Destiny Dominates

Chapter 339: Helpless

"Anthony Braden?"

On the fourteenth floor of the Arlington Building, Dacia Rockefeller, who was forced to wear a sterile dustproof suit outside the door of a room constructed entirely of bulletproof glass, was looking at the black behind the workbench in front of him with horror. Hair man.

Although this man's hair style is messy and has no appearance, and his face is swollen with bruises and noses, Ke Sixi still recognized him as soon as possible-that is the current president of the light and magic industry, the current richest man in Amerika, applied physics Engineering thermodynamics, and the world's leading scientist Anthony Braden in the classification of mechanical engineering.

"Give me in!"

Behind Dacia, someone slammed his waist with a buttstock and forced him into this temporarily remodeled studio.

"This richest man told us that he now needs a reliable assistant. And you Dacia, although also a playboy, was already a magician of the twelfth level two months ago, and is a five A proud disciple of the legendary Master. So please work here and do n’t let us down to know? "

It was a guy with a black mask on his face. He glanced at Dacia Rockefeller with a warning eye, and then he looked at the workbench.

"Brayden, although I do n’t think he can play any role in your research, I brought him over. I know this little guy is your friend. But beyond that, I do n’t want to hear You have other excessive requirements, understand? "

Anthony Braden didn't speak, only raised his hand to show that. The mask man snorted and strode out.

After the glass door closed, Dacia walked hesitantly to the other side of the workbench.

"Anthony, I didn't expect you to be here. What happened? What about your safety consultants? Didn't you carry that demigod-level exoskeleton armor with you?"

He knew that there could be two legends around him!

"Isn't this obvious? Since I was hijacked by them, it means that my security consultants are so fierce. As for the armor you mentioned, it lost energy at a critical moment. I was betrayed, Dacia, yes The person inside the Light and Magic Industry. Shit, this armor was only recently fully repaired in the Science and Technology Laboratory of the Light and Magic Industry. "

Anthony Braden's expression is rather optimistic: "Also, there is no need for such a quiet Dacia. There are a lot of bugs here. A large number of scary, all types, to ensure that we will be punished in any form of communication They heard. "

Dacia looked as if looking at the panoramic glass room. There is also the toilet enclosed by transparent glass.

"That is to say, even if we are going to the toilet, they will be under their watch."

"Of course we can hear our shit."

Anthony laughed: "Okay, the gossip ends here. We can start working now, otherwise, I will be beaten up for you, and you Dacia, the end is not much better. Their skills in this area Very good, it can make you want to live without pain, but the body will not suffer much damage. "

"So what do they need you to study? This thing in front of us looks like briquettes?"

Dacia has turned his gaze to something on the table. It is indeed like a burning honeycomb briquettes, almost the same shape, but the whole body is smooth and the texture is crystal-like like jade. The red light emitted from those honeycombs is very gentle.

"It is said that it is an energy core proposed from the remains of the Moshra people, derived from an extremely powerful astral battleship. I have tested it, and it indeed contains amazing energy. If there are supporting external components It can output 120 million kWh steadily to the outside in the next 50 years. And Atlanta ’s daily power consumption is only 60 million peaks in summer. "

"Understood, are you trying to make a bomb now?"


Anthony's lips twitched: "If this thing is detonated, it can easily destroy Atlanta's defensive array of magic towers. But the energy inside it is very stable. It is not an easy thing to want it to explode."

Dacia has glimpsed the truth: "So the four sets of" Magic Mechanical Cores "are actually a bait, right? Tempt you to leave the old nest Manhattan and come to Atlanta. They can only place traps here because they are further away You will not go there. "

"Does this make sense?"

Anthony Braden sighed, and then placed a sketch he drew in front of Dacia: "The most important thing for you now is to help me make this part. They also have Experts in mechanics are constantly monitoring our progress, so do n’t try to cut corners or falsify OK? "

Nodded when he saw the blond boy opposite, this one focused his attention on the 'honeycomb briquettes' in front of him, and just when he was lying at his desk and began to concentrate on drawing calculations.

The mask man who had just left not long ago broke in with a large group of armed men armed with guns and ammunition. The first few people directly pressed Dacia, forcing the latter to put a hand flat on the table in front.

The masked man came to Dacia's side with a knife in his hand.


Anthony realized what might happen next, his face pale as paper: "He is my assistant now, Mr. Vulture! If you cut Dacia's hand, how can he help me?"

"I only need one of his fingers and the last finger."

The black-faced man ’s face was calm and calm: "Just now, his father, the finance minister, categorically rejected our reconciliation plan for the release of Lord Skywalker in a closed cabinet meeting. Our chief believed that we must You have to pay some respects to this Mr. Minister, this is not something you can stop. "

"Not even the last finger!"

Anthony's face was cold and his tone was tough: "If his finger is damaged, then I'm sorry, I can't make what you want within ten days. Dacia has a special magic talent and can use it Magic can be manipulated at the nano level, and no one of you can replace him! "

The mask man couldn't help but wonder, thinking deeply. After about 5 seconds, he made a decision: "Then replace it with toes!"

This time he didn't give Anthony the opportunity to speak ~ ~ He just waved the long knife in his hand, cut it into Dacia's leather shoes, and then left.

"Take out his toe, heal him by the way, and change to a good pair of shoes."

Ten minutes later, in this transparent glass laboratory, Dacia Rockefeller was already distorted, and anger was sprayed in his eyes.

"I swear, I will kill him! If I can get out of trouble, I will mince him and feed the dog!"

Anthony Braden smiled silently, thinking it might not be easy. These people not only have the power to banish the two legendary fourth-level personal guards to the astral world in an instant, but also have extremely sophisticated plans. They use the Atlanta magic tower array and many hostages to return the light and magic industry. There are strong governments, all of which are blocked outside of Atlanta. And within this city, it is only those demigod families who are able to rescue them.

The problem is that these forces have continued the dark battles for nearly two decades, and the artifact Longwei has completely exploded their contradictions and conflicts. At this time, no matter which company, I am afraid that I can't mobilize enough power to help him.

At this time, who can save him?

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