Destiny Dominates

Chapter 338: Happening

"Klad? Wow, this is really cruel."

Li Mochen knew that the Akide Food and Beverage Company controlled by the Klad family is a large-scale food and beverage group with a business value in the five southeastern states and a market value of 25 billion golden shields. This family's history is also very old and has a strong foundation in Atlanta.

"It's still very cruel, these four people were all tortured before death."

Jamie Burt lamented: "These robbers have nothing to do with the felwolf Fenrir. They come from an alien organization whose purpose is to threaten the government and release their leader, Skywalker Kingsman."


Li Mochen already knew what was happening, aliens originated from the dark world. It is a magic human who encountered a certain kind of radiation in the dark world, resulting in a mutated human body caused by genetic and genetic changes.

Strictly speaking, they still belong to humans. Those Xu's body variants are no different from the existence of Dragon Vein Warlock, Titan Saint Warrior, Berserker, and Abyssal Blood Mage, which are integrated into the blood veins of other powerful creatures.

However, the Federal Government of the United States of America and the United Nations, for unknown reasons, announced decades ago that all aliens should be segregated and even driven back to the dark world. This also led to the latter's decades of struggle.

"Skywalker Kingsman? Isn't that demigod detained by the government twelve years ago, that guy, already executed?"

When Li Mochen first came to this world, he had read a lot of American newspapers and various materials. So knowing that King Walker, the Skywalker, is an extremely powerful demigod, and a guy who has committed numerous **** cases for the fight against strangers.

This one of the most famous thing is to open the abyss channel on the west coast of Amerika, and send the three small towns there to a total of 320,000 people to the bottomless abyss. In a nearly blood sacrifice, he exchanged a covenant with an abyssal prince.

"No, it seems that some of the government's authority organs wanted Kingsman to hold some plane secrets, so he was held in secret for interrogation. However, this matter was leaked not long ago, and Kingsman's reputation among strangers is unparalleled , That ’s not only their leader, but also their gods. So now the trouble is coming, they launched attacks not only in Atlanta, but in all mega cities in Amerika-- "

Jamiri sighed: "The guys also claim that they carry a deadly poison that can cover the entire city in an instant. If they don't give them a satisfactory answer within 48 hours, they will be released to the entire city of Atlanta poison gas."

"But 48 hours have passed now?"

"So they killed two more hostages."

Jamie smiled bitterly: "The government agreed to their request, but it will take time to lift the seal of Kingsman Skywalker. I think they are very unlikely to release people, they are just delaying time. Those robbers also Knowing the government ’s plan, so you ’re welcome. "

Li Mochen fell into meditation: "Does it affect the daily operation of our Rising Sun retail company?"

"The impact is definitely there. The passenger flow has dropped a bit in the past few days. However, the company has already obtained financing. At present, the funds are sufficient, and this loss is nothing. In addition, although it is now in a closed state, it is currently mainly aimed at the magic. Professionals, and the stores we bought around Atlanta have not yet opened. "

When Jamie Burt spoke here, he said profoundly: "I feel that whether it is the magic wolf Fenrir or these strange people, it is very beneficial to the expansion of our company at this stage."

Li Mochen thought that of course it would be beneficial. At first, these family tycoons will be attracted a lot of energy, and they will not pay attention to the expansion of the Rising Sun Company. Second, these people are dying, and the housing prices in major cities in Amerika are temporarily difficult. Rising up, this is conducive to his layout.

But this is all based on the fact that the poison gas has not been released-if there is no one in this city, who will buy the electrical appliances in his shop?

"Then you are not optimistic about the actions of those strange people?"

"Of course not optimistic, the design of the magic tower array in major cities has considered the function of fighting biochemical warfare. If those strangers are spreading poison gas in the first place, it may cause some in crowded areas. Death and injury. But now, the longer the time delays, the more adequate the government ’s preparations. What they can really threaten the government is actually the hostages in their hands. However, everything is absolute, and it is difficult to say whether they are using blind eyes. The so-called The gas bomb is probably just a guise. "

"You're right, we can't be careless. This matter needs close attention. I don't want our store to be affected."

After Li Mochen hung up with Jamie Burt, he dialed another number.

"Ms. Drew, there are strangers about the recent hijacking. Why haven't you seen any reports in today's newspaper?"

"Not just newspapers, not even all TV stations and radio stations. This time the government has joined forces with all parties, and it has put a lot of pressure on the media. Of course, our newspapers have also benefited from the government ’s 16 million public service advertisements. . This is already the result of my best efforts. This allows us to have a beautiful financial report. "

Nanette Drew spoke a little bit helpless: "So now, although everyone knows what might happen in this city, they can't see any news in the media, and our newspapers are the same. Now we can only wait for the disagreement between them to happen. Those of us who are involved in it can never be a monolith. Exposing this incident is actually more conducive to putting pressure on the government. BOSS, if there is If this happens, our Rising Sun Publishing House will adopt a more radical position. Do you have any comments? "

Li Mochen had expected that this would be the case. Even if the so-called ‘press freedom’ in this country is used as a slogan, it ca n’t be taken seriously.

Then he fell into hesitation. Once the hijacking incident came to light, the federal government of America would be in an extremely unfavorable passive situation ~ ~ This may very well lead to the conspiracy of strangers. But the cause of this incident is that certain special departments of the government have violated the rules and have unauthorized power, and they must bear the responsibility.

But he only hesitated for a moment before he made a decision: "You can judge what to do. You can judge for yourself. As I said to you at the beginning, I can give you full authorization at the Rising Sun Publishing House."

After saying this, Li Mochen changed his tone again: "Ms. Drew, about this incident, I want to know if there is any inside information on your side?"

This is the real purpose of his call to this man, who has more and more reliable sources in all aspects than Jamie.

"There is some inside information, but it has nothing to do with us. BOSS, I have been paying attention to these things. If there are variables that may threaten you, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Nanette Drew on the phone gave a chuckle; "I think you should pay more attention to that major general Michael Wood. According to the information I have, he had arrived before the closure of the city. This is the city. That guy, he is watching you, seems quite satisfied. With Michael Wood's character, I guess he will come to visit within a day or two at most. "

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