Destiny Dominates

Chapter 304: Dragon Nest

"You are right, only I can be responsible for my decision."

Li Mochen didn't expect to invite this lady, there were such benefits. His current chief information officer, but did not find out the information of the Xuanwu Pirates and the Adelaide Pirates.

Of course, he would not trust Nanette Drew in such a way. No doubt, as the other party said, he still had to do some related investigations.

Li Mochen thought that if the situation is really what Nanette said, then this business is not impossible to do, but in terms of asking price, he seems to have a lot of room here, especially in terms of **** strength. Not enough.

"Thank you, Ms. Drew, this information is very valuable, I owe you a favor. But I guess you come to me at this time, should there be anything to talk about right?"

It is now nine o'clock in the evening, and if it is not something important, the other party cannot go to the door during this time.

"of course."

Nanette Drew said indifferently: "I came here for your comics. I have read all your drawings and admire your talents in BOSS."

Li Mochen was not sure about what he said. He had long been obsessed with his comic. But now that you have bought the publishing house, let's play by the way. He also did not think that newspaper elites like Nanette Drew would appreciate his drawings. What admires Yunyun is probably just polite words. The next sentence may be to cut off this publishing plan to save money and cut losses.

However, Nanette ’s next words surprised Li Mochen: “I think this drawing is very promising. If it is operated well, it may become the biggest profit point for our publishing house this year. Is to ask BOSS if you have time, can you complete the follow-up part. Then I personally have a little dissatisfaction, that is, the comic itself is not realistic enough, not professional enough. "

"Not realistic enough? Not professional enough?" Li Mochen was puzzled: "Want to hear the details."

"In terms of fighting, it's too sloppy. As far as I know, BOSS itself is a magical swordsman with great fighting skills? I think there must be some fighting skills at the 10S level."

Nanette explained: "I hope that the fighting scenes in the comics will be more warm-hearted and more realistic in some parts. EMM ~ How to say, it is best not to be popular, regular, but surprisingly win , A striking fighting technique. "

Li Mochen couldn't help but fall into meditation: "Is it to attract readers who love cold weapon fighting?"

"It is also to attract your fans and increase the authenticity of the story. This is also a good promotional point. I can borrow my connections in the media to promote it to everyone in the shortest time."

Nanette drank the red wine from the glass: "The red wine in your house is very good, BOSS, is it 87 years of Bordeaux, right?"

"This is provided by the Nathan Group, and I know nothing about alcohol."

Li Mochen shook his head: "Madam, your idea is very good, I will seriously consider it. And then the second thing? Is it to reorganize the Georgia Post Board tomorrow?"

He thought that if it was just for comics, the woman opposite would not have run to the apartment in the middle of the night.

They can wait until the next day to discuss this matter, because they have to stay together for the next few days, in order to reorganize the Georgia Post, and reorganize the board.

Although the former Mr. Mottdall has assured Li Mochen that some of the current directors of the board of directors are professional and trustworthy, Li Mochen, as the controlling majority shareholder who has increased the equity to 62.3%, must be on this board of directors. Into the interior of its own, integrating its own strength and will.

"I have no opinion on this. I am very satisfied with the list of directors you have set up."

Nanette Drew's eyes looked meaningfully out of the window: "I came to visit the boss at this time because someone predicted that there would be a storm here. This may be dangerous, but out of a journalist 'S exuberant curiosity, and concerns about his future, decided to take a risk and come here to see what happened. "


Li Mochen looked slightly condensed, and then got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking thoughtfully out of the window: "Ms. Drew, I want to know where you got the news? Can you tell me more about the situation?"

"I can't reveal the source of the news. That's a good friend of mine. He doesn't want to be informed of his existence. But I can tell you his original words."

Nanette Drew whispered: "Just tonight, there will be magic professionals attacking the unicorn apartment, so I must never be near here tonight. In this apartment, there will likely be a **** case. Occurred. Only the top floor of the apartment, the source of the disaster, is likely to survive. "

"This news is accurate?"

Li Mochen has opened the real dragon vision, and at the same time used the eyes of the Titan to observe the scene outside the window.

At the same time secretly surprised, if there is really a threat, why do you feel nothing? His "Tianxin Shenzhao" has been practised to the fourth level, although there is a tendency to become more and more crooked, but it is also the 4th "Tianxin Shenzhao", which is enough to sense any hostility that can hurt him. Of course, except those gods, immortals.

"Is there any more detailed information? I think they should be strong since they can break into the unicorn apartment? How many levels are there, I guess they are more than ten?"

After all, there are about forty people in this apartment alone who have more than 13A outside the law. Part of it belongs to the unicorn apartment's own security power, part comes from Angela, and the remaining dozens all come from several sponsors of Li Mochen. There are even two 15S-level magic shooters.

Now in the entire Atlanta, the defense force of the unicorn apartment can definitely be ranked in the top fifty.

If you want to break into this apartment, more than ten 17S, that is the most conservative configuration. And it takes a lot of time, and it may not be possible to get it in an hour or two.

"There may be only two or three people."

Nanette Drew looked at Li Mochen with sympathetic eyes: "But they are all legendary ranks. This is a raid, an assassination, they will make a quick decision."


Li Mochen's complexion was slightly relaxed: "So ~ ~ what level is it?"

Legendary Realm also has ranks, which are usually divided into five levels. Just like Mahayana to torture, there is actually a long way to go.

"My friend didn't say it, but I personally guess that it should not exceed level two."

Nanette Drewillo was surprised to find that the young man in front of him had no sense of nervousness or fear.

"I suggest you call for BOSS now, I know your personal force is pretty good, right?"

"No need."

Li Mochen turned sideways and looked at Herhor Wiltonstein, not far behind: "Heirhor, don't you mind lending me your body?"

After getting Herrell's exact answer, Li Mochen also drank the red wine in his hand: "So congratulations, they broke into the dragon's nest tonight."

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