Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 527: Battle situation

PS: Fourth! The last day was doubled, and the wasteland begged everyone to help me keep the chrysanthemum! If you don't vote now, two votes will become one vote.

Tomorrow is guaranteed four shifts, but the time will be later.


"The surroundings of the Sacred Stone Fortress have been completely cleared, and our strength of strength is great. Especially the five Master Towers and the legendary Masters have played a great role. Those dark creatures entrenched in the neighborhood have barely made it. Any effective resistance. "

Before Clarke Li left for Dragon Tomb, Clark Banfield did a weekly report to him.

"But our fatality rate is still high, and many casualties can actually be avoided. But you know, our army is still relatively jerky in tacit understanding and cooperation. It has been improved now. The commander you hired not only has The excellent commanding ability is also very good in coordinating the subordinates. "

"Mr. Wade, the CEO of Rising Sun Mining Company, is already organizing manpower and material resources to fully restore the production of two mines. The vast majority of the mining equipment that Nathan Mines sent to the dark world did not have time to install, and they are currently stacked in warehouses. Inside, this gives us great convenience. Although these devices are behind the times, they can still be used for a while as long as they spend a small amount of money to upgrade. Mr. Wade ’s work is very productive, I estimate that he will use it for at most one month Time, you can let the two mines out of the mine smoothly. BOSS, I must congratulate you, you have dug a good talent this time. "

"Several hunters and mercenaries in the Holy Stone Fortress are already preparing for additional investment. They expanded the scope of their activities to three hundred kilometers around three days ago."

"The news of the expansion of the Sacred Stone Fortress has spread, and many professionals have heard the news. It is expected that the permanent residents of the Sacred Stone Fortress will surge by five to seven thousand people in the next period of time, which also helps To increase taxes."

"——The Earl of Gaoting is more conservative than we had expected. They contracted troops outside of the Red Land and accumulated them in Rochelle Canyon. At present, the number of troops deployed there is at least two million. Among them Skeletons, wraiths, zombies, undead knights, vampires, lich, bone dragons, and other undead creatures, there are a lot of dark creatures. And they are all elite, and the combat power is not lower than the professional level five, so it is expected that The next battle will be difficult. "

"Mr. Consul Wiltonstein ’s information is correct. There should be something wrong with King Gaoting. I have n’t found him on the front line so far. Instead, he sent four princes on the blood prince ’s side. Arrived at Rochelle Gorge. They obviously have a deep fear of BOSS, and there is a super-large magic energy array arranged there, the role should be to resist BOSS your life and death Divine Power— "

"Wow, four princes?"

Upon hearing this, Li Mochen couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Don't they worry that the homeland of the Grand Duchy of Bloodwing is being attacked by the government?"

According to his grasp, the so-called "dark empire" of the dark world is actually a "country" organized by hundreds of dark creature populations and many forces including dark demons, undead creatures, mythological creature populations, and so on. '.

——The reason for the quotation marks here is that the Dark Lord Empire is not a country, but an alliance against humanity.

The main reason is that although the major races of the "Dark Empire" are all co-dominated by the emperor of the Dark Demon Clan, the latter does not actually have the right of a true king for them.

Especially those powerful forces are basically in the form of vassals in the Dark Lord Empire, and do their own things within their territory. Li Mochen ’s current enemy, the Grand Duchy of Blood Wings, is one of them. The Earl of Gaoting in the Blood Red Land is one of the vassals under the 'Blood Wing Grand Duchy' and is the most powerful vassal of the 'Blood Wing Grand Duchy'. Therefore, the territory is rich.

It is worth mentioning that there are studies that prove that the Black Devils are actually derived from humans. It is a race where humans have been in the dark world for too long, and their bodies are completely mutated.

The difference between them and the alien race is that the body and soul are completely mutated, and they have fully integrated into the dark world and become a kind of dark creature.

Secondly, their source is more ancient, rooted in Native American Indians of America.

The Black Devils are so powerful that they are second to none in the dark world. Their direct jurisdiction, as well as many nearby vassals, are still areas that the American Federation cannot covet.

"Unfortunately, although the Federal Army has plans to attack the Grand Duchy of Bloodwing. But their combat plan has not yet been approved by Mr. President."

Clark Banfield spread his hand: "Someone in Congress is trying to stop them from doing so. The faction of the Secretary of Defense Lieutenant General Daniel Boone, and Mr. Anthony Braden, have many enemies. Mr. President also tends to fight 'Bloodwing Grand Duchy', sweeping the threat of blood, but he must maintain unity within the party. So now, they are looking forward to our progress. If the Rising Sun Group can gain a foothold in the blood red place, I think the Federation and the Bloodwing Grand Duchy The war of the United States is logical. "

"Let's try our best--"

Li Mochen sighed, feeling a little worried in his heart, but with the power of the Rising Sun Group, he could not fight against the entire "Bloodwing Grand Duchy".

However, Lieutenant General Daniel Boone and others did not count on him this time. The Rising Sun Group was able to expand the scale of six armored regiments and two aircraft and brigade brigades in a very short period of time. Gang Fang's call and support for veterans made them completely worry-free. And Anthony ’s light and magic industry is also spared no effort to provide him with a lot of heavy equipment ~ ~ In addition, although the military has not made any major moves so far, they are deployed in the nine A regular teacher and many demigods also restrained most of the power of the "Bloody Wings" for him.

"Then Michael Wood is still going to follow the established plan?"

"It should be the BOSS. The result of their military discussion is to maintain the previous discussion and prepare to build a quick fortress near the entrance to Rochelle Canyon, but—"

Clark Banfield said: "They seem to be planning to increase the budget again. Major General Wood's plan is to add another quick fortress, while purchasing 24" Holy Spirit Destroyer "with a range of more than 1,200 kilometers. This is a magical fortress cannon with a caliber of nine hundred millimeters and eighty times the diameter. The price exceeds two billion gold shields, and the light and magic industry is in stock. Further detailed plans are being worked out— "

Li Mochen smiled bitterly again, he probably understood Michael Wood's plan. This was intended to force the troops of Gao Tingbo Kingdom to withdraw from the canyon with violent artillery fire, or to come out of the canyon to fight against them.

This can avoid strong attacks and erase the opponent's terrain advantage, but the loss will be very large. The purchase price of "Holy Spirit Destroyer" is two billion gold shields, but the price of their shells will be ten times this,

However, Li Mochen still did not hesitate to issue an order to the Rising Sun Group's finance department, and approved the grant application that Michael Wood may submit in advance.

He will go to the Dragon Tomb in the next few days, and the deputy body is also making mythological weapons, but he has no time to wait for the application for all doors.

And just as Li Mochen was about to conclude this meeting, Clark Banfield spoke again: "BOSS, as far as I know, the White House is looking for a special envoy to prepare to settle the dispute between you in Atlanta."

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