Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 508: Half a year

On the 4th of July 3990 in the Gregorian calendar, on the 98th floor of the Wiltonstein building, in the office of the vice chairman, a purple-red gemstone was glowing. There are bundles of silk threads that are invisible to the naked eye that are constantly flowing out of the gem, and a golden pagoda with a total of nine layers is rushing to the side, about the height of the arm.

Soon this gem was absorbed, and the whole was broken up and turned into dust and **** and fell to the ground. The magic is that these 'dusts' eventually turned into pure magical energy, disappearing without trace on the ground.

Li Mochen watched with satisfaction that there were some new mysterious runes on the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda".

It has been four months since the fourteenth gem of destiny absorbed by the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda"-the gems of fate provided by the Dragon Wizard are extra large and extremely pure, so they are also expensive. .

The gems of fate that Li Mochen had collected earlier were more than 30 million yuan, and the lower ones could be bought. However, these provided by the Dragon Witch Church are more than 200 million gold shields. They are all about the size of a fist, and the fragments of fate power and law contained in them are also very rich.

Therefore, even the mythical treasure of ‘Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda’ began to suffer from indigestion. They can only be engulfed and absorbed at a rate of one block every ten days, and then purified and eliminated-some impurities that it does not need are excluded from the pagoda.

Thanks to this, ‘Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda’ is transforming the huge colorful aura outside the realm faster and faster. At this time, the virtues of virtues that come from the original dome every day have reached sixty-five strands. In addition, what he earned in this world, his daily income can already reach more than 200 strands.

However, Li Mochen's greatest benefit from these 'jewels of fate' is his perception of 'fate'.

When the "Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda" devoured the gems of fate, it forcibly smashed the latter to a scattered state, and then began to absorb it, which allowed Li Mochen to observe the mysteries inside them. The essence of these gems is the deity fragments of the six goddesses of fate.

In addition, he can perceive all the subtle structures of this "Spiritual Soul Fortune Purple Tower".

Regarding the 'destiny', Li Mochen has been studying as a questioning sword and Tao Ran. At this time, he had more experience and was getting closer and closer to that realm—

As Li Mochen's thoughts moved, he had contacted his magic tower anchored in Wenjian Mountain Villa. With the help of the latter's up to thirty-two magic pool, the Destiny Jurisdiction was exhibited.

At this time, his eyes were fixed on a glass jar not far away, placed in the corner. There was a hamster in it, who was going through all kinds of unlucky things, and suddenly fell off the running wheel and slammed his head fiercely; when it was dizzy to swing, the rope of the swing was inexplicably It broke open; finally, when this little pet recovered a little, and wanted to climb back to its high wooden hut, the sturdy stairs seemed to be stepped out of a hole, which put the hamster's one. A foot stuck in it.

But just after that, the little hamster finally came to Jitai. Alyssa Tangerian pushed the door and walked in, not only rescued it from the dilemma, but also brought it favorite toffee.

In Li Mochen's eyes, there was also joy. The domain of destiny that he has mastered has undoubtedly reached the state of perfection, only one step away from condensing the divine power.

The main reason is the lack of mana. The luxurious magic tower designed and built by Bethel Estantin helped him, although it has up to thirty-two top-level magic pools, as well as the most massive energy gathering system, but it is still only Eight floors.

And the power of ‘theocracy’ is either that you have enough understanding of the truth and the roots to save a lot of magic power; or that the magic power is huge, forcibly bringing your own jurisdiction into the amount of divine power.

Just like before, Li Mochen only relied on the "Three Dragons" Wai Dan to display the primary power of life and death; now, his power of life and death has initially reached the intermediate level.

This is also related to Li Mochen's own magical ability class, which has been upgraded to level 15.

Just two months ago, Li Mochen felt that his own spirit was gradually becoming full, and he broke through again without hesitation.

This time, it straddled three levels and hit the Yuanying realm in one fell swoop.

At this time, Li Mochen can actually directly hit the 19th level, which is the so-called 'return to the virtual realm' of the Eastern cultivation circle.

However, he stopped. On the one hand, he was waiting for the Xiaolong Vessel. On the one hand, he was ambitious and prepared to aim directly at the Taiyin Sun in the last step of "Dual Metaphysics".

"You are abusing this little guy again!"

Alyssa took the little hamster out of the glass jar and looked at him with a bad look: "If you want to test your new theocratic power, you can go find someone else, don't treat it as a little white rat OK?"

"But I bought it back for experimentation."

Halfway through Li Mochen's words, he found that Alyssa's gaze was even harsher. He couldn't help but spread his hands: "! I'll go find other experimental products. Well, Alyssa, is there anything special about me?"

Although his left-handed right arm is also holding the position of assistant vice chairman of the Wiltonstein Group, she usually only works here on Friday.

This current main position is the executive director of the Rising Sun Group, so most of her week ~ ~ stays in the office of the 'Sunrise Building'

——It was a large office building with a height of seventy-eight floors. It was previously owned by the Benedict family and was named St. John's Building. Not long ago, Li Mochen asked some of the tenants to clean up, and then moved all departments of the Rising Sun Group except the TV station into it.

This St. John's Building was logically renamed the Rising Sun Building.

"It's really something that is inconvenient to say on some phones."

After sitting down opposite Li Mochen, Alyssa first took out a lot of documents from her magic pocket: "This is the document you have to deal with today, and has accumulated more than half a week of work."

Li Mochen frowned, glanced at random: "Can you briefly talk about it?"

"The vast majority are personnel and financial documents and require your signature. There are only three important things."

Alyssa said succinctly: "Ms. Nanette Drew proposed a new merger and acquisition, did she tell you right? According to her plan, there is a need to invest 1.2 billion in the head office; then the fifth Brigadier General Delin Gasop of the Armored Regiment, Major General Kevin Salillo of the Second Reinforcement Infantry Brigade, and Brigadier General Moro Laves of the Sixth Armored Regiment jointly proposed that the head office should buy another batch of ' "Magic" armor, they believe that the caster of the armored regiment is seriously inadequate, and this new type of magical armor produced by the light magic company can effectively improve the magic power of the sixth armored regiment; and the combat submitted by Major General Michael Wood The plan, he made a slight modification on the previous plan. How to say? It seems that he ca n’t wait, want to use troops in the **** land, I went to the Holy Stone Fortress two days ago, and found that there is full from top to bottom With impetuous breath. These combat madmen from the army can no longer suppress their fighting intentions. "

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