Destiny Dominates

Chapter 251: tough

Dane Streisie's eyebrows could not help but slightly relieved, and at the same time said with admiration: "Boss, it seems that your subordinates also have a very strong fighting power. And Major Adams, it is really a red scorpion. Genius commander of the troops. "

She knew that Adams had several extra-jurisdics in his hands, and there were more than a dozen combat powers not inferior to the extra-judicial level. It was the second-most combat team behind Sampson. But their opponent's strength is not inferior.

In their prediction, the number of outlaws at this base is likely to be close to thirty. Even if a few of them have been annihilated in Warehouse No. 2, and some of them were pinned by the Protestant Knights in the Fire Club, she can predict that the extra-legal level in this underground base will never be less Ten.

In addition, they also have a 17th-level magical protection array-even after a large-scale blast, the magical array that has been severely damaged is enough to provide powerful assistance to the dragon and witch fighters.

"of course!"

Li Mochen heard the words, and could not help raising his chin in a subconscious way: "The incompetent people are not worthy of being subordinates of this seat."

The speaker is unintentional, the listener has the heart, and Dai Nian can't help but regenerate the waves, thinking that this is really her boss? what the **** is it?

At this moment, she even had a call to ask someone about the impulse. But Dai Nian then remembered that in the Styx contract she signed, there was a clause that should not disclose any information about the employer.

She didn't care much, and similar payments are very common in the mercenary world. But now when Dai Nian recalled, they found that the terms were beyond the usual.

Obviously, Li Mochen had to guard against more than just illegal criminal evidence about him.

"——Report that the No. 4 well has finished fire suppression. We killed six people and occupied a conference room here. We are working to destroy their magic array. We have killed two brothers and four others. People are injured. "

"Well No. 1 applied for reinforcements. The other party's firepower is very powerful. We have killed and injured five people and are temporarily unable to penetrate. We suspect that there is an important goal 12 meters away. They are laying heavy troops in this direction.

At this moment, Li Mochen's expression slightly moved, and then he flicked and flew away in the direction of the No. 1 well.

At the same time, Sampson Blut's voice came from his walkie-talkie.

"Mr. Li, we are close to their outer circle center. The other party ’s firepower has increased, and there are three suspected apostles. Their strength is very powerful, which has caused the death and injury of two of our combatants. I have seen the crazy Blood Aang Left— "

Dyneen Streisie and Howard Eisenhower glanced at each other, and then, without hesitation, immediately followed Li Mochen and fell into the first well.

Li Mochen's rescue was timely. When he arrived, it was the moment when Aang Zuo launched the charge. Sampson Blut bears the brunt, although he managed to resist with a long knife, avoiding the fate of being divided into two, but his whole person was also flew out by Na Aonzo, and hit the wall behind. .

At this time, another magical swordsman with two swords had flashed to Aang's left. A pair of magical swords was only a few steps away from Sampson's throat.

However, the 'Sun Moon Star Zhou Tianxing Dou Jian' under Li Mochen's control has already arrived first. Not only blocked this person's deadly attack, but also cut the bullets flying forward in front of them one by one.

All three hundred and sixty flying swords formed a huge circular circle, standing like a shield standing in front of Sampson. After the impact, the latter reacted with a slight loss, flashed to the side under the cover of hundreds of swords, and found a new bunker at the corner on the other side.

At this time, all the flying swords controlled by Li Mochen had been turned to attack. Three hundred and sixty swords, like a downpour, continued to slash down in the direction of the magic swordsman. But the effect is minimal, as the magic sword in front of him, layers of protective magic spread, most of the flying swords were rebounded back. Even if a part of the nail is forced into it, it is the end of the strong crossbow and cannot penetrate the armor of this magic swordsman.

"Wow! Almost you destroyed the center of the circle here. It is worthy of the steel bone Sampson, and his action is second to none among the commanders of the Red Scorpion.

When Li Mochen's people also rushed to Sampson Blut, the corner of the corridor in front of him happened to sneer from Edwin Antonio.

"But the loser will always be the loser, Sampson, do you remember your wife and daughter? My brother Clement, yes! Black tooth Clement, he said their taste is very good I have enjoyed great happiness. And today, I will send you to the future of tomorrow, let you be reunited with your wife and daughter, and listen to them tell them everything they have experienced- "

Li Mochen's eyebrows frowned slightly, and he planned to step over the corner, but was pulled by Sampson Blut. There was already a red thread in his eyes, but his tone was calm.

"Boss, can you wait a minute? The guy on the opposite side is trying to make me lose his calm. He has set the trap and waited for us to rush over."

Li Mochen's eyes were unpleasant, and he looked at Sampson Blut with a sharp knife-like eye. He wanted to be a group of clowns who jumped over the corner. He was nothing more than a little more effort and a little more cost.

But Sampson pressed his gaze hard, without any intention of letting go.

"You hear me say boss, this phalanx center is very important to them, and may also involve the resurrection ceremony of the scorching dragon girl below. This is their must-have place, and the seven scorching apostles must be here! Major Adams, he has completed the breakthrough on this side. This will be a dagger inserted into the opponent ’s heart, a threat they have to solve. Please boss, do you believe that Adams is ok? I think the last one who ca n’t sit still will be Antonio. , Not us. "

In the stalemate of the two, Tian Xin's Li Mochen's eyes even had a hint of appreciation. He thinks he still has some vision in collecting subordinates.

"I think Mr. Commander is right."

Alyssa Tangerian also persuaded in the back: "If you can take this base at a smaller cost and in an easier way, why not? If you take a strong attack, you may have the confidence to destroy them, but we How many casualties have to be paid? "

She was assigned to Sampson's extrajudicial group ~ ~ to follow the latter's actions, and also saw blood on the shoulder at this time.


He slammed his sleeve and slammed Sampson's hand away.

"Then I will wait."

And just after he gave up his plan to make a strong break, Sampson was not idle. This man rearranged the fire net here, strengthened the bunkers in various positions, and was preparing to explode.

The commander's idea is simple, their purpose is to destroy the outer circle center, not to occupy it. At this distance, it is actually enough to destroy or interfere with this key array hub.

And just a minute later, Thompson Adams ’s voice rang again in the walkie-talkie: "Report that we have merged with the No. 4 combat team and are beginning to blast their main motor room."

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