Destiny Dominates

Chapter 194: Break into

Jean Reddy followed immediately, first a "flash", followed by a first appearance in the air only one meter from the seventh floor of the Craig Building, and then a "slow fall" to let himself The body slowly landed.

While descending, Jean Redillo looked at Li Mochen below with some concern.

The fourth floor of the Craig Building can be double-layer bullet-proof glass, which also has up to fifteen levels of protective array support. It is not an easy task to break through without permission. . Even his magic mage, who has entered the extra-legal level, has to spend three or five seconds.

Once the delay is too long, the risk of defeating them will increase exponentially. The security staff at Craig Community Bank wo n’t be waiting silly and doing nothing.

But the next moment, Jean dropped his worries, and Howard Eisenhower's "Black Flame Butler" fired for the third time, forcing a piece of bulletproof glass directly in front of Li Mochen into a hole.

At the same time, countless silver and white sword lights suddenly flowed out from the huge scabbard behind Li Mochen, surging forward like a tide! Immediately, this small hole was excavated and enlarged to allow Li Mochen's huge body in armor to easily pass through.

Jean Reddy also squeezed the spar in his hand at this time.

After the light of his perspective, he has seen the figure of Howard Eisenhower, who has abandoned the previous sniper position, is holding a two-handed gun, and enters the range of the 'dimension traction' array with amazing speed. All the other people involved in the operation have also entered the established position-which means that their strong attack plan has entered the stage of full launch.

When the 'Dimensional Traction' was officially launched, Jean Reddy blasted back with a blast, and flew into the shattered glass window with the help of the explosive recoil.

Also at this time, Gene Reddy's pupil couldn't help shrinking slightly.

In front of his eyes, it was a bright red color, and various "Harmony" was everywhere. In the pool of blood, three incomplete corpses lay.

Jin Reddy's mind also instinctively appeared a picture of Li Mochen driving the monstrous sword tide, and will be here to snipe and intercept the **** party members who are slashing and killing in an instant!

"Wow, this is really a mysterious and powerful boss——"

Jean Reddy was amazed. I thought that even those fifteenth-level magic professionals would not have such terrible lethality and destructive power.

He could see that Li Mochen's killing of these people was extremely easy. The whole process should take less than a second, as simple as slaughtering pigs and dogs. The only way to kill people is too brutal.

You know, this is inside the Craig Building! The existence of the protective magic circle not only suppresses their magic source, but also generates various spells to attack them.

Even under such circumstances, Li Mochen can still solve the battle at a staggering speed.

Jean Reddy clutched her toes and tried to avoid the "Harmony" splashing on the ground. But he quickly gave up, because after he stepped out of the corridor, he found that the situation here was even worse.

All six people died here. Their broken "Harmony" was already laying a scarlet carpet on this corridor.

There are also seven living people in this corridor, with pale faces on both sides of the corridor-these people should be all employees of the Craig Community Bank, and the magic level is insignificant. At this time, it was all in a state of stunnedness, seeming to have been scared of dementia, and there was no focus in the eyes;

Jean Reddy sighed again-he was not the state of these people, but was amazed by Li Mochen's swordsmanship!

This boss is not only powerful in swordsmanship, but also amazing in control!

When slaughtering six magic professionals of level 9 to 10 in the corridor, even an innocent person was not injured.

It wasn't until he approached the monitoring room that Jean Reddy heard a fierce battle. There were constant gunfire sounds inside, and then a series of jingle sounds, like rain hitting plantain, endlessly.

When Jean Reddy walked inside, he found that all the people inside were also slaughtered. There is only the center, and two extrajudicial people are leaning back, firing continuously around. Li Mochen's figure was phantom like electricity. In the narrow space of the monitoring room, he performed all kinds of unbelievable evasive movements. At the same time, the hundreds of sword surges continued to bombard and attack the two.

Jean Reddy sees that the two sides have won, Li Mochen has completely suppressed the opponent, especially the extrajudier whose shoulder was hit hard by Howard Eisenhower's sniper rifle, and has been left under the attack of the sword tide .

Jian estimated that as long as six to seven seconds at most, Li Mochen can solve his opponent. But after entering the door, he shot two red flames for the first time and blasted the two extrajudicial persons who were located in the center of the monitoring room.

And in the next moment, Jean Reddy heard a burst of "clang", he watched the armor of the two were shattered and stripped a little bit, and then beheaded by those finely divided swords!

At this time, this monitoring room was also blood red, full of blood.

"The plan has changed. There are two of their formation centers, indeed one is in the basement, but the other is on the seventh floor."

Li Mochen glanced at the monitors and picked up the intercom: "I might get a walk upstairs, Tailai, can you hold it below?"

"No problem boss, Mr. Eye of the Sky has a very sharp shot, and Billton also came in. There are only three out-of-laws in the lobby, and we can fight them."

Inez Billton-This is the magic mage under Sampson Blut, although he has not yet entered the extra-legal level ~ ~ Bilton has the luxury with his own equipment More powerful than the French.

If it is normal, the power they put in the lobby of the Craig Community Bank is enough to wipe out the three extrajudicial persons of the Bloody Party and the many security personnel.

The magic array existing inside the Craig Building can maximize the fighting power of the intruder. At this time, Li Tailai and their opponents were able to achieve parity, it was already very good.

"If you feel you can't hold it, you can call reinforcements at any time."

Li Mochen heard Li Tailai's voice fairly calm, so he didn't hesitate anymore and strode out of the door.

And just after he left, Jean Reddy walked alone in front of those monitors to operate. Just a few seconds later, he destroyed all the video tapes that recorded their figures.

Jean Reddy began to look at the dozens of other video tapes one by one, and a magnificent demon burst above his head.

This directly affects the protective array inside the building. If it is not the basement, there is still a force, a hub is trying to maintain it, and the magic runes embedded in the walls are almost smashed on the spot.

Jean Reddy thought very quickly! I was afraid that Li Mochen had left here for less than 25 seconds. But the formation hub on the seventh floor has been destroyed.

Can't help but breed joy in his chest. Guess the probability that they will win this Craig community bank this time has exceeded 60%!

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