Destiny Dominates

Chapter 320: Sword

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"Come on behalf of my father, don't you know? Mobil Petroleum has two oil refineries and a plasticizer here. It happened that I was on holiday. He asked me to come and see, and then donate on his behalf."

The Dacia passionately touched Angela's clink glasses, and then took the initiative to shake hands with Li Mochen and hug: "I know you, Andre Lee Wiltonstein, currently the hottest fighting star on the East Coast. Meet, Dacia Rockefeller, Angela's classmate at Starline Noble Academy. I'm your fan, the games were pretty beautiful. "

Li Mochen raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that it was really a big deal. Rockefeller, a family that only rose more than two hundred years ago, once ranked the richest man. In the contemporary era, although this family has been split up many times, it has invested most of its assets in various charitable funds, but this family is still one of the most powerful families in Amerika.

However, this person's expression is easy-going, and no ordinary family's eyes are higher than the top, temporarily making him feel no disgust.

As soon as he had finished speaking, he had a sneer behind him: "A half-breed bastard, and I have recently gained a little fame. I don't know what the Citizens think, but I invited this guy too. He Not even a professional player, the style of the Citizen Party is really getting lower and lower. You are really exalting him, Dacia. "

Dacia immediately raised her eyebrows, glanced coldly behind her, and then smiled slightly: "Hey! Guys, I want to talk to my idol and classmate Angel, now, will you give us some private space? "

The group of boys and girls looked at each other, and then all left in despair. But after these people left behind, Dacia said apologetically: "Andrea don't mind, this is some playmates who have come together after I came to Atlanta. Many of the people I can't even name. There is no need to care about them. Some of them are not smart, and the news is very closed. Even if I am a Manhattan guy, you know that you have acquired the Georgia Post. "

"It's ok."

Li Mochen really didn't care, he didn't even have this chest, and he heard that this young man named Dacia was really 'speaking sincerely'. He happened to find the Rockefeller consortium to pull venture capital for his company. But at this moment, he saw Nanette Drew, not far away, and he smiled and raised his glass.

Li Mochen hesitated for a moment, and then put down the glass: "I'm in trouble here, so I'm out of tune."

But just after Li Mochen left, Dacia Rockefeller looked at his back with different eyes: "Angel, do you like this guy, right? Is it a boyfriend now, right?"

"What do you ask these? It's not your business at all." Angela didn't answer the question.

"How can it be said that it doesn't matter? Many people know that Mr. Michelle met with Wilton Stein's Conciuli, and then the entire Manhattan, and the Atlanta City social circle, exploded for this matter. Many of my family Everyone wants to know what happened, I happen to be in Atlanta too. "

Dacia shrugged, a very helpless expression: "This is not just gossip. If the old man of Wiltonstein and the Michelle Group come together, it may affect the current situation in Amerika, so many people Are paying attention. I am also instructed to inquire now-"

"No comment!"

Angela snorted, but her eyes did not leave Li Mochen's figure at all: "What kind of person is my father? You know better than me. How do I know what he thinks?"

"I think so too, but if you two really plan to marry, Angel, wouldn't you object?"

Dacia ’s next look gradually became solemn: "But An Qi, do you know what your future marriage will be like? Sorry, I did n’t look down on him, Andrea ’s talent far surpassed me. In the future, his future is not comparable to that of my dude. But Angel, do you think he can bear it now? "

Angela was silent, thinking of the night two days ago.


"Ferguson, when he talked to you just now, did he want you to sell shares in the Georgia Post? Did he threaten you?"

Nanette Drew was also invited this time. Due to the huge influence in the media and the identity of the CEO of Rising Sun, this was placed in the fifth row.

"With your boss's strength, you don't need to care too much about him. It's a big deal to send him a bullet and let him go to the Lord of Glory or Hell."

Li Mochen couldn't help being speechless, looking at the lady Druze in a daze, wondering if this was really an editor-in-chief of a newspaper in the political and political fields. Do people who are interested in politics in the future say something?

"Of course, it's a joke, but since you have this ability, BOSS, it's okay to give a little warning. That guy is relying on some big guys to support him, and some are unscrupulous."

Nanette Drew led Li Mochen to the corner next to the window: "I can guess what method he will use for BOSS. In general, there is no problem. I can help BOSS resolve it and try not to affect your business. But We have to prevent him from doing everything he can, which is tantamount to a complete break and a war against you. So, we might as well solve the problem at the beginning, lest the incident develop to an unmanageable level, just like you were before To solve the problem of using the blood and fire to deter aliens like the Kadeven Group, but that degree is not enough. If you can use force to deter or destroy, then there is no need to spend much time, right? In this era, public opinion is very powerful, but it can still be No match for swords. "

Li Mochen couldn't help but fall into meditation, thinking to himself that ~ ~ is really necessary?

"You moved my heart, Ms. Drew, but I feel that this approach is no different from the triad?"

"There is never any difference. The so-called high society is just mastering more powerful forces, and then putting on a bright and bright coat. They are even more cruel, more sinister, and more sinister than the triad."

Ms. Drew smiled slightly: "Have you heard of the Ludlow Massacre? It was two hundred years ago. The Colorado Fuel and Iron Ore Company controlled by the Rockefeller family sent out private armament equipped with heavy machine guns of armored vehicles, as well as Colorado nationals. The guards used to suppress the strike organized by the American Miners ’Union in Colorado. After 14 hours of fighting, hundreds of people were killed and injured, hundreds of women and children were burned alive, and then the“ Colorado Guerrilla War ”was triggered. More than a thousand people died in a long civil war. Some of Standard Oil ’s competitors were directly killed by the Rockefeller family. But today ’s Rockefeller family is a great philanthropist who is well-known in the society. When it comes to this matter, the federal government has not pursued criminal responsibility. In the same situation, there is Carnegie, and they even waved their butchers directly to their own workers. Even if your Wiltonstein family is no exception, it is only twenty Seven years ago, you directly attacked a family for the management rights of Weilun Port. "

"I will think about it."

Li Mochen's eyes flickered, undecided.

"Of course, this is just my personal opinion."

Nanette Drew continued to give advice: "In addition, you can also ask the Citizen Party and Ms. Isalt for some help. After all, they help them resist the swords of competitors."

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