Destiny Dominates

Chapter 5: Ask for the monthly ticket later!

I want to cry because of the wasteland. I changed four chapters during the exemption period, and then all of them fell by nearly sixty. From the fixed 1710, fell to 1650. Many authors and friends said that I was too stiff, but the wasteland feels worth it. This is a feedback to everyone. Thank you for your unrelenting support to me since the book was opened! It ’s stupid to start a wasteland without merging several chapters into one, but it ’s too stupid, but I was too late when I thought of this method. Next time I have a limited chance of exemption, I will have a 4D chapter.

Then ask for a monthly ticket to ask for subscriptions and recommendations, please all the book friends in the following days, continue to support the development of wasteland to support the destiny master! Of course, the development of the wasteland will not disappoint everyone. After Hairouer became a demigod, this book has been completely written, and it will be exciting and continuous.

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