Destiny Dominates

Chapter 370: Magic Dragon

"This is a magic weapon?"

Angela looked at the opposite side doubtfully: "It looks different from the ordinary magic weapon, how should it be used?"

"This is made with the black dragon skeleton and dragon soul of the third level of the lord."

Li Mochen said with a smile: "After you leave a spiritual mark, you can try to imagine that you have a lord-level black dragon as a servant or partner. You should know the shape and characteristics of the black dragon? Have n’t you seen it? It ’s as you see it. The pictures that have been used, as well as the descriptions in the book, visualize their appearance and try to get closer to the young black dragon of the lord level. "

While Angela was puzzled, she was also looking forward to it. Following Li Mochen's instructions, she imprinted her mind on the inside of the pendant, and then began to visualize.

And the next moment, a huge black dragon, began to appear beside Angela. At first it was illusory, but after only a moment, there was a part of ‘entity’.

Elegant and strong dragon body, strong and powerful limbs, sharp and clean claws, pure black reflective scales like metal texture, huge light golden longan, and the stunning dragon power, let the next Lina Adrick Can't help breathing.

However, Li Mochen thought about it, knowing that he still underestimated the effect of Angela's spiritual strength and necklace. This dragon's size is bigger than he thought.

At this time, the next wall made a "bang" sound, and Hai Ruoer's body broke into it like electricity.

"Amo ~"

She thought that there was an enemy invading, but when she saw the situation in the room, she couldn't help but froze for a while. At this time, along with the dragon's body, it was completely virtualized, and the magic practice room with a width of 100 square meters was forcibly broken apart. The defensive array inside the gymnasium started immediately, but under the squeeze of the dragon's body, it resisted for a while and collapsed.

"This is the manifestation of the mind?"

Hai Ruoer looked up and down at the black dragon in surprise, and Angela glanced, "Is she conceived?"

All of them have the "Lord" level of Longwei, so I don't know what the fighting power of this dragon body is? But this woman is only a seventh-level illusionist.

At this time, Angela also opened her eyes in surprise: "This is just like the real thing? Should it also have the fighting power of the lord level?"

"The steepness is only what it looks like. Now it is at most sixteen or seven. Only Longwei is close to the lord."

Li Mochen tells the truth: "But Angel, you can use some magical tools to strengthen your own spiritual power. There is also a" Tianxin Shenzhao ", which can increase your spiritual power by one to two times. The combat power should be close to the lord. In addition, the more you know about the creature like the black dragon, the more detailed and true you think, the more powerful it is. "

Angela couldn't help her eyes shine. The methods Li Mochen said were not difficult for her.

"Besides this, this magical instrument can grow by itself. You can spend some time every day, using your own mental power to repeatedly wash it. In about a year or two, you can grow to the level of the lord five. If With the help of a high-level elixir, this process can be accelerated. However, at a higher level, it requires some demi-god, even god-level dragon blood to make it qualitative change. "

"Can it evolve?"

Lina was also shocked. She looked at Li Mochen with some doubt: "Is this really your design, or was it made by hand?"

This guy, even alchemy is so powerful?

If Li Mochen's words were correct, wouldn't this pendant be a holy weapon?

No, the general holy weapon can't let Angela directly have a powerful combat power of 20S level.

As for the half-god, or god-level dragon blood, it may be very difficult for other people to collect, but for the Medici family, it is as easy as a palm.

"Even now, it is stronger than many holy objects. This is really a genius idea."

Angel stretched out a hand, stroking the dragon that had lay down on her side under her command. The cold touch from her fingertips and the sound of the dragon's heartbeat made her delighted.

This is actually what she imagined, but after actually seeing the effect, she let her "believe" her vision even more.

"Lina, you ask Rosia to find a place that is wider and firmer. I want to see the actual effect."


Lina agreed very simply, she also wanted to see the actual fighting stance of this black dragon.

But the next scene made her breathless.

Angela hugged Li Mochen directly in such a state of half-decomposed clothes, and then kissed the latter fiercely on the lips.

"Amo, this should be the best and most precious gift I have received in my life. By the way, what's its name?"

"I named it" Fantasy Dragon Emperor "".

Li Mochen hugged Angela's waist naturally: "Angel, you can also give yourself a name if you are not satisfied."


Li Mochen didn't let Angela go outside to find a place, but let her take Lina to the half plane of the magic tower of the Necropolis.

Anthony Braden, another producer of this thing, also wanted to see its final effect. This half-plane not only has enough space, but also a three-headed lord-level bone dragon can serve as Angela's opponent.

Li Mochen also watched for a while, and had to say that ‘Fantasy Dragon Emperor’ completely achieved the effect he and Anthony wanted. Although Angela could not visualize a black dragon completely, nor did he use the magic weapon to strengthen his spiritual power, but this dragon's fighting power did reach level 17 in all aspects. The fighting power of the Black Dragon is the top of all beasts of the same level ~ ~ which is 17S.

"Very good! This gave me a little inspiration, which can be used on the light magic six."

Anthony is also very happy: "Amo, I think you can give the design to Michelle, and that guy also works as an illusionist. Although there is no such talent as Angela, the strength is also very good."

"Michelle? I will give Angela a copy later. But"

Li Mochen asked suspiciously: "I'm actually very surprised about Angela's situation, her mental strength, her special physique, and even her divine grace, Anthony, you should know the reason?"

"Did you not let Jamiri check it? In fact, many people who know their family know this matter."

Anthony squinted Li Mochen with a surprised look, then came to his heart, and then laughed: "Want not to go through Jamiri's channel AH? Want to hear Angela say it yourself? Boring emotion. Angela's mother wear Anna Olivia is a legendary dragon vein warlock. This bloodline comes from the world's first "Dream Dragon" changed by the Emerald Dragon, which is currently the "Dream Dragon God" Olivia. Diana was deeply loved by Olivia and was an elector of the latter. "

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