Destiny Dominates

Chapter 252: 1 shot

After a short breath, a deep "boom" sound came out of the alleyway, like a thunderous thunder.

Just after this moment, the few intact lamps in their laneway went out, causing the surroundings to fall into darkness. What surprised Li Mochen and others was that the magic protection array in the underground base actually collapsed in a small area, and a large number of magic patterns lost their due role.

Affected by this stimulus, the sound of crossfire in the distance became more intense, and the sound of the gun was like a firecracker, constantly hitting the eardrums of everyone.

Sampson Blut did not pile up the strength of his forty combatants in this corridor leading to the center of the outer circle. He scattered at least thirty of them in various directions. Watch the back road and avoid being copied; on the one hand, it is to try to break through from other directions. However, because there is no advantage in manpower, they are always on the defensive. Even being forced by the powerful firepower on the opposite side, the position was constantly lost.

Until the main motor room was blown up by Thompson Adams and others, the situation in several directions was suddenly reversed. After losing the cover of the magic array, the dragon and witch cult staff can no longer maintain the fire suppression. The situation on both sides is almost evenly matched.


Danion Streiss exclaimed, and then mentioned her holy sword emperor Moss with great interest.

"They used electrical energy conversion, and that's right. I guess the magic array they used to resurrect the Scourge Dragon Girl must require a lot of magic energy. But in this place, they can't find enough magic wells."

Magic Well-This is a proper term for the Western magical energy world. It is generally called the earth vein in the boundary between the East and the original dome.

"Hey lady, don't use this kind of gloating tone, this is not good! I guess they will desperately."

Howard Eisenhower sighed, and inspired the magic array on his semi-automatic rifle one by one, instantly covering at least twelve kinds of magic that can enhance the power and physical quality of the firearm.

As an experienced and battle-proven magic shooter, he also realized that a life-and-death fight would be happening soon.

"The lady opposite seems to be very confident ah?"

Antonio's voice came again from the corner: "But you guys, you have only 30 minutes! At 12 o'clock in the morning, Your Highness Adriana will be back! I think I will be happy to collect corpses for you."

"There is also the girl named Herrell, you are here to save her, right? Sampson, you can tell me your employer, our Highness will love her body, this lady will be in endless There is a new life in the pain. Ha ~ I think His Royal Highness Adriana will be happy to inform him of this news personally. "

Li Mochen ignored it at all. He stood in the middle of the corridor, holding the "Long Wei" in both hands and aiming at the opposite angle. One person and one shot were also in a ready state. Behind the sword bag behind him, the ‘Spirit of the Soul Spiritual Zijin Tower’ was glowing with light, and the three hundred and sixty ‘Star Fighting Excaliburs’ plugged into the ground also flew into the air again and circled around him.

"Li Mochen" in the state of heaven has no moral concept, and does not care about "moral". That Herrell was just a little girl who had met him a few times. What emotions can there be between the two?

Only Adriana, the scorching dragon girl, and the massive merits that she might receive next made him very interested.

Although Tianxin's "Li Mochen" is empty-eyed, he is not stupid. The sound of the guns in the east of them began to approach. This was obviously a major Adams who was assaulting here.

He estimated that after a maximum of five minutes, the group of guys on the opposite side would fall into enemies.

As Alyssa said, if you can destroy your opponent in a way that consumes less merit, then why not do it?

"Report to the commander that the No. 3 well combat team found the base armory and expected to complete the occupation in three minutes—"

"The enemies in the face have already evacuated, and the No. 4 well combat team completed the intrusive operation. According to the planned plan, we will emit hypnotic gas to the intake pipe here."

It may have been spurred by the progress of the No. 4 well combat team. At this moment, the figure of the **** Aangzo suddenly rushed out of the corner, and the two-meter-high Weigan body rushed here like a beast. come. The pair of Viking giant axe also covered a small half of this corridor.

Li Mochen ignored this person, even if Aang Zuo charged less than seven meters away from him, he was still calm and indifferent. It was not until Aonzo's armpit that another black figure flashed, Li Mochen suddenly shot.

This time he used a 'Advanced Mind Shock Bullet' as recommended by Dyneen Streissey. In Advanced Grand Cleavage, Dragon's Prophecy, Ignore Defense, Destroy Aura, Death Judgment, Ultimate Arrow Strengthening Under the blessings of art, ultimate sharpness and other spells, this person's head was exploded with just one shot.

The power of the wishing technique makes the other party unavoidable. This bullet that burst within a distance of 30 meters also instantly disintegrated all the defenses of this person!

What is shocking is that the head of this ‘disaster apostle’ ignited black fire for the first time, trying to recover from the trauma. But this was only in vain. After a piercing shriek from the soul, the entire body of the person turned into flying dust.

Li Mochen's wish this time was not just 'hit' but 'kill'!

The moment this shot was fired, it was destined to take the life of this 'Disaster Flame Apostle'!

Surprisingly, the merits and auras of virtue on the 'Spiritual Soul Fortune Zijin Pagoda', although they consumed nearly three-quarters of their time, were quickly recovering. So that the total amount of colorful qi does not decrease but increase.

The corner of Li Mochen's lips also picked up slightly. At this distance, he could shoot a second shot. The next opponent he targeted was a magical hunter who was aiming with a gun at the front.

Sampson Brut and others also pulled the trigger at the same time to block Aangzo's rear with dense crossfire. Except for the "Eye of the Sky" Howard Eisenhower, the rest of them did not seek to kill. They only used "advanced frozen bombs", "repellent bombs" and other magic bullets that can cause delays or interfere with the effect. At the moment, there were several Apostles of Flames appearing on the opposite side ~ ~, and the figure of Dyneen Streisie also walked in front of Li Mochen at this moment, standing in front of Aonzo. The holy sword "Di Mos" with a dazzling brilliance collided with the pair of Viking giant axe, issued a series of piercing clang sound, burst into the sky sparks.

The strength of the Templars is generally far inferior to the mad warriors of the same level. But instead of retiring half a step, Dai Nien pushed Aangzo's huge body back a few steps after several encounters. The axe faces of the two 6s Viking giant axe also showed cracks.

And the second Fallen Apostle in this corridor is a magic shooter. The first bullet shot by Howard Eisenhower exploded the firearm held by the opponent, and the second shot accurately hit the head of the magic shooter.

The latter did not die, and the half of the head that had been removed by the bullet was slowly recovering, but within the next three minutes, the cataclysmic apostle, the most threatening to all, would be unable to intervene in the battle.

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