Destiny Dominates

Chapter 193: bank

At the same time, Li Mochen was standing in an eight-story building opposite Craig Community Bank, looking at the building opposite.

Is also an eight-storey building called the Craig Building, a classical revival building covering an area of ​​about 1,200 square meters. It was built before World War II and has a history of more than 100 years. However, although the Craig Building has a long history, it is well maintained and still stands like an artwork in the eastern suburbs of Atlanta.

It is worth mentioning that Craig Community Bank only owns half of the building, and the other half is either Antonio ’s own property or rented out by the **** party.

"To tell the truth, these guns are really inferior."

The one who complained next to Li Mochen was the eye of the sky, Howard Eisenhower, “They ca n’t use my strength bss at all. You are also surnamed Wilton Stein, anyway, you ca n’t bring out a few good guns. An armor "

Li Mochen gave him a squinted look, and set his eyes on the fourth floor of the Craig Building opposite. He was already on this floor and found several dark whistle.

Then the other party's monitoring room is also important on this floor, it is the place that must be destroyed first.

"Less complain to me, Mr. Eisenhower. This is already the best weapon I can give you within the scope of financial resources. If you are not satisfied, you can find a way to grab from the opposite side. Or wait until we have enough harvest this time, If you can earn more than 20 million gold shields, I will give you a good gun. "

The weapon of the Eye of the Sky is indeed a little bit worse. Li Mochen only equipped him with two black pythons and a black fire Butler.

The former is two powerful 4a-level magic pistols, while the latter is an enhanced version of the Butler heavy sniper rifle. The total price of the three firearms is less than 200,000 gold shields.

These firearms are very good for a 14th-level magician, but in the hands of a 7th-level magic shooter, they are somewhat inadequate.

But it was Howard Eisenhower ’s own fault. During the serious injury, this man threw away all the guns he owned.

Of course, this may also be the intention of the other party, but Li Mochen does not care.

"Enough harvest er, I feel that this time we can come out alive, already blessed by the Lord of Glory."

Eisenhower shook his head, "plus you and me, and the two magic wizards under Sampson Blutter, the total is only personal. But in this building, their number is at least five times more than ours. There are at least six people in the ranks, and they also have a strong protective array. Antonio is completely operating here as a castle. Bss you dare to play here, I really do n’t know if you are crazy, or you have won it. grasp."

Li Tailai, who came from behind, felt quite the same, but at this point, he had a little confidence in Li Mochen.

This is because all of the latter's planning arrangements are well-organized and tactical, almost taking into account all aspects of what is not something that a stupid and arrogant person can do.

And a few weeks ago, he watched Li Mochen with his own eyes, killing Hancock and many of his men almost in a single shot.

"Bss, three extrajudicial persons arranged by the **** party nearby have entered the urban area. The strength of the two suburban police stations have also been seconded, which can earn us 23 minutes more time."

"Very good"

Li Mochen turned his head and looked at Li Tailai ’s back, “Jean, the formation has been completed, right?”

This is one of Sampson Blut ’s comrades, named Jean Reddy, and is a rare army-generated magic mage.

Is also an extrajudicial person. In the early hours of this morning, this man was fortunate to be one of the ten beneficiaries of a career advancement.

"It has been completed, as long as I crush this stone in my hand"

Jean Reddy shook a spar in his hand. "The whole building, including its underground part, will be dragged into the dark world. But bss, please forgive me. I have made some preparations for extra materials. It ’s convenient for us to evacuate. I have to reimburse you afterwards. "

"of course."

Li Mochen knew that Brut's men had limited trust in him.

The Dafa in the chemical plant rejuvenates and regenerates the Dafa. Although it gives them a little benefit, it also makes these people feel curious and grateful. But when their target audience is a solid fortress like Craig Community Bank, they will inevitably have reservations.

"Actually, I hope that only the upper part of this building will be sent to the dark world. Isn't that simple?"

Eisenhower sighed "If this is the case, we can directly enter the basement to get money, and the risk is much smaller."

But this is impossible. Under the effect of magical protection array, this classical revival building is an inseparable whole.

Li Mochen narrowed his eyes, "Then let's start, Huo Huaide"


Howard Eisenhower took the black fire Butler in his hand and left his position. "I went to the shooting position and waited for the result in a minute. Damn, you didn't even configure my sniper rifle with magic muffler.

One minute soon passed ~ ~ Li Mochen heard somewhere 700 meters away, and a dull gunshot came out. Then a bulletproof glass window on the third floor opposite shattered, 28 times the speed of sound from the sniper rifle, and attached with a top-level armor-piercing explosive bomb of 17th level, even if it was a strong protection inside the Craig Building. Array, too, did not play much role. A figure in it almost fell in response.

Li Mochen's eyes, could not help showing a satisfied look. This is one of the two extrajudicial persons in the Craig Building that they can only see.

This Mr. Eye of the Sky was finally smart, and this time it was indeed full-strength, without any remaining hands.

Then the next moment, there was another dull thunder. This time Howard Eisenhower's goal was the fourth floor. This time he failed to kill him, but this domineering shot also caused a huge blood hole to burst out on the man's shoulder.

At the same time, there was a huge blast at the gate of Craig Community Bank. This is a heavy-duty cement tank truck driven by the Collinson brothers and others, which directly hit the wall on the side of the bank business hall at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour. A little gap. Then there are countless vines, which extend into it. It is Li Tailai. At this time, this man is wearing an armor with a head and face covered, and is striding towards the inside of the business hall, and behind him, then It was the American thorny dragon with its wings flapped.

Li Mochen did not have any delay. When the first shot shot, he stretched out two bat wings behind him, and the whole person flew into the air, leaping towards the fourth floor opposite.

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