Desperate Night

Chapter 71 071 Night Rain 1 (Thanks to the leader of Qin Shi Ming Yue)

Chapter 71 071 Ye Yu 1 (Thanks to the leader of Qin Shi Mingyue)

Inside the cave safe house.

A door away, Yu Hong began to listen carefully to the other person's description of the person's information.

"My name is Zhou Xiaoling, and she is my sister Zhou Xiaoyin. We have only encountered the situation of whispering people once." The girl with big breasts instinctively grabbed the clothes on her chest with her hands, bit her lips, and it seemed that she could still see the remnants of the past in her eyes. fear.

"We originally worked in a customer service company, and we were constantly answering calls every day. Then when the disaster struck, we were assigned as paramedics to take care of the injured in a temporary emergency training area. But that was just a while ago."

"How long ago was it?" Yu Hong interrupted her abruptly.

"About, two weeks ago." Zhou Xiaoling thought for a while and answered.

"You continue." Yu Hong nodded and remembered the time.

"Two weeks ago, a special patient was sent to the medical center where we work." Zhou Xiaoling's pretty face showed a trace of fear.

She began to swallow continuously, her body gradually became tense, and she moved forward unconsciously, as if she wanted to get closer to Yu Hongjian.

"That patient always likes to talk to herself inexplicably. There is no one around, but she seems to be talking to others, and she talks naturally and one-sidedly."

"Is there something invisible to ordinary people?" Yu Hong frowned.

"No. No." Zhou Xiaoling shook her head, shaking her head vigorously, "We thought that was the case at first, but later, no matter what test we used, the red value was normal. There was no problem. Later, the man's condition became worse and worse. The more serious it got, she started to laugh happily alone. Suddenly, in a quiet environment, she suddenly started laughing, laughing very naturally and happily! "

"Sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes during the day. Later, no matter what people around us said to her, she became impatient and ignored us more and more."

After Zhou Xiaoling said this for just a short while, her face turned frighteningly white, and her forehead was covered with tiny beads of sweat.

"Until, until one day." She seemed to think of something terrible at this time, and she shivered all over. Even the sister behind her turned pale, and then quietly grabbed her hand, and the two sisters hugged each other, as if like this Can be safer.

"What happened?" Yu Hong looked at the silver talisman array behind the door again. After confirming that there was no problem, he continued to look at the two people.

"That day." Zhou Xiaoling's whole body trembled even more. She gritted her teeth and lowered her head, as if she was extremely frightened. The voice of the words became smaller and smaller, making it difficult for people to hear what was behind them.

"What?" Yu Hong frowned and instinctively moved closer, wanting to hear better.

"That day. She." Zhou Xiaoling's face turned even paler, her head lowered and her body seemed to shrink, and her whole body was trembling. She was still talking and describing something, but her voice was trembling with fear and intermittent, making it impossible to hear clearly.

"Can you speak louder? I can't hear you clearly." Yu Hong frowned.

"Okay." Zhou Xiaoling nodded quickly and spoke again, about to speak.

But at this moment, her whole body stiffened and she suddenly froze on the spot.

Her whole body seemed to have been tapped, and she stopped trembling completely. Her whole body was like a wax figure, and her eyes were filled with horror as she stared at Yu Hong.

No, to be precise, he was staring behind Yu Hong.

It was as if there was something there that terrified her.

Yu Hong also felt something was wrong at this time. He suddenly grabbed the mace by the door and swung it back.


The mace made a roar in mid-air and was swung into the air.

After confirming that there was no problem, he quickly leaned against the door and looked back at Zhou Xiaoling.

"What do you see?"

All was quiet.

Yu Hong froze on the spot and blinked.

Because just at that moment, sister Zhou Xiaoling outside the door disappeared!

‘Are you hiding? ? ’ He thought about this possibility.

If the other person squats down and hides in a blind corner that cannot be seen through the viewing window, he can indeed avoid his sight.

He immediately knelt down and knocked on the door.

Boom boom.

"Zhou Xiaoling? Are you still there?"

he asks.

There was no response outside, it was empty and peaceful.

Yu Hong asked several times in succession, but received no response.

He thought for a moment, quickly put on the white bear bulletproof suit, picked up the mace, put on the silver talisman array, and reached out to hold the door handle.

‘Wait a minute, what if I go out now and meet that so-called speaker? What if these two people were trapped in a trap? ’ He stopped and let go of his right palm holding the door handle.

'Wait a minute, if Sister Zhou Xiaoling is just afraid to hide, there will definitely be another movement soon. Whether they are real seekers or traps, I shouldn't be the one panicking. ’

Yu Hong patiently leaned against the door and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Time passes little by little.

ten minutes.

half an hour.

One hour

Two hours.

Thunder was rolling outside, and it looked like it was going to rain. There was still no sound or movement outside, and there was no fluctuation in the red value detector.

It's almost nightfall.

Yu Hong took a long breath, poured himself a glass of water, and drank it in one gulp.

Then walked behind the door again.

His hand was on the doorknob again, and this time, his eyes were much more certain.

‘There has been no movement for such a long time and it’s almost dark. Something must have happened to sister Zhou Xiaoling. No matter what happens in front of my door, it is a place where I have to go in and out in the future. For such a long time, I have to go out and take a look. ’


The door handle was slowly turned and opened.

Yu Hong held the mace in one hand and slowly pushed the door open.

There was no one outside the door, it was empty.

There were no Zhou Xiaoling sisters, and nothing else.

Yu Hong stood in front of the door, looking left and right, and found that the whole yard was still the same as before, the pyroxene grass was lush and green, and it had regained its previous vitality.


He walked out of the door, squatted down, and carefully observed the ground.

There was a lot of white lime on the ground, which was a byproduct of his usual excavation of stone chiseling and stone chambers.

These stone powders clearly printed out his wide footprints when he usually went in and out.

But at this moment, what made Yu Hong frown as he squatted down was.

Why are there only his footprints on the ground at the door? ?

Where are the Zhou Xiaoling sisters just now? ?

They clearly stood in front of the door for a long time, why

Yu Hong's eyes became gloomy, and he quickly came down and checked the yard along the stone steps.

Soon he checked the only way to the door of the safe house and confirmed that there were only his footprints on this road, and no traces of other people.

‘If there were only my footprints, then where did the two people who asked for help just now go? ? Are they really people? ? ’

Yu Hong had a little doubt in his heart.

He looked around and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

He went back and closed the door, took his pistol and tied his dagger.

With the enhanced pistol in his body, he felt much safer, and then stuffed a stack of talisman plates into his chest. The two silver talismans made him more confident.

After walking out of the cave, he left the yard and rushed to the post office.

He was going to find Li Runshan. As a postman, he might know some inside information.




Yu Hong walked quickly because it was getting dark and he had to go and come back quickly.

After a while, he only took ten minutes to reach the post office.

The stone house of the post office was dark and quiet.

Thick black curtains were drawn over the windows, the door was closed, and dangerous poisonous thorns were hung around the yard.

Li Runshan, who usually liked to play games with his daughter in the yard, was silent at this time.

Yu Hong frowned and knocked on the wooden door of the yard.

Dong Dong Dong.

No response.

‘What’s going on?’ He narrowed his eyes and knocked again.

Still no movement.

This shouldn’t be the case. Logically, even if Li Runshan thought a ghost had come, he would have exchanged secret signals with him.

Why was there no response at all?

He knocked on the door again, and this time Yu Hong knocked much faster.

Dong Dong Dong.

Still no response.

After thinking for a while, he left the post office and hurried back.

Originally, he was going to go find Lao Zhou to ask, but time didn’t allow it.

He looked up at the sky, which was covered with dark clouds and dark much earlier than usual.


A thunderclap.

Tiny raindrops began to fall, hitting the grass, making a hissing sound.

‘It will be completely dark in about half an hour.’ Yu Hong estimated the time and couldn’t help but speed up his pace.

Living in this environment, he had already learned to observe the sky to judge the speed of darkness.

There were no waves along the way. He returned to the yard smoothly, came to the door of the cave safe house, took out the key to open the door.

As soon as he entered the door, the raindrops outside suddenly became heavier.


Thunder rolled, heavy rain poured, and the pyroxene grass in the yard kept trembling and bowing.

Yu Hong turned on the light, and the bright white light made him feel much safer.

After taking off the suit, he returned to the door and looked outside through the glass window next to the visitor window.

‘Could it be that the Zhou Xiaoling sisters are ghosts? But ghosts are generally not so natural, and it is impossible for them to talk and communicate for such a long time and naturally. But if they are not ghosts, why didn’t they leave any footprints outside? ’

Yu Hong was puzzled.

He wanted to ask Li Runshan about the information of the language people, but returned empty-handed.

His intuition told him that this speaker might be more troublesome and dangerous than the withered woman before.

Watching the heavy rain outside, he sat quietly in the safe cave, rested for a while, and then got up to continue practicing the heavy leg skill.

The eighth internal energy was gradually taking shape again.

According to the record of the heavy leg skill, nine internal energy can almost complete a comprehensive enhancement. If the enhancement is successful, you can enter the second level, that is, practice the second move, sideways grab and kick.

This skill has three levels in total, which is simple and easy to learn and fits yourself.

Feeling that he is about to break through, Yu Hong relaxed his mood, stopped thinking about what just happened, and focused on training.

After exercising for more than an hour, he made a fire and cooked something to eat. In the middle of the night, when he was sure that there were no black bugs outside, Yu Hong fell down with peace of mind and got into his sleeping bag to rest.

"Yu Hong?"

"Yu Hong?"

Late at night.

Half asleep and half awake, Yu Hong frowned and was slowly awakened by a clear shout.

He squinted his eyes in a daze and saw the white rune array pattern on the top of the cave.

The gray stone walls, the white array patterns, the rough rock texture, everything is the same as before.

The air is filled with the smell of mushrooms, jerky, protein bar soup and mold.

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