Destiny Dominates

Chapter 321: Major General

"This is a good idea, and we really need a little support."

Li Mochen thought deeply: "But Ms. Drew, the thing you said on the phone before should not be related to Ferguson Media?"

Before coming to the meeting, he had a phone call with Nanette Drew, who said he had something to interview him.

"Of course, this is a sudden. I want to talk to you about the chief security officer of Sun Rising Retail. BOSS, would you mind recommending a person?"

Nanette Drew paid attention to Li Mochen's expression. When he saw the latter listening, he said: "Michael Wood, I guess you have heard of his name?"

Li Mochen couldn't help looking slightly, looked at the lady in front of her: "Michael Wood? Ms. Drew, are you serious? Do you think I have a chance?"

He had indeed heard of this person, but that guy is now an active major general in the military, the commander of the Federal Seventh Mechanical Brigade, and is currently stationed in the Middle East.

In the EFF, general officers of civilian origin are not uncommon. The point is that this person is very young, only forty-five years old, and has stepped into legend! At present, he is a legendary first-level magic hunter and a part-time 18th-level magic fighter.

The reason why Li Mochen heard about this person is because the news about this person is being broadcast on television in a large scale recently. At the expense of seven people, the Federal Seventh Mechanical Brigade raided the city of Nasava in the Republic of South Babylon, forcing the dictators of the Republic of South Babylon to sign an humiliating alliance under the city, which greatly increased the authority of the Federation in the Middle East.

The major general Michael Wood was also touted by the media as the first general of the new generation of the EFF. Many people believe that he can add another star to his shoulder within two years.

Like this kind of character, Li Mochen should not be expected to be extravagant, but with the examples of Sampson Brut and Thompson Adams in front, he may want to have any special circumstances that can allow him to recruit this major general To its banner.

After killing Edmund Basque and forcing Douglas Duncan to freeze the space and time, the colorful aura of the "Spiritual Soul Fortune Purple Tower" has increased by a full 150 strands. The pale golden color on the tower has covered the upper half of the fourth floor-this means that he is now lucky and his foundation is gradually solidifying.

However, it is worth mentioning that nearly half of the meritorious qualities come from Angela.

"Although the major general has made a lot of credit this time, it actually violated the military order of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This is a big taboo in the military. It is difficult to say whether he has a future in the military. The key is that I know this guy and I do n’t want to serve in the military anymore, so I act unscrupulously. "

Nanette Drew spoke slightly ironically: "That's a wealthy guy. In the army, he didn't know how much money he was greedy for. Because he valued his military ability and combat strength, he didn't put him in prison. In addition to this, this man also firmly believed that he would become a prince in the future. The guy said to many people that when he was a child, someone had given him a divination, saying that he would become a general, a grand duke with territory. "

"This is fortune telling?"

Li Mochen couldn't help but stunned: "He believed, in this era?"

"I firmly believe it! He is now a general, isn't he?"

Nanette Drew looked at Li Mochen's face again with a strange look at this time: "I don't hide from you, I once learned facetography for a while. Although it still stays at a very shallow level, I guess if it is BOSS, you personally come forward to solicit him, maybe you can do it. If you have such intentions, then I can use some personal relationships to help you plan. He will return to the White House in Abraham recently to participate in the honour ceremony hosted by the president. "

Li Mochen heard Nanette mentioned the term "face-face technique" and knew what was going on.

In the western world, there is also "face-face technique", which originated in ancient Greece, and is different from the Eastern "Maixiangxiangfa" and "Water Mirror Deity" and so on. On the American side, a person's personality and future are comprehensively judged through facial features, constellations, blood types, etc.

And he Li Mochen, because of "Zhou Tianyuanchen and Liang Yi Wu Yan Jing Jing", because of his vision of the four emperors including "True Wudang Demon Emperor", has become stronger and more authentic, In other words, from inside to outside, a unique 'phase of emperor' was created.

Li Mochen has also studied Xiang Xue. He sometimes takes selfies in the mirror, and he can also see some characteristics that belong to the "Emperor" alone from his facial features.

But can it really succeed?

Li Mochen expressed deep suspicion, but might as well try it. He thought that the cost of hiring a legend was not low, unlike Linde Emers, who was enslaved by him, so he could not spend much.

But if he can really invite this one, he can save a lot of trouble in the future.

"What do you mean by planning?"

"Let him take the initiative to come to the door instead of soliciting."

Nanette Drew ’s lips were slightly picky, revealing a smile on his chest: "That guy has also studied physiognomy in order to find his own king, which is even deeper than me. And BOSS, how do you say ? Some aspects are too obvious. "

"So this person ~ ~ is reliable?" Li Mochen asked himself the most sincere question.

"It depends on your imperial means. I suggest you do n’t give him the opportunity to contact your vault and try to give him some hope. BOSS, do n’t you think it ’s too early? We are still Not started, everything is just my personal vision. "

Ms. Drew smiled and asked, "However, if I succeed, how do you reward me?"


Li Mochen seemed a little embarrassed: "So what about Firefly Media? If you can get it, I will put out 400 million gold dong funds in four months to buy this media group."

This is actually something he has already decided to announce to the lady in the near future.

At this time, Nanette Drew's eyes have already flashed a near-brilliant brilliance: "Then one word is final, BOSS! I am waiting for this day. However, when will your new draft be? Send to the publishing house? It must be mentioned that now all the procedures that can go ahead of time, I have already finished it. Just wait for BOSS to finalize your comic and you can publish it directly. This is the second thing I am looking forward to now. . "

Li Mochen's reaction was very flat. After his comic publishing career was hit repeatedly, he had no ambitions in this regard.

Recently, however, he found a ghostwriter. The legendary lich Linde Emers has an unexpected talent for painting, which is sufficient for his ghostwriting.

Since nothing can be spent, it seems okay to try it out.

"At most five days, after five days I will let the manuscripts be sent over."

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