Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 528: artillery

PS: For the last four hours, be sure!

The dark world, east of the gorge of Rochelle Canyon, Michael Wood is holding a magic weapon that looks like a telescope, and then peers deep into the canyon.

At this time, a piece of land behind him had been completely transformed into a construction site, and the sizzling sound of welding and the roar of the mechanical hammer continued.

Wiltonstein military construction contractor ’s workers have laid a considerable foundation here, and then installed the modular components they have successively delivered. A temporary military fortress has revealed its prototype here.

On the two wings of this fortress, it is ninety kilometers long, with three trenches reinforced with steel bars and military cement, and a large number of tanks and artillery bunkers. The twenty-ninth armored regiment from the Wiltonstein Foundation, the six armored regiments directly under the Rising Sun Group, two aircraft infantry brigades, four engineering battalions, and three mercenary regiments they hired, totaling six More than eight thousand people, more than nine hundred light and heavy tanks, four hundred armored vehicles, two hundred and twenty different types of magic armor, more than 1,400 self-propelled artillery and traction artillery are distributed on this front.

At this time, there are a large number of entourage mages, under the command of Douglas Duncan and Professor Alex Galanz, the magic array is quickly arranged on this front line-the main role of the latter, in addition to strengthening the fortifications, It also suppresses the demigods. Only by pulling the latter off the altar can human weapons and armies play a role.

Behind those trenches, there are dozens of built magic lighthouses, which radiate the sun-like radiance in this world, and the shining light of hundreds of kilometers around the area must be seen.

Their main opponents are vampires and undead. The former are quick-moving and good at hiding in the dark, and the fighting power of the undead in the dark environment is also extra powerful.

Therefore, these magic lighthouses are also the key to the success or failure of this war. The Rising Sun Group invested 1.2 billion in this area. They have built a total of 120 magical lighthouses within 900 kilometers of Rochelle Canyon and the Holy Stone Fortress to ensure the safety of their logistics routes.

In addition, the Rising Sun Group still has not stopped the pace of army expansion, and their third strengthened aircraft brigade is being formed.

The commander of this flight brigade, Lieutenant General Rodsell of the National Guard, is going through the resignation procedures, and he can take office after a maximum of seven days. According to the combat plan, this newly built brigade will not be put into combat as soon as possible. Their future mission is to ensure the security of the logistics line. They cannot rely on mercenaries as they do now.

"The intelligence is true, they are indeed building a fortress. As long as we come one week late, the situation here will become irreparable."

The magic weapon in the hands of Michael Wood has a powerful unreal effect. Although I can't see the true face of that 'fortress'. But with only a few clues revealed nearby, he could guess the truth.

Such as the trend of the surrounding magic energy, the amplitude of the surrounding ground, the subsidence of groundwater and so on.

-Not only is the fortress built in the Rochelle Gorge, but also has a large scale, with a diameter of more than fifteen kilometers.

They are fortunate that the construction capabilities of the Dark Lord Empire have always been not good, and although this blood-winged Principality is the most modernized kingdom of this empire, their construction capabilities still remain at the level of humans before World War I.

"That's not necessarily, BOSS has approved the purchase budget of 'Holy Spirit Destroyer' in advance, before our revised combat plan is handed over. If this fortress is really built, he won't mind spending another 5 billion gold shields to buy A 'gate of freedom'. At the level of the fortifications of the Blood Principality, we only need three guns to blast their strongholds. Of course, saving money for our employers is also one of our obligations. "

Brigadier General Noah Badru said calmly: "I am more worried now that the Grand Duchy of Bloodwing may launch an offensive against us in the next two days. After all, they have four half gods sitting in town."

"Then I can't ask for it, force them out of Rochelle Canyon, isn't that our purpose Noah?"

Michael Wood chuckled: "If it is a regular ground battle, we will not be afraid of their so-called two million army. After all, now, it is not two hundred years ago. As for those legends and demigods, you have to look at them. Do you have the courage? "

-Two hundred years ago, human beings faced this kind of war and could only fill their lives. In modern times, when the fighting will and the tactical level of the two sides are not much different, the firepower projection density and industrial capability per unit time are the keys to determining victory or defeat.

However, Michael Wood also understood the meaning of his partner: "To subordinate the whole army, be careful in the next three days and keep the whole army in a state of war. Let the engineering troops speed up the construction of fortifications. Also, ask Ute Mr. Red de Marcia, if he is able to fight, please rush to the front line as soon as possible. If Mr. De Marcia still needs time, then let Mr. Victor Maxim go. I guess Atlanta The situation in the region can still be stable. "

Michael knows that his BOSS trip is intensive recently, and may not be able to take care of this for the time being. But he was as fearless as ever. Today's Rising Sun Group, even excluding Li Mochen's power of life and death, is only based on the number of demigods, and he will not be afraid of the demigod wars that may erupt in Rochelle Canyon.

But Noah Badru was right, they should still defend.

It was at this time that Michael Wood heard a few thunderous roars.

'S wealth of war experience made him unable to change his color slightly, and almost roared towards the construction site behind him.

"Everyone is falling apart! All are falling apart--"

Many of the workers who work intensively over there ~ ~ are also experienced. When Michael Wood hadn't shouted, he spontaneously spread to the sides, or looked for bunkers nearby.

But just ten seconds later, more than 20 huge shells and a large number of long-range missiles flew like swarms of bees. The speed also exceeds Mach 70 and above.

Although the nearby anti-aircraft artillery systems fired in time, the six magic towers located in the high altitude also sprayed a dense ‘wind blade’ at this moment to fully intercept, but there were still dozens of giant artillery shells bombarding the fortification site.

The huge firelight rose into the sky, and the shattered shrapnel and shock wave almost leveled everything around it.

Pale Michael Wood and Noah Badru looked at each other in the distance, and their eyes were staring.

"You are right with BOSS, Wood. It's no harm to prepare more spare parts for quick fortress--"

Noah Badru frowned tightly: "But it is still very troublesome. They actually have fortress guns and ballistic missiles with a range of more than 1,500 kilometers."

Michael Wood used the military intercom carried by his assistant to connect with Clark Banfield: "Banfield, do you know the situation on the front line?"

"I already know."

Banfield replied neatly: "Alyssa has revised the itinerary just now, and I will also prompt the FBI ’s Arms Supervision Department and relevant departments to investigate the source of weapons as soon as possible. Their steps have been messed up, and they dare to take this weapon Sold to the Dark Lord Empire— "

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