Destiny Dominates

Chapter 340: reason

Michael Wood came to visit earlier than Ms. Drew predicted. Li Mochen had just had dinner at Angela's house, and the major general arrived at the Unicorn Apartment.

After meeting, Li Mochen had no need to speak, and signed an employment contract with him on behalf of the Rising Sun Retail Company. The two had a more intense discussion about the specific salary.

The final agreement is an annual salary of 30 million golden shields, plus various bonuses and subsidies. Michael Wood's income as chief security officer of the company can reach more than 50 million, far exceeding the average salary of the legendary strongman.

In addition, if the Rising Sun retail company goes public in the future, this person will also receive partial equity incentives. The specific number depends on the merits and abilities of the major general.

This contract will take effect as soon as Michael Wood officially retires.

In addition, Michael Wood will also bring several old departments in the army to the Rising Sun Retail Company.

Those are high-powered retired officers, one of whom is even a magician with a level of up to 18.

Li Mochen was pleased with this, and he was now worried that he would not be able to find a high-level magic professional. As for the internal power structure of the company, the problem of imbalance may be caused by this. Perhaps others will have such concerns, but Li Mochen is definitely not in this list. He is confident enough to suppress the situation in the future.

But even so, Li Mochen was still surprised: "Major Wood, can you take the liberty to ask? What is the reason why you are determined to work for my company? Just because I looked at my face?"

This is because before negotiating the contract, the major general stared at him without saying a word for a full half hour, and then directly entered the negotiation phase of the employment contract.

"According to some of the physiognomy I have studied. BOSS, you have an extraordinary physiognomy, even if the legendary ancient emperor is not so. But of course I will not be so sloppy--"

Michael Wood smiled: "I have been in this city for five days. I have observed your stores, and I have known BOSS you through various channels. I think I have been to BOSS and your industry. With enough understanding, I think that the current Rising Sun retail company is indeed very weak, but it is indeed a platform enough to carry our dreams. At the current expansion rate of the Rising Sun company, the market value of 50 billion in the future can still be achieved. The chief security officer of a large company, this does not disgrace my rank in the military. Not to mention— "

His voice paused here, and the smile on his face made people unable to help himself, and the word 'domineering' appeared in his mind: "Don't you know the boss? Have you heard of it in the East?" , It ’s called Ningwei chicken head, not Fengwei. I ’m too angry in the army, I do n’t like to fight others. My character is not suitable. So those big consortia, large families sent invitations for employment, I Never thought about it. Boss is good for you here, although the platform is a bit smaller, but there are many things, at least in terms of company security, can I take the lead? "


Li Mochen laughed: "I will not interfere too much in matters within your authority."

This is true, after all, Michael Wood is the chief security officer, not the chief personnel officer, or the chief financial officer. This professional ability is also trustworthy.

Of course, he also saw the shortcomings of this man. In addition to being greedy for money, he was also very aggressive. But at this stage, he really needs such a character who dares to fight.

The rise of the Rising Sun Retail Company will never be smooth sailing. In future wars, he hopes to actively attack his opponents rather than passively beating them.

"I take it seriously, but this is your commitment to BOSS!"

Michael Wood's lips twitched slightly: "I think this is enough, and it's the life I want. Being able to get enough money, and being able to do whatever I want in the area where I am good at, there is a bright future in the future. I think In America, no one should be able to give me all this. "

"Then I think that the future Rising Sun Company and I will certainly not let you down."

At this time, Li Mochen crossed his forefinger and leaned forward: "Michael, since we have already reached an employment contract, then I will not treat you. Michael, you have worked in the Middle East for many years, and you can know what is worth there Trusted manpower? Including the army and the army, I mean those who are willing to live in the dark. "

The black-haired major opposite him couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly: "In order to travel to the continent of Antonia?"

"more than!"

Li Mochen shook his head: "I have other plans, and I need a strong immediate combat power."


After Michael left, there was a look of disbelief in Alice who was fortunate to watch, and there was a trace of excitement.

"Unexpectedly, he really wanted to join our Rising Sun retail company, this is a legendary major!"

At this time, she even had a trance. In this way, Li Mochen's command has three legendary powers. One of them is still a demigod level.

This is already a countable force on the east coast of Amerika.

A few months ago, when she first met Li Mochen, she could not guess.

"I was also surprised, thanks to Ms. Drew."

Li Mochen's lip angle was slightly picked, and then he rubbed his forehead with some headache: "The price is not small, but this is 50 million a year, our financing is only more than 900 million. I now feel that my ability to make money is far It is far from enough. It seems that the trade routes of mainland Antolia must be opened as soon as possible. "

The good news is that with such a strong man sitting in town, he will be relieved even if he briefly leaves Atlanta.

Alyssa glanced at Li Mochen with a disdainful look, thinking that this guy just got cheap and sold well.

Michael Wood is a genuine war hero. He not only has outstanding leadership and personal abilities, but his personal combat power is also among the best in his class. Like this kind of person, others are all waving check cheating.

At this time, Li Mochen used his new encrypted satellite mobile phone to get through Sampson Blutt's number.

"Sampson, Michael recommended some people to me just now, and I will let Alyssa bring you a list later."

"Michael? That is to say, General Michael Wood has promised to join?"

"He still needs a few days to go through the decommissioning procedures, and it is expected that he will take office at least six days later. This is good news Sampson. You can now make a plan, the one I mentioned with you not long ago."

Even if the mobile phone with this satellite signal changed, Li Mochen didn't dare to say too clearly. Although Iridium, which operates satellite phones, guarantees that their mobile phones will not be eavesdropped or there is a risk of information leakage ~ ~ but Li Mochen couldn't believe it.

"Recently you mentioned to me—"

Sampson Blut had thought of the answer, and then there was an excited tremolo in his voice: "Are you serious, Boss? Are you really ready to attack?"

"Of course, it is never my style to be beaten or not."

Li Mochen's lips were coldly selected: "We will have to solve that trouble sooner or later. But the time to do it must be after I return from the mainland of Antalya. The current first stage goal is to prevent them from facing Atlanta and the sun Company. During this period, I allow you to complete some private affairs to a limited extent. "

This is also for Hai Ruoer, Adriana, the scorching dragon girl, did not die, and the latter also retained a considerable amount of power. So even if it is to solve the hidden dangers of Hei'er's future, he must deal with the force named Dragon Witch.

"BOSS I understand."

Sampson Blut's voice has turned calm: "Whether your plan is successful this time or not, my Sampson Blut will bring you loyalty that will never fall."

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