information of the speaker, all the details and intelligence you know, I want them all, and I can give you two large pyroxenes as reward!" Yu Hong said quickly.

When the two girls heard this, their expressions perked up and they nodded immediately.





Between the sea of ​​dark green trees, a gray road winds into the distance until the end of the horizon.

A total of five gray-white buses are parked on the left side of the middle of the road.

The whole body of the car is covered with thick tinplate, and the windows are all covered with thick wooden boards from the inside.

"Is this the team?" Not far from the motorcade, behind a patch of brown grass, a young man crouched on the ground, his camouflage uniform blending in with the surroundings, and a grass ring made of withered grass on his head.

"Well, I originally heard you say that there were a few jeeps here that no one wanted, but then I came over and found a big fish." Another person squatted next to him and whispered with a smile.

"Go back and talk to the boss. We should be able to get a lot of good stuff. I just saw a twin sister among the people getting off the car. There must be more in the car." The young man laughed obscenely.

"We just lost a few young people in the club. If we can make up for it here, then the boss's benefits will be great, hehehe." Another person also laughed.

The two of them observed for a while, and soon, another person spoke again.

"Okay, I'll contact Sister Yu and ask her to send someone to contact you here."


One of them stood up and quietly walked away.

The remaining young man continued to squat there, watching the movement of the convoy.

What made him a little strange was that except for the first ten people who got off the five buses, he had squatted for more than ten minutes, but he didn't see any movement on the bus.

These five buses were as quiet as five coffins, motionless, peaceful and dead.

"What's going on?" The man frowned, took off the pyroxene blanket behind him, and put it on.

After the blanket was put on, he felt much safer.

Just looking at the five buses, he always felt that something seemed to be wrong.

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