Destiny Dominates

Chapter 204: Major

"This Mr. Holden is right."

When Carl Holden left, it was already half past six in the afternoon, and the apartment's living room was filled with the red glow of the horizon. Sampson Blut, who had been standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looking out, finally came to Li Mochen.

"Since the action has been taken against the Blood Slayer and Antonio, never give him a chance to breathe."

"This is similar to what the hero sees, I personally think so."

Li Mochen said, and opened all the materials sent by Carl: "But Sampson, are you okay? I guess your staff has just been recruited? Is it less than 2 hours?"

"Don't worry about this, BSS, the situation is better than I thought."

Sampson Brut sat comfortably, with his back straight like a mountain: "My comrades, each of them have held positions above the rank of lieutenant in the military, not only have enough experience in leading, but also qualified Instructor. And the people selected by BSS this time are basically in service. Although a large part of them are from abroad, they are relatively easy to tune. Some of the combat groups are already available. Go to war. "

Speaking of this, Sampson handed a document to Li Mochen a little apologetically: "I'm sorry, after learning of the Craig community bank robbery, I raised the recruitment standards a little bit. I think you, BSS, need more powerful and cheap instant combat power right now? "

"You are the commander of a combat force and you have this right. But I hope that you will be able to inform me in advance before making such a decision next time. Of course, this time is the exception. In the afternoon, we can't help each other. contact."

Li Mochen took a closer look at the documents provided by Sampson Brut, and then his eyes were different. The former lieutenant colonel of the Red Scorpion Force was determined, and there was no intention of overtaking, only for operational considerations.

This is a list of the attacking forces, followed by the resumes of all the people, and the composition of the teams, etc.

Firstly, not much of the total salary exceeded the standard, only 1.7 million gold shields, still within his psychological expectations. Secondly, Brut did not arrange all the comrades he brought to each group as the team leader, as he imagined, but gathered six of them, mixed the recruited personnel, and formed two Attack team against extrajudicial strength.

There are only six of Brut ’s twelve old departments who hold the position of team leader. The remaining groups are those with outstanding selection capabilities.

In addition, this recruiting manpower is indeed a powerful, immediate combat force. Although the number of tenth-level magical professionals is slightly more, the configuration of combat power is also more reasonable, so that the overall strength of combat troops can be increased by 20 to 30%.

This made Li Mochen very satisfied, although he never doubted Sampson Blut. But the latter's dedication and self-denial still made him feel happy.

He wants to change to any one of the upper class, he will like this kind of subordinates.

So after reading the document, Li Mochen only thought about it a little bit and said: "In fact, I actually want to discuss with you about the combat troops. Can I add three more combat teams and an extrajudicial group as appropriate?"

"Of course I welcome, it will make us much less pressure. But in this case, we have to hire two extrajudicial persons, seven tenth level, four seventh level, we have to pay 350 Wan Jindun ’s annual salary and equipment. "

Sampson Brut suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his eyes showed a pleasant color. There are no commanders in this world, and you think you have too many people.

"I don't know if you have a suitable candidate here for BSS? If not, I can introduce a comrade to come. This one first served in the Red Scorpion and then transferred to the Marine Corps. Not long ago, he retired with the rank of major, this is a The thirteenth-level magical hunter also has several powerful old minions around. As far as I know, this original plan was to take people to the Middle East as mercenaries, but if you can provide enough superior conditions for BSS, it is He can be hired to Atlanta. If it is possible, who will be willing to leave the country, I can guarantee that the arrival of this one can bring you a very powerful and immediate use of BSS. "

"Retired major officer?"

Li Mochen couldn't help but show interest: "What's his name? Can you tell me a little bit about his situation?"

One of the reasons why he hired this Lieutenant Colonel was for the latter's contacts in the army.

Amerika ’s National Defense Forces and retired soldiers are huge groups of tens of millions of individuals. Among them, there are countless middle and senior magical professionals, and they are almost an inexhaustible treasure trove.

"His name is Thompson Adams, a former Naval Cross medalist."

Sampson explained: "This is a very capable guy. He became a magician of the thirteenth grade at the age of twenty-seven, and after serving as a commander, the success rate of all missions exceeded 7%. For details of his retirement, I I do n’t know, it ’s said to be related to the pension. The navy let his troops perform a very dangerous mission, and many of his subordinates died as a result. However, after the incident, the navy department did not recognize their martyr qualifications, thinking that their action It was unauthorized. So Thompson retired from his indignation. The original intention of forming a mercenary corps in the Middle East was also to earn money to help the lives of those survivors. And he could have been compensated by his boss and promoted to lieutenant colonel officer— — ”

Li Mochen immediately reached Karl's mobile phone, and soon after, he looked at Sampson unexpectedly: "The situation of this major Adams is similar to what you said about Sampson ~ ~ But Carl investigated When he was in the Red Scorpions before, he had a bad relationship with you. Have there been several conflicts, right? "

"The conflict between us is due to official business, and there is no personal complaint. At that time, my comrade-in-arms was also young and vigorous."

Sampson's uneasy look: "The situation is different now. I believe that I can cooperate well with Major Adams, which does not detract from the value of Major Adams."

"What are you waiting for?"

Li Mochen continued to dial his mobile phone: "I will send an employment invitation to Major Adams through the Cardinals Club, and I hope Sampson can convince him through a personal relationship. I guess such a person will be very popular?"

So after hearing about the great achievements of Thompson Adams, Li Mochen had little hope, even if he could pay a high salary above this level.

After all, this Mr. Adams did not have a deep hatred with Dragon Witch Church like Sampson. It is not like Zhang Wei, and has the reputation of the master.

"This person is very popular, but BSS you are still very promising."

Sampson laughed: "Those who are famous in the family will not take him too seriously. If it is a gang force like the Mafia, it will be different. He has few choices, otherwise he will not be moved to become a mercenary. I will try my best to convince you of his BSS. "

"Then please!"

At this time, Li Mochen had placed several photos in Karl's folder on the dining table one by one.

"Let's talk about the topic, what should we do next, and where should our next goal be?"

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