Destiny Dominates

Chapter 383: Kill

PS: Five lesser **** ask for votes! The wasteland has become old! Qiujun set a monthly ticket for recommendation!

If you do n’t vote anymore, the wasteland will be pierced with chrysanthemums!


Early the next morning, Deron Wiltonstein took his car early in the morning and drove out of the second estate of Wiltonstein.

This man sitting in the back seat of the extended car of ‘Holy Shield’ frowned tightly.

"Don't worry about Mandiwen, I am also very surprised about the firefly media. Yes, our plan has completely failed, I can understand."

"If we end up losing Mr. Kro Arnold, that is really a pity, but what about this? We have a way to support another one. A short period of time may affect your business and cash flow of Ferguson Media, but Funding is definitely not a problem. I will mobilize 700 million gold shields for you to use within ten days, which is regarded as an interest-free loan to you. "

"Well, you put out the scandals about the Rising Sun Company as soon as possible. I know there are not many people who will pay attention now, but how much can distract the people's attention and attack our opponents?"

"We are considering a solution for Southern Cable Television, which takes time. Eliminate physically? Damn it! This is not a satellite phone, is it your prudence? Mandiwen? Did a small change cause you to lose your square?"

After hanging up the phone, Deron Wiltonstein lay somber on the backrest and fell into deep thought. Until an illusory figure appeared beside him.

DeLong glanced sideways and found that this was Konsuri's eldest son, the president of Wiltonstein Transportation Company, and his cousin Clio Wiltonstein.

"You know? The news about the Atlanta Education Commission is fermenting across the East Coast. South Nate Drew ’s influence is beginning to show. Today, nearly 30% of the media in America has reproduced this news. It has also become a citizen. Party, attacking the spearhead of the Conservative Party. It is expected that the Controller, Ms. Elisabeth Isolt, will challenge the Education Committee and the FBI on today's agenda. The Education Committee can no longer hold it, Deron. "

"I know that the woman is very strong, even the Deputy Secretary of State's phone is hung up by her directly. She has a dependence and does not care. But this is nothing--"

Deron Wiltonstein's voice was cold: "What I really worry about is that there are other fatal bursts hidden between Crow Arnold and Mandevin Ferguson. Otherwise the guy would not be so panicked. "

"Your worry is correct."

Creo nodded: "My intelligence consultant told me that they not only intervened in the education subsidies for disabled children, but also in the Municipal Charity Fund for Deaf and Mute Children. They jointly stole about 40 million gold shields from them through false accounts. funds."

"These two shit! How much did they make on the Board of Education? Do you think the money is not enough? I really want to kill them now."

Deron's face was pale, but then he gritted his teeth: "Clio, Ferguson Media Group is very important, and you need to keep it anyway."

"So what are you going to do?"

"In addition to the use of force, I can't think of any other way for the time being. Although the guy in Mandiwen is a jerk, his judgment is correct. If he can't suppress it at the beginning, the subsequent situation of Ferguson Group will only become more and more passive .. I think that what should be dealt with in the Education Committee should be dealt with. Firefly Media also needs to act as soon as possible. If you ca n’t directly deal with the lady, then they will destroy their relaxation equipment and destroy their editorial team. Also Have funds— "

While thinking about it, Deron Wiltonstein said: "For insurance purposes, I think 700 million yuan is not enough. Yesterday I probably learned about the financial situation of Ferguson Media Group. Now the situation is very bad. They except each In addition to the loss of 90 million gold shields per month, it also owed nearly 350 million gold shields to major film and television companies. The expansion of Mandiwen is very fast, but his capital chain is also very tight. "

"There is no problem with the funds, the difficulty is how to hide the old man and not let him find a force to intervene."

Creo promised very simply: "I can handle this matter."

"And then that lucky Andrea, we still underestimated him Creo, this is no longer a trouble that our family can solve."

Delong frowned: "What I want to know most now is how the firefly media fell into his hands? Why did Liqi Group sell this media company to him-"

But when he talked about it, he felt a sudden feeling and looked out of the car window. Then I saw a golden ray of light projecting from the far sky.

Deron Wiltonstein, the fierce fierce swordsman of the fifteenth level, had the keen eyesight and immediately distinguished it as a bullet. Because of the speed of up to eighty, even ninety Mach, its light and shadow just like a golden beam, bombarded towards the car.

That must be a legendary sniper rifle——

Before this consciousness was born in his mind, Delong had instinctively stirred up his source of energy. The defensive holy body on his body also spontaneously protected the Lord at this moment, forming a purple gold shield on the side of Delong.

And when he was about to make an evasive action, he suddenly heard a majestic dragon roar, and Deron Wiltonstein's primordial spirit also appeared a momentary stagnation at this moment.

In the next moment, the golden Mageweave bullet penetrated the bulletproof glass of this Holy Shield car, penetrated the twenty-four level 'force field shield' triggered by the defensive holy weapon, and then opened in his brow. A blood hole.

When Deron's head was blown into pieces and blood was spilled, Creo Wiltonstein projected beside him with magic, he couldn't help but stay in place ~ ~ looked dumbfounded Everything in front of him, and Deron's headless body.

And earlier, it was about two kilometers away from this Aegis car. Li Mochen didn't go to see his results. At the moment of shooting, he put away his sniper rifle and used a legendary teleportation reel at the first time, leaving the sniper he selected. position.

The magic wolf Fenrir is now a magic tower committee. Dozens of legendary magical hunters must seek to get rid of them. He has no interest in blocking the gun for this lunatic.

So in the following time, Li Mochen used six different escape methods in succession. After ensuring that no trail could be detected by a trailing man, he returned to the magic tower of the death home through the portal.

"How is it? Has anyone died?"

Until this time, Li Mochen had time to care about the life and death of the target person.

"One shot, BOSS. You escaped in a timely manner. Less than five seconds after you left, the magic tower committee sealed off the neighborhood."

Linde Emers couldn't help but sigh: "I have to admit, BOSS your sniper is simply a miracle in the world."

Anthony Braden also looked at Li Mochen with surprise.

Is not for the latter's sniper technique, but the guy's wrist, which is really cruel.

Li Mochen looked slightly loose: "Then please tell Sampson Blut. We will execute our plan A immediately!"

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