Destiny Dominates

Chapter 247: blasting

Li Mochen immediately hung the gun on his chest, and then continued to play with the compass.

"How? Sampson, is there any difficulty in blasting?"

"There is no problem. The BOSS I said, Major Adams, is the most professional blasting expert of the Red Scorpion. Our preparation is also very good. In the case of ensuring that two cooling wells are exploded, another 30% of the charge is added. the amount."

Sampson said confidently: "At most three minutes, if the drawings provided by Jamie Burt are true, then we can enter the underground after three minutes."

"Let him speed up as much as possible."

At this time, Li Mochen suddenly uttered a slight pause, his eyes looked faintly to the south.

"Sampson, there is also an entrance to the underground, about a meter away from me. You can find it. The location may be very hidden, but it does exist."

Li Mochen didn't know much about modern architecture, but it can be derived from the Five Elements Feng Shui of the original dome. The geography is pretty good, but it has its own wonders. And Li Mochen is quite accomplished in this respect. This is because his own residence, or the ‘Feng Shui’ in Dongfu, can greatly improve his fortune.

It is a pity that in this world, he has neither really owned his own house nor found a truly functional Feng Shui device, so his ability in this area has not yet played a role.

Sampson's speculation about Li Mochen was obviously half-confident, but after he started his search, the former admired: "Really! They hide the tuyere of the cooling well in the base of the semi-automatic machine tool, and use a precision Disguised by the magic array, Jean said that there are strong magic energy fluctuations below. I feel that this heat sink is very unusual, and it may be their real key, which is connected to the magic array's magic circle center. "

Jean is also Jean Reddy. This is Sampson's effective subordinate. It was also one of the two magic wizards that Sampson seconded to Li Mochen when they robbed Craig Community Bank.

"Then change the plan and change the main direction of attack here."

Li Mochen thought that this was justified. A 17th-level magic array, when fully activated, would also produce amazing heat energy.

Although the drawings provided by Jamie Burt do not have this heat sink and the part of the structure below them, he also has a premonition within his soul, and it may be their best choice to attack from the well.

"Is the blast flame crystal and C4 explosive enough?"


Sampson Blut laughed: "In order to prevent accidents, I just made a lot of extra purchases there. If it is not possible, we can also give up a vent."


While Li Mochen was talking to Sampson, Edwin Antonio was standing in front of a hallway, his eyes gazing upwards. In addition to the rich killing, his face also contained some unexpected and dignified colors.

Antonio didn't expect that the war on the ground would calm down so quickly. In the time when he awakened the six Apostles except Aonzo one by one, the guy's private army had already broken through the second warehouse. Of the eighty-four magical professionals they placed above, only twelve had safely withdrawn underground.

This is under the situation of occupying the ground and having a 17th-level magic protection array as a rely!

"The number of the other party is probably between one hundred and one hundred and twenty, about ten extrajudicial levels. Including the eye of the sky, the natural punisher Belinda Harris, and the mysterious Top sniper. Especially the latter, his shooting is extremely powerful, and Roddy is dead in his hands. "

Antonio's face can't help but twitch slightly, and Roddy Cottrell, a powerful fifteenth-level magic shooter, is one of the hidden cards in his hand.

Even under the cover of the magic circle and semi-permanent fortifications, did you still lose to that guy? Andre Lee Wiltonstein, where did he find the monster from? Or is it really Dwight Payton, or other forces involved?

He then pressed on these distractions and focused his attention on the upper staircase: "What are they doing now? I guess they won't attack from this place, right?"

At this time, it had been three minutes since the warehouse No. 2 was breached, but this staircase was not even seen by half of the figure.

"It should be preparing for blasting."

Next to the answer was a commander wearing a red burqa from the Dragon Witch Church: "Although we can't see the outside now, this is the only possibility. Obviously, they have the structure of our base. .and also"

"The two mercenary regiments we hired temporarily encountered interceptions before entering this realm, and they were no longer able to participate."

Antonio's eyebrows have been frowned into a Sichuan word: "This is two medium-sized mercenary regiments rated A."

"His Antonio, there are also A-level evaluations across the board, and there are three. Their arrangements are very careful."

"Is there not more mercenary groups to accept the commission? We provide generous commissions, mercenaries and killers operating in Atlanta, not just those two, in addition to the ghost war hunting group that cooperates with us . "

"Ghost Warsong has clearly rejected our request for help. As for other people, I suspect that some powerful people in Atlanta have interfered. They are exerting their own influence on the mercenary world. So at present, except for the two who are closely related to our sect In addition, the rest of the mercenary regiments, as well as those killer organizations, are indifferent to our entrustment to the Cardinals Club. In fact, at this time, it is useless for us to hire more people. "

The red robe commander's complexion was very dignified: "According to the news passed in from outside, they have no scruples. I mean the guys hired opposite. They fiercely opened fire in Dongcheng District, which has attracted the Atlanta FBI. There is a SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactical Forces) of the police station. This is obviously premeditated, and it is necessary to attract government forces to intervene. "

Antonio couldn't help humming, but his face was obvious.

The other party is clearly aware of the current situation, and this method can make such an official violent institution bypass internal resistance.

"Forget it! It seems that they didn't rely on the mercenaries' ideas, right?"

Antonio turned around directly ~ ~ walked in the other direction: "Are there any arrangements made in other directions?"

"It has been arranged!"

The red robe commander also followed, "Since it is not yet clear where their main direction of attack is, I focus on the defense of the two motor rooms and the outer central room of the magic array. In addition, I have another Ten combat teams were prepared, and a total of thirty people were used as maneuver forces to respond. Your Excellency, we can no longer draw more magical professionals. In the warehouse above, we lost too much manpower. There are also The crossfire on the other side of the Fire Club was also very fierce. In order to ensure that it was not broken, I sent another 10 people to the past. So now, we only have these people left. I do n’t know if this is enough. ”

"Enough! You gave me this mobile unit."

Antonio's lips were cold, and he looked at the seven figures with heavy armor and black inflammation behind him: "If they are just the manpower above, then this place will be the cemetery where they are buried!" "

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