Destiny Dominates

Chapter 246: rifle

"It's my turn to take over! Please, mysterious Mr. Li."

Dyneen Streiss has pulled out her holy sword ‘Di Mos’, and at the same time opened the protective array of the armor ‘Holy War of Divine Grace’ to the greatest extent.

She is a 17th-level Templar and the most powerful melee professional among the crowd. And this kind of charge is the responsibility of melee occupation.

"Relax! Let me be with the eye of the sky, and no shooter will threaten you. Alyssa, you come to be my observer."

As Li Mochen spoke, he added bullets to Longwei's magazine.

The 3721 Linfield rifle is a manual rifle with a rotating post-pull gun barrel. Due to the age, there was no magazine at that time, only a magazine with a five-round capacity.

The "Long Wei" artifact-level firearm is based on the 3721 Linfield rifle, so it also inherits its characteristics. Although its manufacturer has made some improvements to expand its magazine, it still has a capacity of only seven rounds. After use, it can only replace bullets manually. The process is much more troublesome than replacing the magazine.

"I believe you can do it!"

At this time, Dai Nian's body was already filled with the glory of magic energy and magic. As the foot stepped on, her whole body flew out like a cannonball and rammed directly into a gap.

Then there was a series of screams in the factory building.

Li Mochen once again aimed the muzzle towards the opposite side, his eyes focused and cold. Alyssa Tangerian was lying twelve meters away from him, holding a telescope, looking for all the targets that might threaten Dainian and them.

She is a tenth-level magical hunter. It is enough to replace Dinion's previous duties when the opposite protective array has collapsed.

The following situation is almost sweeping. After the warehouse magic protection array is destroyed, the battle in warehouse 2 has completely fallen into the control of Li Mochen, Howard Eisenhower, and Dyneen Streisie.

After seeing the bad situation, many magical professionals of the other party also began to retreat from the ground. However, most of these people's attempts were unsuccessful. The entrances to the underground were blocked by Sampson Brut and others in time.

Just three minutes later, the sound of gunshots in warehouse 2 had calmed down. The war temporarily subsided, and a total of sixty-five corpses lay in this warehouse that was almost full of holes and nearly collapsed.

"The Fire Club side has also started five minutes ago."

Alyssa Tangerian also has the responsibility of contacting the Protestant knights of the Protestant religion, and can communicate with them there through special magic tools.

"It started smoothly, but when they entered the basement of the club, they were hit by at least sixty gunmen. The defensive array over there was not inferior to the fine factory. Mr. Jerome said they might need twenty It takes only a minute to complete the breakthrough, which is still based on the fact that the other party does not have more reinforcement. "

Alonso Jerome Knight of the Light Cathedral in Atlanta, a Templar with a professional rank of 17, a faithful subordinate of Assistant Bishop Isolt Linden, and a member of the elite Knights Squad leader.

"twenty minutes?"

Li Mochen couldn't help but frown slightly, although he hadn't expected these church knights to bring him much help, but after hearing this news, he felt very disappointed.

It is now 11:10, and if you wait another 20 minutes, it will be 11:30. This means that they only have half an hour to clean the underground.

Li Mochen's intuition tells him that this is inappropriate and may lead to a situation where tragedy is close at hand, but he is helpless.

"Don't wait for them, start blasting!"

Sampson Blut, Thompson Adams and others had long expected this to be the result, so they had already embarked on the embedding of various bombs in the warehouse before the remnants of warehouse 2 were cleaned.

If you only enter the underground from the two corridor entrances and elevator entrances in the warehouse, it is undoubtedly difficult and requires great risks. The opponent has perfect defensive facilities, and the violent crossfire without dead ends is enough to wipe out their entire army.

So the strategy adopted by Sampson is to take a multi-pronged approach and directly explode the passage to the underground space. The drawings they obtained from Jamie Burt made this possible.

This base located deep underground has three ventilation shafts leading to the ground and two heat sinks, all of which are Sampson's goals.

Especially for the latter, they only need to explode the four walls of the shaft to go deep into the interior of this underground base and directly attack the motor room below. The channels around the motor room are also well connected.

When Sampson finished his work, he took a few firearms and returned to Li Mochen: "I found three good guns. You can choose one of the BOSS. They are all good automatic rifles. I suggest you choose This tenth level 'death declaration', its use level is only tenth level, but its power has reached 15S, the key is to be able to generate charged bullets. This is also your boss's loot, and its master was previously killed by you. The fifteenth-level magic shooter. "

At this time, Li Mochen was holding a temporary compass that he made temporarily to perform deductions. After hearing the words, he swept the guns and glanced with joy. He directly announced the death declaration recommended by Sampson. Get it in your hand.

It is foreseeable that after they enter the underground space, Longwei's role and power will be greatly limited. This gun has terrifying accuracy and range, but it is not ideal in terms of rate of fire, which is not conducive to close combat.

And the underground base below them is unlikely to have a vast space for it to play.

Li Mochen relies on 'Sun Moon Star Zhou Tianxing Dou Jianjian' and is not afraid of close combat with people. But if he still has a powerful automatic rifle in his hand, or two powerful pistols in his hand, it is enough to double his fighting power!

Li Mochen originally planned to use the two tenth-level magic pistols prepared for him by Li Tailai and others ~ ~ but this "death announcement" is undoubtedly a better choice.

Considering only the density of firepower projection, the magical automatic rifle is far from being comparable to the magical pistol. Although the power of the former is usually inferior to the latter, which is easier to arrange the magic array, high-frequency shooting is enough to make up for its deficiencies.

He tried it a little bit and fired two shots to the side, and found that the recoil of this ‘death declaration’ was just the level that the magician of level 10 could bear. This meant that he wanted to control the gun perfectly, but it was still a little difficult, and the idea of ​​holding his automatic rifle double, or holding another pistol in his left hand, went bankrupt.

If it is an ontology, it can be done, but his secondary body is still inferior in its bearing capacity.

What is gratifying is that the power of 'death declaration' is indeed extraordinary. The rate of fire actually reached Mach 11, as well as the blessings of the five spells of "Intermediate Cleavage", "Advanced Armor Break", "Advanced Sharpness", "Advanced Wind Blessing", and "Decay Law"

This resulted in the bullets shot by ‘Death Announcement’ more than three times his two ten-level pistols! Neither the power nor the range is beyond the latter's reach.

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