Destiny Dominates

Chapter 384: 1 to

Within ten minutes of Li Mochen's departure, the North District Avenue where the case was found was already full of police cars and crowds.

Clio Wildenstein was holding a stick of civilization, and he stood in front of the extended version of the Aegis car, looking towards the southeast. He didn't need to see the team's situation. He was one of the eyewitnesses, watching his cousin get his head blown.

At this time, he only cares about the sniper position two kilometers away, and the sniper who killed Deron.

"Please mourn, Creo."

Came to Creo, and it was the FBI Atlanta Field Service's main pipeline, Rington.

"Our experts have checked that the ballistic characteristics and bullet marks are consistent with the" Dragon Power "in the hands of the demon wolf Fenrir. Obviously, this is another bastard."

"This is impossible!"

Clio Wiltonstein speaks loudly and decisively: "He has no reason to do this, which is not good for him!"

"But Creo, that's a lunatic."

Dollington's eyes flashed unexpectedly: "We can't use normal human thinking to infer his actions, unless it is Creo. What other clues do you have?"

"The Wiltonstein family has no conflict with him!"

Clio Wiltonstein took a deep breath and eased his tone: "Dawlington, I want to know if you found it in the sniper position? I suggest using time to go back."

The Amerika Federal Bureau of Investigation has established field departments in 72 cities across the country to lead local criminal investigations, security, drug enforcement, etc.

And the head of the Atlanta Department of Field Service is not only the head of the FBI throughout Atlanta, but also has limited jurisdiction over 15 branches in Georgia.

So this one in front of him is by no means an arrogant existence.

Even though the FBI Field Department in Atlanta has been stricken by the successive incidents, this person is still one of the most powerful people in the entire Atlanta city.

"Unfortunately, we have nothing. We can only use the rich space energy over there to determine that the murderer escaped by teleporting magic. It has been disturbed by the magic" element disorder ", so there is no way to use time to trace back. Damn New World The Magic Association, **** Constantine, since the **** invented this magic, has made our case detection difficult by dozens of times. "

Dollington spread his hands, with a helpless look: "Our field experts are still investigating, but I guess I can't find any clues."

"Isn't this very suspicious?"

Clio Wildenstein questioned: "If it's that mad dog, there is absolutely no need to do so."

"What you said makes sense, but Demon Wolf Fenrir has done this more than once. Creo, he is not hiding his identity, but he is avoiding the magic tower committee, and there are many legendary magic hunters. "

Dawlington shook his head disapprovingly, and walked over to the command vehicle ahead: "Clio, I know you can't accept it emotionally, but this is the truth. Of course, I won't make such a hasty conclusion. Mr. Wilton Stein is a celebrity in this city, gentleman, and an important member of us. I will set up a special investigation team to investigate the cause of his death. "


Just when Cleo wanted to say something, there was a man in a black trench coat next to him, who hurried to his side.

"Sir, President Kang Xiuli has learned of Deron ’s death. He has appointed Mr. Malone as interim public relations director of the Wiltonstein Group. He will fully preside over Wiltonstein before the board of directors elects a new CPO to take over. Group's public relations affairs. "

Creo couldn't help but change his color slightly, he didn't want to stay here anymore, he hurriedly stepped on the first time, boarded his car, and then ordered the driver to drive in the direction of the Wiltonstein headquarters building.

This made Dollington and the FBI everyone who were already prepared to deal with Creo's entanglement and even blame were surprised.


"Very smart way."

Death home magic tower, after Linde Emers left, Anthony said with admiration: "Is this the battle plan made by Ms. Drew for you?"

Li Mochen raised his eyebrows, and didn't care much to continue to look at a magic array designed by Anthony.

After the sniping mission is completed, the next time is the teaching time of the Mosrah language. Li Mochen must help his students to check whether the array diagram mainly based on the Mosrah language is perfect.

This drawing is very important. Anthony intends to install two annihilation guns on his "Light Demon Six". If you can design the magic array of annihilation guns in all Mosrah, you can have more power in terms of energy guidance and output.

But the thoughts of the richest man at the moment are obviously not on it.

"Deron Wiltonstein is the director of public relations for the Wiltonstein Group. He controls most of the group ’s brand promotion, advertising, and public relations work. At present, Ferguson Media has nearly 30% of its work. The advertising revenue comes from Wilton Stein. For Mandevin Ferguson, this blow is simply a bottom draw. The key is that it can still be counted in one fell swoop. Deron belongs to Cleo ’s faction, and his death will surely Triggered conflicts and competition among several heirs. "

"No, no! More than that, Ferguson Media has nearly 37% of its shares held by offshore companies overseas. Deron's support for Ferguson Media is probably due to this ~ www ~ or Creo himself, holds the equity of Ferguson Media. This involves a bigger problem, the transfer of benefits. If so, you can completely cut off the source of funds for Ferguson Media. By the way, this It can also allow your grandfather Kang Xiuli to have the opportunity to intervene in the PR department, which can make Amo your chance of inheriting the Wiltonstein family and greatly improve it. "

"You are smart, Anthony."

Li Mochen squinted at him: "But sometimes I think too much. It is right to cut off the source of funds for Ferguson Media, but it has nothing to do with the Wiltonstein family."

"Of course Drew will not say this to you, she will just do it without saying a word. If you can really control the Wiltonstein Group in the future, then she may have a chance to become the president of this country in the future."

Anthony chuckled, still dragging his chin with his hand, and a pair of Zhizhu was holding: "So what is your next move? Let me guess. Your so-called Plan A is a broadcast device to fight Ferguson Media, and their Is the printing house right? I guess Ms. Drew will definitely choose quick battles and quick decisions. Ferguson Media ’s influence is still there. This is a sweet meal. If the war situation is delayed, it will not benefit you, and too many variables will occur. . "

Li Mochen drew a few forks on the drawing without expression, and then pushed them in front of Anthony.

"Unfortunately, there are at least four fundamental errors in the pattern you designed. I think you are too good to be far away, Anthony. A beginner in the Mosla language wants to rely on this tool to design the array. Picture, how much do you despise this language? "

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