Destiny Dominates

Chapter 380: scandal

At 3:15 pm, the Atlanta Educator Building is located in the office on the ninth floor.

Two figures are entangled at the desk.

"No, sir, this is the office, it will be seen."

"What's the matter with you? Dear, this is not the first time. Outside is my personal assistant, he is very reliable."

"Really not, my husband came home today, we are going to change the day OK? I don't want to be seen by him. And, in the afternoon, it is the time for Loran Elementary School to organize students to visit our building."

"Hey! Bi Chi, when I subsidized you to buy that car, you didn't say that. As for those elementary school students, it's still early."

Claude Arnold's very impatient hands exerted force and tore off large pieces of clothing.

But in the next moment, the wooden door outside the office was slammed with a heavy hammer and made a continuous banging sound.

"Mr. Chairman, something happened outside, I think you have to see it with your own eyes."

Arnold's face suddenly showed anger, but after hesitating for a moment, he still let go of the woman who had given up resistance in his arms and strode behind the door.

"Casey! You'd better give me a reasonable reason, otherwise, I will deduct your bonus, I said to do it-"

Wait until Clo Arnold opened the door lock, but his voice stopped suddenly. Because in front of him, his assistant Kathy, pale as pale as paper, not even a little bloody.

"What's going on? Why are you so ghostly? What happened?"

"BOSS, you have to look at the current affairs news of Southern Cable TV."

Casey directly pulled the chairman of the Atlanta Education Commission to another office. There was a TV playing here. Clo Arnold glanced at the logo in the upper right corner and found that it was Southern Cable TV Station.

And his eyes were quickly attracted by the content of the show, and then his pupils gradually contracted, and the blood on his face slowly faded.

"--Then, as reported by reporter A, is there any misappropriation of education allowance for the disabled? Are the accounts and video materials provided by Mr. A true? We interviewed Russell (pseudonym) next. Madam, this is the mid-level manager of the Atlanta Board of Education and she knows the inside story of the Board of Education. "

"So this thing is true? Ms. Russell?"

"Yes, I have personally witnessed. The Atlanta government allocates 230 million gold shields each year as a disability education subsidy, one third of which can be embezzled, and the other one third can fall into the pockets of those gluttons. . I even have evidence to prove that Clo Arnold, using his right to manipulate the purchase of educational equipment, has earned at least more than 40 million gold shields from it. "

"They even colluded with the FBI. This year's Atlanta Controller, Ms. Elisabeth Isolt, has sent three letters to the FBI. Let them investigate the corruption of the Atlanta Education Commission. But the results are all without symptoms. They think Mr. Arnold is Innocently, someone is framing and discrediting this honest gentleman. "

"We have no choice. I and my colleagues can no longer sit and watch the disabled students' future being embezzled."

"I have sent the evidence I have collected to the Georgia Post, the Atlanta Laborers Daily, and the Atlanta Daily Telegraph three newspapers. They said they would uphold the responsibility of the media and publish it in today's special issue. In addition If the time is right, I will stand up, I mean use my real name. "

At this time, Clo Arnold's hands were shaking.

"Find her, find this woman named Russell! And the reporter A--"

Arnold growled and roared like a tyrant, then he quickly returned to his office and dialed someone's mobile phone.

"Did you read the current affairs news of China Southern Cable TV? If not, you can find someone as soon as possible. Mandy Wen, you have to help me this time, it is best to suppress this matter as quickly as possible, otherwise If we do, we're all done. Yeah! It's done, I'm done. Don't think about it, Mandivin! "

Received a call from Mandevin Ferguson, taking his Norfolk Aegis extended car on his way back to the Ferguson News Building.

"Southern Cable TV Station?"

He asked the driver to turn on the on-board TV, but at this time, the show was nearing its end.

So Mandivin Ferguson then dialed a call, and then he froze for a while.

"You are saying that the content of Southern Cable TV's program today broke the corruption between Arnold and the Education Committee? What is the specific content?"

"Disability education subsidy, and purchase of educational equipment? Do they have evidence?"

"Georgia Post is among them, right?"

At this point, Mandevin Ferguson was cold and extremely irritable. He turned to his assistant and said: "Let people go to buy, Georgia Post, Atlanta Laborers Daily, Atlanta Daily Telegraph. These three newspapers are special issues. They It should be released now. I will see it when I return to the Ferguson News Building. "


The female assistant's expression reminded me conscientiously: "BOSS, the situation is very unusual now. Firefly Media and the Hunting Flag Group behind them, the cooperation with us has been very happy before, why is it suddenly difficult this time? Also, if If the flag is really hunting, I am afraid that this storm will not end so easily. "

"Of course unusual ~ ~ This is someone who is targeting me! And it is a direct hit."

Mandivin Ferguson snorted, and then made a call again, this is to the CEO Office of Firefly Media.

"Mr. Noah, I would like to ask, what is the news of your Southern Cable TV station today? I want to know, what do you think? Liqi Group-"

When the phone was dialed, Mandiwen said condensingly, but then he was stunned again, and an elegant and hard female voice was directly heard from the microphone.

"Stop OK? This has nothing to do with the Hunting Flag Group, Mr. Ferguson."

"Nanette Drew?"

Mandivin Ferguson instantly recognized the master of the voice, and then his eyes narrowed slightly: "It seems that the situation of the firefly media has changed unexpectedly, right?"

"Just a few days ago, this media company has been wholly acquired by our BOSS for an amount of 590 million gold shields."

Nanette Drew ’s voice had no temperature: "Then, my boss asked me to say hello to him, and he asked me to ask you, are you ready to pay the price? Mr. Ferguson? The war between us, from Start now."

After the last sentence was spoken, Nanette Drew hung up the phone without waiting for him to answer.

On the other end of the phone, Mandevon Ferguson was stunned for a while. When he was awake, his right hand couldn't help but force his hand into a fragmented mobile phone!

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