Destiny Dominates

Chapter 185: Luck

Inside the chemical plant, Li Mochen has entered the most difficult period.

At this time, not only the vitality of life extracted from the heart of the lord-level beast crystal was poured into his body, but the pure vitality that had been swallowed by the sky and the rebirth of the refining element was compressed to the extreme. It was also repeated. Washing away his limbs.

With time, Li Mochen's skin surface has even vaguely appeared dragon scales, and there have been some abnormal expansion of the limbs and body.

But this was quickly suppressed by him. The powerful spirit from Wen Jian Taoran was reintroducing these aberrations caused by blood awakening to the right track.

At this time, there were four powerful magical reactions appearing on the periphery of the rebirth of the rebirth of the swallowing the sky.

Li Mochen can vaguely recognize that it should be the magic tide caused by someone breaking through the existing state. He couldn't identify them one by one, because at this time, the blood power in his body, the true elemental mana that was rapidly growing in the pure magical energy wash, and the three hundred and sixty 'Zhou Tianxing Doujian', already It is holding back his every distraction.

But at this moment, Li Mochen suddenly had a huge force burst out in front of him. It was a magic bullet, hitting his eyebrows directly.

However, this super armor-piercing explosive shell was ten steps away from Li Mochen, and was blocked by the storm of the magic tide that suddenly rolled up in the formation. Next is Li Mochen's "Tenjin Pocket Watch", the constant intermediate force field technique, which is automatically triggered when it encounters a fatal attack.

Was followed by Li Mochen ’s ‘Black Rhinoceros’ armor, which was quickly excited by layers of protective arrays, forming a source of armor not inferior to the eleventh-level superpowers.

But even so, it was impossible to stop this bullet wrapped in a powerful source, until the "Holy Guardian" scroll on Li Mochen was also triggered, forming a layer of illusory armor formed by the condensed divine power outside his body.


With this violent explosion, the bullet finally burst outside Li Mochen's eyebrows. With the help of the blast, there were still some shattered shrapnel, which forcibly penetrated the layer of sacred armor and hit his eyebrows.

Fortunately, after the shrapnel's power had been exhausted, the moment of reaching his eyebrows was the end of the crossbow, and he could not continue to penetrate after slashing his skin.

Throughout the process, Li Mochen was in a state of immobility. He could only watch this scene with his eyes open. Forty meters away, the forehand was holding a gun, and he looked at his thin black man with ironic eyes.

And Sampson Brut, Li Tailai and others were also awakened, but because of the distance, they were helpless.

And Li Mochen's thoughts and emotions were calm as usual from beginning to end, without any ups and downs, even if the thin black man pressed the trigger for the second time, he couldn't move him.

Although he has a tenfold magnification in his mind, he wants to use the escape desire of the transmission scroll, and there is also a murderous desire that is also magnified to ten times, but under the suppression of the "Heart of God", these emotions can't raise any storms. .

He knew that this was the anti-bite brought by the "Swallowing Heaven and Blood Vessel and Refining the Dafa Rebirth Dafa", and the disaster he had to face.

At this time, a trace of blood spilled around Li Mochen's lips and corners. He had prepared a secret recipe that might hurt his body and ensured that he could escape the killing without killing the reel.

However, there was another gunshot right next to the black man who opened fire, and two bullets shot from different directions collided together in the air 20 meters in front of Li Mochen, bursting out a huge noise. With sparks.

The black man was obviously taken aback, and then the ruby ​​ring on his finger flashed a strong light, and instantly a layer of powerful source armor was recruited to protect him. Even if the surrounding Li Tailai and others fired at the same time, they could not be shaken.

At the same time, under his feet, there is the strength of the void gathering, and a void crack is gradually condensed-that is the sign of the launch of teleportation.

"I'm so sorry! I thought I could be killed today."

The thin black man withdrew his gun in his holster and smiled regretfully: "But it doesn't matter anymore. I saw some very wonderful things today. Are you planning to fight the **** Antonio? Will I put today What he saw was originally told to him. "

But in Li Mochen's eyes, there was contempt. It was at this moment that those Zhou Tianxing fighting swords that he inserted within thirty meters around were trembling slightly.

Then the thin black man, and then found out that the situation was wrong, he used the transmission reel three seconds ago, but so far has not been transmitted. It seemed like there was a force of swallowing here, holding his figure firmly in place and could not escape. That's the effect of the space spell 'Dimensional Anchor', but he doesn't know what method Li Mochen used and how he did it.

This man had to throw three scrolls of high-level force shields in a row to fight the fire of everyone around him. In the short moment just now, dozens of bullets had hit him. The layer of source armor that can match the defensive power of the eighteenth-level magical creatures began to be full of holes.

However, the teleportation technique that was still being maintained could not successfully teleport him out. The thin black man had understood the reason, and he threw several magic grenades all over his body.

However, at the moment these grenades were about to explode, the upper and lower two "grinding discs" in the large formation suddenly increased their power, crushing all the magical grenades into instant powder.

And the thin black people themselves are also under great pressure ~ ~ showing pain. The squeezing power of the two "grinding discs" penetrated the heavy armor barriers around his body, directly acting on his body, making him feel the pain of the whole person being crushed by the "grinding discs".

The next moment, Li Mochen gently said the word "Qi", and then all the 360 ​​zhouzhou star fighting swords all flew into the sky, each flashing a cold silver light.

With Li Mochen's word 'falling' again, all flying swords suddenly fell down, and the scene was like a sword waterfall falling from the sky, hitting the front of the thin black man. At this time, the latter used two reels in succession, and there was already some surprise in his eyes: "Don't you want to kill me, this is absolutely impossible!"

He already felt that the power of the interference teleportation was gradually weakening. As long as he supported for another 3 ~ 5 seconds, he could escape from this chemical plant.

But when the sword waterfall washed away, the blood-red gang of tide outside the skinny black man suddenly collapsed. Then those advanced force field protection techniques, advanced sacred guards, advanced alloy armor, etc., were unable to support even a second under the impact of hundreds of Zhou Tianxing fighting swords.

These thin flying swords as thin as leaves seem to be permeable fish without holes and without drilling. You can always find the flaws in the protective magic at the fastest speed, and then crack and smash.

In the third second, the whole body of the thin black man was already 'Ling Chi' by those flying swords, and only a pair of bones were left in a flash. Then, the flesh and bones that were cut off were just there. The crushing of those two "grinding discs" turned into powder, leaving only the pure vitality of life, which was forcibly absorbed by the "swallowing the sky and regenerating the rebirth of the yuan".

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