Destiny Dominates

Chapter 203: pissed off

"Is there anything? Carl?"

After Li Mochen's practice, he walked down the stairs with a spirited look: "Or, what's the matter with your company to communicate with me?"

"Before you defeat Cardio Rod, there will be no new initiatives on the side of the company. I am here for the Belinda."

When Carl talked, he didn't find that Angela next to her suddenly raised her ears. This man was carefully observing Li Mochen and finally found nothing.

This one has no abnormalities. It doesn't look like it has just robbed more than 100 million gold shields from the Blood Slayer.

"Don't you let me help you re-quote to the Los Angeles cultural agency? They agreed, one million gold shield, to come here on Monday or Tuesday to shoot. They put forward a condition, hoping to borrow your house."

"Promise them, but pay an additional 500,000 gold shield for the house use fee, can't you Karl? If they want to shoot v, they will definitely make a mess here."

Li Mochen looked at Carl with a somewhat flattering look. There was no way. Although he lived in this retrial apartment, the property rights belonged to the Nathan Sports Group.


Karl doesn't care about this, but it feels that Li Mochen has some lions speaking. For a short four-minute music film, the funding for filming will generally not exceed three million gold shields.

"But you can't use this name, even if it delays your academic compensation, I will continue to negotiate with them. I don't know if they will agree. But Amo, you really should hire an agent-"

But this time he didn't finish talking, Angela raised her hand and interjected: "Excuse me, is Belinda you said, is it Belinda Harris? Is she looking for Amo you to shoot v? Why did you promise her? One of you is in the fighting world, and the other is in the music world.

"I don't know why she came to me, but I lack money."

Li Mochen looked at the girl with a very strange look: "I need gold shield now, Angela."

Although he grabbed more than 100 million gold shields from the Blood Slayer, this does not mean that he is not short of money.

Know that dirty money is always dirty money, even after washing it once, it may not turn white. Whether it is the FBI, the police, or the Internal Revenue Service, if they want to check, they can still find it. Otherwise, Antonio will not store such a large amount of cash in the bank vault.

Therefore, Li Mochen does not intend to let the money have anything to do with his career on the bright side. At most, he will only take part of it to repay the Cardinal Club loan. Just because the money the latter loaned to him is not a regular way.

Besides this, Rising Sun also has a new loan with a total amount of 12 million gold dong and an annual interest rate of 6%. Then it can be predicted that during the war with the **** hands, he will also pay tens of millions of gold shields.

Dwight Payton can help him to smooth out certain relationships, but in those places that should be cleared up, Li Mochen still has to pay for himself.

He didn't want to owe Dwight too much affection, which also helped him expand his network.

"They fancy A Mo's image and his popularity among young girls on the East Coast."

Carl Holden also explained: "Belinda is the youngest front-line actress in Ameriga today, and her fans are all over the east and west coast, which is conducive to our company's promotion of him and can be regarded as a win-win situation.


Angela Liuliu frowned: "Did you never think about it? The woman Belinda, she might be mischievous? Is it bad intentions?"

"Malicious? Bad intentions?"

Carl and Li Mochen looked at each other, and their eyes showed an incomprehensible meaning: "I can shoot a v, what purpose can she achieve? If it is for the image of A Mo, you should not worry about this, we provide for A Mo 'S image consultant will follow up throughout. "

"That was not what I meant."

Angela's expression was halting, but she still couldn't say it in the end, but just walked out vigorously: "Forget it, I don't know what I say now. Anyway, you have to be careful A Mo , Is this woman deliberately approaching you, do you know? I advise you not to do anything that makes you regret it. "

Li Mochen looked at Angela out of the door blankly, then shook her head and walked to the dining table.

What made him relieved was that Angela sent him this time. It was just a bowl of medicinal soup in the Medici family. Depression mainly.

So he happily put the soup bowl close to his mouth this time, drinking while taking a sip and asking, "Do you understand her? Karl?"

"I guess it's jealous. I'm afraid you will be charmed by Belinda or even snatched away. She should like you very much, so she is worried that this is the case with little girls."

When Karl said here, he not only moved his mind slightly. He knows Angela's identity. If these two really go to a certain point in the future, Li Mochen can really struggle for decades, and even have sufficient qualifications to inherit the Wiltonstein Group.

But this possibility is unlikely

"But I can't care about it at all. I know that Angela and Belinda are both from Xingmai Noble Academy ~ ~ and they are quite the same age.

"In other words, can't it be completely wrong, right?"

Li Mochen thought deeply, remembering the inexplicable hostility he felt from that Belinda that day.

"Second thing, didn't you say you wanted to submit a comic book to the publisher?"

Carl Holden put the topic back on track: "We have already submitted your comic manuscript paper to three publishing houses. Due to my relationship with BSS, they will enter the review process as soon as possible and will also give it as soon as possible. You reply. I have left the phone for them, you should pay attention to these days. "

Li Mochen's mood suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and he felt the feeling that he hadn't felt for a long time.

Whether it was a fighting game or a robbery against Craig Community Bank, Li Mochen was very confident. This is because of his understanding and self-confidence of his own strength, but the only thing like comics, first of all, he was the first contact, and secondly, he was not very sure about his own painting skills and plots with a little oriental style.

The paintings he painted, whether they can pass the review and whether they can be sold, are unknown things.

After all, except for William Jacques, the evaluation of the others is not high. Most of them think that the plot is too simple and naive.

"and also--"

Carl Holden put a large stack of documents under his arm on the table, and his expression was condensed: "Mr. Payton, he told me to tell me, since you have already started on your side, do n’t stop. Long Wu To teach this kind of force is that if you cut off one head, there will immediately be a monster with a second head. "

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