Destiny Dominates

Chapter 379: end

"It seems to be over."

In the box number 15, a middle-aged man belonging to the Wiltonstein family stood up disappointedly: "How can I say? Michelle's daughter is amazingly talented, and the boy's luck is extraordinary."

"Not just luck."

Mandivin Ferguson shook his head, not because of his eyesight. Rather, he had long known how much resources Arcadis Sporting Goods spent on today ’s group war.

"Andre's skill is amazing, at this stage of his life, he can actually contend with the legend."

"So it's more terrible, isn't it?"

Middle-aged man has put on his trench coat with the help of the life secretary: "I should leave Mandiwen."

"I will send you, Mr. Wiltonstein."

Mandivin Ferguson also took his woolen coat in his hand: "I haven't talked to you like this for a long time."

"No, after leaving here, I still have someone to see, right in this storm stadium."

The middle-aged man refused: "Mandiwen, you just need to do what I told you to do, can you start tomorrow, right?"

"As you wish! Mr. is already typesetting on the editorial side."

Mandivin put his hand on his chest: "I will attack step by step until I hang him with you."

"Very good!"

Wildenstein's man put his bowler hat on his head with great satisfaction: "Let's go and do it, Mandiwen. As a reward, in addition to those we agreed upon, the Georgia Post will also belong to you."

But not far from the next room, number 13, the CEO of Nathan West Region, Loren Leonard, I do n’t know when he had stood up, looking very solemnly out of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

I do n’t know how long before he turned his attention to Felton Williams standing beside him: "Do you have any thoughts? Felton?"

"I didn't expect that woman, she was so strong."

When he said this, the young boy with linen hair subconsciously grinned: "That guy's luck is good, and his strength is unsurprisingly strong, especially in combat skills, 10S or 11S? I think this is all If you ca n’t express it accurately, you might use the ultimate skill at the 10th level, which may be more accurate. In this regard, he made me admire. ”

"So now, do you still have confidence to defeat him?"

"It depends on his physical fitness and the strength of the magic source."

Felton Williams thought about it: "If he has 70% of my physical fitness, I might lose. If it is lower than this value, then I will crush him."

"You finally have some self-knowledge."

Lorraine Leonard laughed out loud: "You still have a month and a half to play against him, so during this time, you--"

"I will not relax, nor will I underestimate the enemy. Even if it is just for Green Adams, I will go all out."

Felton Williams snorted with a gleam in his eyes: "But Loren, if you want to be foolproof, then you have to give me a little new support. It includes intelligence, all aspects."

"Of course! During this time, I will find a way to get Andrea's real physical measurement data. Then your personal practice, all resources will be doubled. And besides this, I have good news--"

Roren Leonard raised his chin and looked at Li Mochen, who was coming down from the ring, with a cold look.

"Are you interested in becoming a benefactor? Felton? Someone recently discovered an artifact left by Thor Thor at a ruin in Norway. That person is still asleep, but inherits all the heritage of Odin."


The next two rounds, Linden College won no suspense. In the second round, St. Michael's side was still fully committed.

But with the cooperation of Li Mochen and others, it took only five minutes to suppress the resistance on the opposite side. Angela's deterrence greatly increased, so that the opposite side had to be fully alert to avoid being controlled by her illusion. After losing the three divine graces, these people's physical qualities have been reduced to the level of only nine-level occupations.

And whether it is Lena Adrick or Louise Linden, they are not comparable to the average seventh-level magical professionals. Their strength is almost 10S level. It is no longer possible for the opponent to resolve them within seven or eight rounds.

Even William Jacques is cunning like a swimming fish. He stayed beside Li Mochen, using his speed advantage to assist the latter in combat.

At this time, Li Mochen's strength and his tacit understanding in team battles were highlighted.

He is like an iron umbrella with wings protecting his companion; like an indestructible forging hammer, it can easily destroy the other's defense.

No matter who it is, as long as it is in direct contact with him, no one can support up to five rounds. Li Mochen's strength and speed have already surpassed these, and in the battle of combat skills, Li Mochen can also prevail.

Has a gorgeous, concise and sharp sword technique, which makes many young girls in the stands scream and scream, and most of the people outside of them are ashamed and sad.

By the third round of the game, St. Marken Middle School completely gave up, and the consciousness of those legendary strongmen no longer came. The five people at Linden College easily swept their opponents off the stage. This round, the whole journey did not exceed two minutes.

So this storm storm gymnasium began to float a piece of paper rain, countless gambling tickets flying down, all around the stands were screaming loudly. Some people say ‘shady’, some people say ‘liar’, and others are shouting ‘prince fraud’.

However, at this time, although the sound waves were rolling in the gymnasium, the momentum to collapse the entire stadium was gone. More people, such as mourning the exam, were paralyzed in their seats and could no longer scream.

After Li Mochen walked down the ring, he made a guilty complaint to head coach Ricard and Louise Linden ~ ~ left early through the player channel.

There is still a war waiting for him to sit down, or even participate in person. Li Mochen does not want to waste time here, and he has no intention of participating in the post-match press conference prepared by the NHSAA tournament committee.

This may cause some people in the NHSAA tournament committee to be dissatisfied, and it is estimated that a fine will be issued to the school, but Li Mochen has no regard for these.

I don't know if it was a coincidence. When Li Mochen rode his "Otto I" and drove out of the underground garage of Stormwind Stadium under the protection of many armored vehicles, he encountered a Norfolk Aegis extended car at the intersection.

A middle-aged man in a suit and hair cream, scrawling on his body, was standing beside the car, watching his team passing by with a slightly mocking eye.

"That seems to be Mandevin Ferguson? Ha! This is the guy."

Alyssa Tangerian had come to the meeting of Stormwind Stadium in advance, she looked out the window, and then chuckled: "Look, this guy must be full of confidence, thinking that you can eat you."

"Ignore him."

Li Mochen looked at his watch without even looking at the window: "Si Guo, trouble let the driver in front drive faster."

Ms. Drew said that the first wave of breaking news was at 3:15 today, in the middle of the political news.

But Li Mochen's "Otto I" is good, but there is no car TV. He had to return to the Unicorn Apartment to watch the news of Southern Cable TV.

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