Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 509: Hold on

"Using soldiers in the land of blood red? Why don't I want to?"

Li Mochen couldn't help frowning: "Isn't that what Michael Wood meant? He didn't know what we are doing now, and he waited to see how it changed, but also from his suggestions. Or did he change his opinion now?"

"Major General Michael Wood did not change his opinion, but—"

When Eliza said this, she looked out of the window with a strange look.

Just twenty-three days ago, their armistice agreement with Philip I had lapsed.

Then, weirdly, that was not what Li Mochen expected, and immediately declared war on the Rising Sun Group and Kang Xiuli. The situation in Atlanta has always maintained a balance.

But the opposite did not seem to be like this. Philip I, Margaret's three younger brothers, the Howard family, and the Benedict family have always been in a state of readiness.

At this time, there were already twelve high-ranking mercenaries relegated to Atlanta alone. The total number of personnel is not large, only about 900 people, but all are the top-level high-level extra-jurisdictional capabilities.

Only about 30% of them were hired by him and Kang Xiuli. Where the rest of the staff belong is self-evident.

After careful consideration, Li Mochen's staff team advised him to abandon the preemptive strategy.

On the one hand, it is indeed beneficial to them to continue to drag on. The Rising Sun Group under Li Mochen benefited from the nutrients provided by the dragon and witch religion, and thrived like mushrooms.

The establishment of six consecutive armored regiments and three rifle brigades allowed Li Mochen to lay the foundation of the ground floor. A total of 50,000 private armed forces, as well as up to 40,000 security personnel distributed throughout the country, can make them completely fearless to fight head-on.

The "Eye of the Sky" Howard Eisenhower and "Natural Punisher" Dai Nian Streixi, "Sand Lance" Carmela Natasha, Brigadier General Wallace Clayton and others on the legendary road The breakthroughs and the addition of veteran generals such as Brigadier General Moro Ravis, Brigadier General Delin Gauthor and Major General Kevin Salillo, have made them even more powerful.

Due to the abundant financial resources and the outstanding record of defeating the dragon and the witch cult in a positive way, the legendary realm of the Rising Sun Group has reached 29 at this time.

Few people can refuse the Rising Sun Group's invitation. This rising consortium has an unparalleled advantage in inviting legendary strongmen who intend to withdraw from the mercenary or military world.

The rights and status granted by the Rising Sun Group, at least 20% of the salary above the current average level, and the life and death power held by Li Mochen, can make those middle and high-end legends willing to work for him.

In particular, there are four former agents from the former Soviet National Security Council.

This was even alarming, and there was also the Ministry of Homeland Security. After strict security review and Li Mochen's use of some personal relationships, these were only involved in the risk.

On the other hand, Li Mochen's own strength is also changing with each passing day. At least in the opinion of Alyssa, if you wait another three or five months on the opposite side, Li Mochen might step into the legend.

Then the government also did not want to see unrest in Atlanta.

Although three months ago, the national and local elections have ended. However, both the Citizens and Conservatives in Atlanta must have hated the dark war of such a large scale that would sweep most of them into it.

At this time, no matter who fires the first shot first, they will lose points in the government and encounter several law enforcement agencies.

Therefore, many senior commanders including Major General Michael Wood and Sampson Blut generally believe that the other party is waiting or preparing for something, which will certainly be a force that can help the other party lay the battle in one fell swoop.

However, Li Mochen's strength and heritage are also growing rapidly, so there is no need to rush to war.

So now the situation is that their enemies are in the process of mobilizing the masses and dispatching troops; Li Mochen also has to recruit troops and sit back and wait.

But this also led to a deadlock on the side of the Holy Fortress. There were four armored regiments, and the strength of the two machine brigade was accumulated in this fortress, but they could only sit in the dry city, and they could not even conquer Nathan. The two mines abandoned by the group.

"However, things have changed a little bit now. Michael suspects that the vampires are secretly building a large military fortress in Rochelle Gorge. It may well have a certain scale. He is going to launch a fire reconnaissance over there to see what happens."

Li Mochen heard the words and could not help moving slightly,

Rochelle Canyon-This canyon named after an explorer three hundred years ago is the most important entrance to the 'Bloodland'. Once this place is blocked, they must make a detour. But in this way, their logistics line will be overwhelmed, and there is a risk of being cut off at any time.

"Must march there?"

Li Mochen opened the combat plan provided by Michael Wood: "Can't you send a few legends to investigate?"

Linde Emers can do the job, as long as you look at it from afar.

"He thinks there is a top illusionist on the opposite side! Moreover, this is likely to be a trap set by our enemies, the purpose is to lure our high-level powerful to go."

Alyssa frowned: "He believes that this offensive operation can also be regarded as a test of our enemies. He will stop at an appropriate level, and will also ensure our strength as far as possible, from the front line of the dark world at any time ~ ~ Li Mochen carefully read these files, and after a long time he closed the folder again, resignedly.

"Don't worry about this matter. Soon, I will go to the dark world to see for myself, and then—"

His eyes then fell on Alyssa's right arm with bandages.

The latter smiled bitterly and untied the bandages: "Disappointed you, the fourth fusion attempt failed. Amo, am I useless?"

At this time, she revealed that the arm in front of Li Mochen was pure black, completely deformed. It has seven fingers, it is covered with hair like an orangutan, but it has scattered dragon scales, and some places are completely rotted or have pustules.

If it is seen by ordinary people, it might be disgusting and vomiting, but after Li Mochen looked at it, instead of having a strange color, he was happy.

"This has made a lot of progress. I guess you can succeed next time. However, you still have to take the time and forget--"

He wanted to say to let Eliza spend more time on her personal practice. It can be imagined that most of the affairs that the other party needs to deal with every day actually come from himself. Li Mochen immediately stopped the conversation: "How do you think you are useless? To say this fusion, the Collinson brothers are not as good as you . "

"Really? You lied to me!"

Alyssa looked at the opposite side doubtfully, and then made a judgment that the other party was fooling people.

In the past six months, Li Mochen collected a total of six sets of Moshra biological colonies, and gave them to Li Tailai, Sampson Blut, Thompson Adams, and the Collins brothers.

Li Mochen also provided additional methods for them to devour the power of the apostles of Adriana, the disaster-stricken dragon girl, with the help of their own Wai Dan.

But the worst progress now should be her Alyssa Tangerian.

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