Destiny Dominates

Chapter 302: condition

When the maid in black walked out of Benil's mansion, it was raining lightly. On this wide street, there are no more people, and the houses along the way have been closed.

In this city called Cenarion, Ike Benir's status is equivalent to that of the city owner, and his family's house also concentrates the city's most powerful force.

Therefore, when the fighting happened, everyone shut themselves up at home, and did not dare to have a little curiosity. Even after ten minutes of ceasefire, they only dare to peep through the gaps in the walls and the corners of the windows to spy on the outside.

Despite the fact that when the black maid walked to the opposite intersection, she saw a man in a gray suit standing in the corner with a pipe in his mouth. She stared at her eyebrows and stared at her coldly, making the gray man's bloodless face even more ugly.

"Andre Lee Wiltonstein!"

When this sentence was spoken, the man's forehead was already covered with cold sweat. Just because the black maid's blade from the umbrella tip was less than three centimeters away from his neck. Just a little bit, you can cut his carotid artery, or cut off his head.

He regretted it very early. He knew that this would be the case, and he would not accept the commission anyway. Although the commission was very rich, as high as 300,000 gold shields, this was really a risky task.

But those who dare to risk their lives to take on this task naturally have extraordinary courage. Although the maid ’s blade almost pierced his skin, the man said clearly: "Andre Lee Wilton Stanto of Atlanta, I ask you, can you go back?"

"Master Mo Chen?"

Robert Ivan's eyes were trance, and then he recovered the blade of Qianji Umbrella: "Please tell Master Mo Chen, I will return to him, but not now."

Middle-aged could not help but sighed, knowing that he had saved his life.

"There is one more thing, someone told me to tell you. The forces of all sides of the Antolian continent have intentionally teamed up to remove you. If this alliance is established, at least four legends will participate."

"To understanding!"

Roberto bowed his upper body towards the middle-aged man halfway: "Thank you for your reminder."

When the maid in black carried an umbrella and walked into the rain curtain in front of him, the middle-aged man who was a private investigator suddenly lost his strength and leaned against the wall behind him.

He thought how terrible this is? Ignatius of the Light Church, but the nineteenth-level paladin with these two holy objects, but even this figure who already has 20S-level combat power, can't stop the sword of Robert Ivan— —

It seems that this **** whirlwind that has swept through half of the Antolian continent may have to continue to blow for a while here. That maid has such qualifications.


"Is there five used 10,000-ton commercial vessels?"

In the unicorn apartment, Li Mochen smiled bitterly and looked at Alexandra Candela who came across the door again: "Mr. Candela is really sincere."

This man is very sincere. Although he ca n’t bring his father ’s five armed merchant ships back, he offers five used ocean-going container ships, each with two tonnages of 16,000 tons and three with 14,000 tons. ——It is still a modified version.

Among them, the two ships with the largest reconstruction were the 16,000 tons. Not only the hull and keel are strengthened, but also two front and rear 150 mm naval guns, two 4 × 2 missile launchers, three sets of six-tube 20 mm caliber automatic rotating cannons, and a set of 17-level guns Marine magic defense array.

The Holy Blood Hunting Corps is not a gift, but a half-sell and half-sell form. The total price is less than 132 million gold shields, only 50% of the market price. The key is that it can be paid in installments, and the repayment starts after one year. It is divided into five years and the interest is zero.

According to the deputy head, this came from several businessmen who were unable to pay their debts and were confiscated by the Holy Blood Hunting Corps and the Kadia Hunting Corps as collateral. But what is the situation, Li Mochen is not clear, and too lazy to understand.

"But I'm very surprised, you can't find other candidates in your hunting group? The conditions you opened are so excellent, and the profits are amazing. I think in Ameriga, few people should be able to refuse your invitation."

"There are a lot of people who want to do business in the mainland of Antalya, but there are not many people who have enough strength and can open routes in the near future. Then there is the most important question of trust-"

Alexandra looked rather helpless: "Andrea, during the war, we need to ensure that our logistics are not suppressed by anyone, do you understand?"

If there are other better options, he did not intend to whisper here. I originally thought this little guy had no choice, but the explosion of the Rising Sun company made this young man's career in Atlanta suddenly prosperous.

But this kind of situation made him more determined to ask this person to come forward to take over.

"But I still can't understand, why should I?"

Li Mochen shook his head: "To be honest, my father's business never let me participate. Now I don't know anything about his connections, I'm afraid I can't help you."

"You can rest assured at this point, I think we still know a lot about your father's situation."

Alexandra looked confident: "If Andre you never set foot on the sea, then those connections your father operated on the mainland of Antonia will naturally disappear with his death. But now, I will remind them. Those who owe your father's favor will sooner or later return what they owe you. Those who have cooperation with your father ~ ~ will not refuse the heirs of the former partners, especially those Orientals, They pay attention to the father and son, as long as your people appear in front of them, then everything is easy to say. "

"The reason why you have to do it is because we want you to come forward and reorganize the United Wings regiment. In the past two months, this regiment has died two leaders. Now no one but you can change this Reorganization of the fleet. "

Li Mochen continued to shake his head: "The problem is, even if I want to accept it, I can't find a reliable crew at the moment."

Alexandra heard this, but her eyes were slightly bright: "Is n’t this difficult? Right? I said, I can provide you with an interest-free loan of 50 million gold shields. I think as long as there is money, no matter what Talents can be recruited. "

"Too few, how many happy people can this attract?"

Li Mochen shook his head: "I heard what you said, I know that such a regiment does not have three or four 17S who are good at sea combat, is it difficult to suppress the scene, right?"

Alexandra heard the string song and was elegant. After a little meditation, he said: "80 million gold shields, interest-free for five years, we can only give up here."

He then waved again, beckoning a woman with silver armor and oriental faces in the distance, and walked to the sofa.

"This is the deputy captain of our hunting team, Wang Dina. Although she ca n’t compare to the maid in your family, she is also a level 18 magical hunter. If we reach a cooperation, then in the next two years, she will act as Our special agent is stationed here. You can let her participate in escort, or let her do anything, I mean anything— "

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