Destiny Dominates

Chapter 303: reason

From the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to the armored car in downtown Atlanta, Michelle Medici, now 45, is watching all the information about Li Mochen.

"Angel, this is the person you like? Judging from the information I have now, it is indeed a young and handsome. No one can match the younger generation of Medici."

"I didn't say I liked him."

Angela couldn't help but pick her lips slightly. She was still very happy to hear her father say that. "Not to mention this generation, it was not there before. The valuation of his Rising Sun company is now at least 500 million gold shields or more. His father did not have such achievements when he was young."

"It's not fair to say that. When I was young, I had set up my own hunting corps in the dark world, with a total of 3,000 people, although there are also family ruins."

Michelle Medici hummed, and then looked at his daughter with an inquiring look: "He still saved your life? I had a detailed investigation of the day's events, and I felt afterwards This little guy is the most suspicious. "

"I don't know, he was covering his face."

Angela didn't feel much about Michelle's words, but just instinctively responded with an uncooperative attitude.

Lina Adrick felt a little sudden in her heart, and she never thought about it deeply. After being assassinated that day, she was fascinated by blood loss and excessive energy consumption. She did not wake up until a week later, and there was no following about the identity of the masked man.

Lina did not delve into the role of a servant, but now think of it, Li Mochen is really the most likely one.

That is to say, that Andre Lee Wiltonstein is the life-saving benefactor of himself and the young lady?

"Okay, I don't know, no, it has nothing to do with me. If you don't answer, you just don't cooperate."

Michelle shrugged and then asked awkwardly: "Then the last question, Angel, you have to give me an answer, nothing happened between you?"

Angela flushed suddenly, and her neck was covered with red tide.

"You are too wide, Michelle! I happened a lot with him, everything was done, OK?"

But Michelle's eyes were on Lena, who tried very hard to stay silent. But with Michelle's eyes flashing dark blue gloss, Lina ended up with a dazed opening: "No, but Wiltonstein classmates he is very honest, there are several times to try to trick the lady into his room . "

Angela couldn't help covering her face with her hand, she knew that it was never a good idea to let Lena wake up the angel bloodline in advance.

The ranks of angels and demons are too strict, and the suppression of the lower position by the upper position will also make it difficult to resist.

"Sure enough, it's a bad guy!"

Michelle Medici ’s teeth were already ringing, and then he asked the assistant on the side: “Contact Konsoli Wiltonstein and say that Michelle will bring my beloved daughter later Visit the Wiltonstein Building. "

"I won't go, don't make a decision for me!"

Angela was no longer ready to take care of her father. She turned her head and looked out the window: "Trouble near Lyndon College, put me off the car."


Michelle sighed: "I don't want to interfere with your private life, nor do you want to control your life. If possible, I hope that it is entirely up to you. But I can't do it, Angel, you know. "

Angela was still silent, Michelle continued quietly and said: "In fact, a month ago, I was already paying attention to your boyfriend. I must admit that he is very good and is a talent. Good little guy, even in the world is enough to match Medici. If it is just an ordinary parent, I even agree with you to talk to him. Just Angel, if you are only friends, I will not control, but if If you are serious, the situation will be different. You don't want him to die, Angel? "

His voice was interrupted here, and Angela looked at him alertly: "What are you going to do to him?"

"Not me, they are."

The white-haired man shook his head slightly: "I don't need to do anything to him, but they will. The previous assassination against you has made me understand that those guys are far more irritable than I thought. This time , Presumably the same result. "

"This time?" Angela seemed to think of something, her face slightly changed.

"I took you to see Kang Xiuli, it was enough for some people to hold back."

"Relax, I won't let him have an accident, but your boyfriend, if he eventually needs someone from me to save his life, then I think Angel, you should recognize the reality. Also, I suggest you the most Don't get off "

Michelle looked at her daughter who was trying to pick up the car door quietly: "This is an opportunity for everyone, it's his and you, and I'm with that Mr. Kang Xiuli, understand? I don't? Will allow you to destroy. "


When Li Mochen sent Alexandra Candela to the door of the apartment, she happened to meet Ms. Nanette Drew who came in from the outside.

The latter was slightly surprised after seeing the deputy head of the Holy Blood Hunting Corps and its many entourages, but then, as usual, took the elevator with Li Mochen and returned to the 39th floor of the apartment.

It wasn't until Li Mochen brought red wine for her that Ms. Drew smiled and asked: "That man is Candela of the Holy Blood Hunting Group? A guest of mainland Antonia."

"Do you know him?" Li Mochen was a little surprised.

"Not only do I know, I also know that he came to you to take over the maritime trade transaction of the East Antolian Continental League, that was your father's business."

Ms. Drew sipped the red wine: "Are you surprised BOSS? But I was the political editor-in-chief of the Abraham Post after all, and I stayed with Yonhap News Agency in my early years."

Li Mochen couldn't help being relieved: "I didn't agree, saying that I would consider three days, and give him an answer after three days."

The difference is that this time he was very serious about having to think about it, so when Mr. Candela left, there was not much disappointment.

"Ms. Drew is well informed ~ ~ Can you give me a suggestion?"

"Regarding this matter, I have inquired a little bit about your situation. Your father once signed a blood contract with the leader of the Xuanwu Pirate Group and the Adelaide Pirate Group. It was agreed that all the ship groups under his name and his heir, Xuanwu and Love None of Adelaide will be intrusive. "

Ms. Drew said with a smile: "This was nothing. At the time when the contract was signed with your father, the two pirate groups were still very weak, so after the war with your father, the two were forced to make a contract. But now The situation is different, the Xuanwu Pirates dominate the entire Adrian Islands, and the Adelaide Pirates are also the leading large pirate group in eastern Antolia. Then the nearest ocean-going armed ships are also very tight. Shipyards are fully loaded. I think even the Wilton Stein family, it is not easy to have a fleet of 500,000 tons of capacity at this time. In short, various reasons lead them to treat you Favor. "

"Is it acceptable?"

"No, I wouldn't suggest that. This is BOSS's business after all."

Ms. Drew shook her head: "I just tell you something I know. It all depends on you."

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