Destiny Dominates

Chapter 369: Creation

In the private gymnasium near the Unicorn Apartment, Li Mochen and Angela are half-dressed, sitting almost at a close distance. The former's hand is constantly moving around the girl, holding Angela's main points and meridians.

At this time, if someone can see through and see the true qi and the source power, you can find that there are really red and blue colors, which are constantly hitting from Li Mochen's fingertips and flowing in Angela's body.

But Lena Adrick obviously didn't have this ability, so she had already split her eyes, staring at Li Mochen with a murderous Morin cold eye.

Whether Li Mochen helped the lady or not, she didn't know. Anyway, it was enough to take advantage. An Qi's whole body had been touched by Li Mochen all over and over, including the inside and the inside of the clothes, above and below.

So she thought it would be nice if her eyes were able to kill someone. This guy has been shattered by her.

And if Mr. Michelle had not instructed them not to intervene in the matter between the two, she would definitely cut the sword.

Lina wanted to know this earlier, and she should have resolutely refused it a few days ago. Li Mochen promised that she could watch, and hesitantly agreed to come down. Well now, knowing that this guy is taking advantage of Miss, she can't stop it, and she doesn't dare to stop it.

And just when Lina gradually became intolerable, Li Mochen finally stopped. He sighed lightly, took a step back, and then burned flames all over his body to dry all the steaming sweat.

Li Mochen didn't feel indifferent to the murderous sight coming from behind, but he also felt very wronged himself.

For a person whose desires have been magnified ten times or even one hundred times, it is really difficult to restrain their desires in the process. It is not easy, okay?

Especially the girl in her arms is not only a rare beauty in the world, but also an object that he and the original owner are very fond of, which is even more difficult.

At this time, Angela also opened her eyes and woke up from the meditation.

The girl glanced across the face with a blush, a stern look. She feels that when Li Mochen conducts gas to herself, many actions are unnecessary and totally unnecessary.

But when Angela's perspective remained, she found that Lina was holding the sword in her forehand, and the back of her white hand was slightly green. She finally swallowed it back when she reached her mouth.

Angela thought that it would be best not to say it at this time, otherwise a life case might happen. So she turned her attention back to her own soul, sensing her own changes.

"Is this what you said about Tianxin Shenzhao?"

Angela's eyes were clear and distant at this time. She looked in front of her, and then a sapling appeared under her attention, and then thrived.

Next, the sapling turned into flames and a firebird shaped like an oriental phoenix flew out of the fire. Flapping his wings, fluttering in this room, spattering sparks.

And Angela's face gradually showed surprise: "This mystery is really magical, not only is it easier to imagine than before. I feel that my soul power is also more pure than the premise."

"If you can continue to practice for half an hour every day, Angel, the purity of your soul will increase rapidly during this time. After half a year, you can match the legend, this is your special talent."

Li Mochen's expression is very strange: "Why didn't you do what I said, you should be able to do it?"

"Do what you say? Imagine that you are heaven, and then the heart of the sky is my heart, and the meaning of my heart is the heaven's will.

Angela didn't think so! If she really did this, then in the state of Tianxin, there was no Li Mochen in her heart and no place for Daddy.

"Maybe, but I feel unnecessary. The core value of this secret method should be its self-hypnosis method? The key is that it can be combined with the magic and source power of the whole body. It can be done without defects, and the external force is almost impossible. Shaky 'self-hypnosis'. If I want to, imagine myself as a tree, or a puppy, a kitten. I really don't know who created this, far more than any secret mystery I know. Should it come from the East? I have to say that ancient monks in the East all have incredible talents. If they are not good at summarizing and like infighting, then the world will not know what it will be like. "

Li Mochen couldn't help but twitching his lips, thinking of this girl, she was indeed icy and snowy, and the biggest value of 'Heaven and Heart Photographs' was indeed the method of self-hypnosis.

This is the power of a certain person who once ascended to the immortal world in the original dome, drawing on the spiritual secrets created by the Buddha's "great wish".

Of course, that was a long time ago, when the original dome was still full of energy. After that, ‘Tianxinshenzhao’ has been improved for decades.

"But the" Heart of Heaven "is the best plan, it can make your soul power, the greatest degree of purification, the greatest degree of growth."

"But I feel that I am not bad. I in the state of heaven will think of myself as the future creator. The future has great potential, and"

Angela said here, and looked at Li Mochen with a weird smile: "Amo, should you practice 'Heaven's Heart'? It seems that it has gone wrong?"

She had already understood why Li Mochen behaved so strangely when she first met twice. This made her very hard. On the one hand, she wanted to take care of Li Mochen's face, on the one hand, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

Li Mochen's face was like a heavy blow, and his face was blue and purple, and then he decisively ended the topic: "Forget it, this is your choice. But An Qi, you have to understand that the future of 'Tianxin Shenzhao' has five levels. But if According to your own method, you need to explore the road after the triple. "

Then Li Mochen put another red gift box in front of Angela: "Open it and see, this is a gift I gave you. The design of this thing and 70% of its processes are made by myself. Finished. I remember the day after tomorrow is your birthday, right? "

In the last ten days, he spent almost half of his time on this object ~ ~ present? "

Angela's face was full of surprises. She thought to herself, Ah Mo, would she still prepare gifts for her? This is really the sun came out west.

She almost couldn't wait to open the gift box, and then saw a slightly exaggerated necklace, lying quietly in the box.

The pendant is a large purple gemstone, and the chain is made up of gold-plated dragon scales and dragon teeth.

"so beautiful!"

Angela took the necklace in her hand in surprise and watched it carefully. But then she moved slightly, feeling the power hidden in the pendant.

Lina dismissed her lips in disdain, and she admitted that the necklace was still a little beautiful. But for the lady of this level, the color of red gold and purple is too exaggerated.

But what do you say? For the young lady, as long as it is a gift from someone she likes, then no matter how ugly the look is, she will be treated as a peerless treasure.

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