Destiny Dominates

Chapter 261: huge sum of money


Li Mochen's eyes narrowed, and he walked to the window: "Uncle Franks, is it time to share the cake?"

"The police have released Edwin Antonio's death report."

Franks said in a lazy tone: "According to the law, his legacy will be inherited by his loved ones. But unfortunately, because of the evidence of Antonio's mass drug trafficking, he has also cooperated with the dragon cult and a dozen murders and disappeared The case is concerned. All the assets left by him will be confiscated and recovered by the police as illegal income and auctioned by the court. That guy, who has been in Atlanta for more than ten years, still has some high-quality assets, including mine Many people are interested. But as the person who kills Antonio and destroys all his powers, you have the right to choose first. This is the gangster in Atlanta and respects you Andre Lee Wiltonstein. "

"Wow, you flattered me."

Li Mochen expressed emotion in the American tone: "So what part of his assets can I get? How much is the gold shield? In what way?"

"Industry is not limited, you can do whatever you want, but the upper limit of value is about 30 million gold shields."

Franks explained with a chuckle: "As long as you raise a bid on Antonio's assets in the auction, they will take the initiative to withdraw and will not bid with you. This is within the value of only 30 million gold shields. Once this number is exceeded, it is still The higher one gets. So are you interested boy? "

"of course!"

Li Mochen raised his eyebrows. Of course he was interested in the assets of Antonio. Why should he refuse to make money? This is better than falling into the hands of gangsters,

"I'll let people know about the situation. If there is a goal that I like, I will let Uncle Franks tell you in advance."

When Li Mochen hung up the phone, Alyssa asked him curiously: "Amo, should you have a goal? Which industries in Antonio have you seen?"

She knew that during the war, Li Mochen already knew about Edwin Antonio ’s assets.

"I want Craig Community Bank, as well as Building 34, Anfaq Street in his hand, Bloodman Security Company and that building, and a chain of laundry."

Li Mochen does already have an idea, and he is not obscured: "If possible, I would also like to win the Hewan Wharf under his name, as well as two large stores in Beicheng."

"The terminal and the store are not counted, the value of the front part is slightly more than 30 million gold shields, but you don't have so much money. Are you planning to set up another company and buy it with the robbed money?"

Eliza only looked at Li Mochen's look and knew the answer: "The first three industries are easy to handle. The problem is the chain of laundries in Antonio. That's the industry used by money-handed parties to launder money. Give up. There are also Craig Community Banks, which are already negative assets. They let the depositors lose at least 20 million gold shields. Now they only have his family ’s bank license, and the piece of land that has been blown up is a little worthwhile. money."

Li Mochen wanted the purpose of Building 34, Anfak Street and the security company, Alyssa can understand.

The latter can be used not only to house Sampson Blut, but also to obtain legal licenses for some weapons. When there are no combat missions, these people can also accept some security contracts to alleviate Li Mochen's financial pressure.

And Building 34, Anfak Street, there is an unstable space boundary, which can send people from the dark world to Atlanta, or smuggle monster materials into the light world.

If Li Mochen wants to develop in the dark world in the future, such a space boundary will bring them great help.

Cute Lisa doesn't understand, what does Li Mochen want to do with the laundry chain and Craig Community Bank to launder money?

But this person does not do illegal business, and there is no need to establish a special channel for money laundering.

"It's still available, Alyssa."

Li Mochen smiled bitterly and explained: "I guess I have to struggle with the Dragon and Witch Church in the future, but if I put my own legal funds into the war, it will probably become my evidence."

——And the depositors of Craig Community Bank, he did not think about hurting these people, nor did he want to bear this part of the evil power.

"In other words, are you actually planning to intervene in illegal business, right?" Alyssa frowned deeply.

"Emm ~ how to say, I actually count as a father's business."

As Li Mochen said, he handed two letters to Alyssa: "This was sent to me by Cadillan Jebson (Deputy General Manager of Rising Sun) two days ago. Someone sent it to the headquarters of Rising Sun personally. At the door, the friend who claimed to be my father passed it on. "

The latter glanced in his hand, and his expression was slightly condensed: "Antolian continent? Holy Blood Hunting and Kadia Hunting?"

The content of the letter probably said that Li Mochen's father, Li Chun, had been responsible for these two hunting groups and the Triangle Viking Hunting Group, an affiliate of the Holy Blood Hunting Group, about 10% of daily supplies, medicines and The arms supply can be regarded as their arms contractors and sellers.

And because the cooperation between the two parties was very pleasant, the three companies can give Li Mochen a considerable degree of trust, so I wrote to ask him if he was willing to take over Li Chunchu's career.

"I have checked. Holy Blood and Kadia are both large hunting groups on the Antolian continent, about six to seven times the size of the Devil Wolf Fenrir Hunting Group, even if the Triangle Viking Hunting Group The scale is not small, at least twice the size of the magic wolf Fenrir. "

Li Mochen's expression is complicated: "Even if there are only 10% of daily life supplies and arms, this business is not small, and the annual profit can reach at least 70 million golden shields. In addition, there are those consignment sales in the Antolian mainland specialty."

He felt that Li Chunchu was just a roll of cabbage, peeling one layer after another.

"70 million gold shields are missing. One hundred million is the least."

Alyssa thoughtfully: "If this is the case, then I guess your father should have a very strong armed force? Maybe there are other industries in Amerika, such as Hewan Pier?"

She knew that the large hunting groups that could establish themselves on the mainland of Antalya were extremely powerful. Their armed personnel are usually more than 20,000 to 30,000, and their military strength exceeds that of many small countries.

In addition, at their locations, they usually form large or small cities ~ ~ with a population of between 100,000 and 200,000 people.

Due to the harsh environment of the Antolian continent, whether it is food, medicine or arms, it needs to be trafficked from other continents, so even if only to obtain a 10% supply share of these three hunting groups, it is also a huge business. .

In addition, due to the sinister situation off the coast of Antolia, it is very difficult for them to ship things safely to Antolia without a capable armed group.

"I don't know, so for this matter, I have commissioned Li Tailai and Jamie Burt to help me investigate."

What Li Mochen cares most about is actually the money that Li Chunchu earned on the mainland of Antonia. Where is this huge sum spent? Where did it go?

So he thought he had to go to the branch of the Swiss bank in Atlanta as soon as possible to inherit the accounts left by his father, and there might be something to gain there.

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