Destiny Dominates

Chapter 7: Has been changed! !

By the way, let ’s report the results of this book. It ’s been on the shelves for 16 days. The high order for reading this book this morning is 1910, and the average order is 1500. What is even more tragic is that after changing the cover image the day before yesterday, the booking was reduced by one third in 24 hours. The wasteland is here to ask everyone to continue to subscribe to support, and all you can book all. Those who are unable to subscribe can also help to give a recommendation. If you feel that this book can still be read, you can help the wasteland promotion and give a good review in the book review area. There is also a monthly ticket, and it will be doubled on the 27th. I ask you to leave a vote for the wasteland.

Then there will be tomorrow's update. The wastelander's hands are now obsolete, so although there are three more changes tomorrow, I have to wait until the afternoon.

The content of this chapter is being updated ...

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