Destiny Dominates

Vol 2 Chapter 529: encounter

Just as the battle in Rochelle Gorge was in the ascendant, Li Mochen had brought Angela and Hairouer and the Dragon Dragon Vessel to the astral world, following the induction in the blood vein, and the guidance in the dark came to the Dragon Tomb. .

From the outside, it is a star that exists among the stars, but the gloss is slightly dim, and it is not very noticeable among the stars.

"This time our purpose is also" Dragon Enlightenment ", we have to find this thing in this dragon tomb."

"Dragon Enlightenment?"

Angela raised her eyebrows slightly: "This is very unlikely. I heard that the Dragon Clan has not met it for a long time."

‘Dragon ’s Enlightenment’ is an inheritance artifact of the Dragon tribe and a holy relic. Its function and characteristics are somewhat similar to the legendary ‘Holy Grail’. Only those ‘dragons’ who are qualified and recognized by this object can encounter this object.

The Dragon tribe is also proud of meeting the "Enlightenment of the Dragon". If they are destined to meet this thing, it is enough for them to brag about their lives.

The key is that this thing can also bring great benefits. Although ‘Dragon ’s Enlightenment’ ca n’t give people the ability to achieve eternal life, or to achieve what they want, like the Holy Grail. But it can also help the Dragon Clan to continue to refine the blood, strengthen physical and professional levels.

During the ten thousand years, the dragon clan that had been favored by the "Enlightenment of the Dragon" also achieved great achievements, which made this holy relic even more famous.

Angela is very knowledgeable. She knows that this dragon heritage artifact will be hidden in the dragon tomb to accumulate strength in normal times. Until a qualified dragon appears, it will appear in the eligible person in a transient manner. In front of you.

But in the past 100 years, she has never heard of any of the dragons being favored by ‘Dragon Enlightenment’.

There are rumors that this artifact has been hit hard, there are also rumors that 'Dragon's Enlightenment' has been taken away from the seal, and some people think that the blood of the dragon family has deteriorated in the past 100 years, so naturally there is no qualified dragon to get it. Admit it-but these are just rumors, unconfirmed.

"The most important thing is that we are humans after all. I have never heard of any dragon master who encountered‘ Dragon Enlightenment ’, it only looked after the real dragon family.”

Although they have pure blood of dragons in their bodies, but their main genes are still undoubtedly human.

"There was really no precedent before, and under normal circumstances, I wouldn't fight it. But--"

Li Mochen's eyes narrowed slightly: "I guess this thing should be a little wrong, so if you want to give it a try, in short, it depends on our luck."

His Li Mochen's luck has always been very good, especially the hundreds of thousands of lines of merit gathered in this star realm-the original dome, Li Mochen can actually be used outside the light world.

Speaking of the original dome, Li Mochen now has the ability to cross the void and return to his ‘hometown’. However, this has to rely on external forces such as the light magic eight, the magic tower and the scarlet dragon armor, which are not very reliable. Once encountering a powerful void storm, Li Mochen believed that he was over 90% likely to overturn.

Li Mochen is now impossible to let go of the many obstacles here, regardless of returning to the original dome. What's more, it's still early. The time flow rate of the two worlds is almost the same, which means that less than a year has passed since the original dome world. He still has plenty of time to improve himself here.

"But it's too early to say these words, we have to try to see if the bottom can go in. An Qi, it's up to you next."

According to his conjecture, Angela's illusion talent should help them deceive the dragon tomb's defense mechanism.

"Relax! I asked my father."

Angela's look was a little complicated: "You guessed it, the dragon corpse in Michelle's hand was indeed obtained from the dragon tomb. The dragon sect gave him some help in the process. As for us, neither Need extra things, our bloodline purity is not bad, I only need to use illusion to amplify their breath. "

"Let's get started!"

After saying this, Li Mochen first broke the boundary membrane with ‘Light Demon Eight’ and entered the dragon tomb.

Then in this process, Li Mochen sensed a powerful force of repulsion. Although the dragon veins in his body are resonating with this power, the rest of his body was rejected by the dragon tomb.

But after only a moment, this powerful repulsion disappeared from his body, and Li Mochen stepped into it without hindrance.

Then appeared in front of Li Mochen's eyes, is a faint yellow color. This space has sky, earth, sun, moon, stars, etc. But everything is grayish yellow, and the surrounding land is also a Gobi, full of desolation and decay.

According to the memory obtained by Xiaolongmai during the awakening of the blood veins, it was actually a complete small thousand world a long time ago. Although the area is small, only 300,000 square kilometers, there are always creatures. It wasn't until after many years of ignorance that all the creatures in the world died, and they were found by the dragon tribes here as their graveyards.

Li Mochen glanced around, and then with admiration, he turned towards Angela Bibi, who appeared behind him, with a thumbs up: "Perfect!"

The latter looked awkwardly around, and she felt the rich breath of death here. They are coming from all directions, invading her body. That is not only from the dragon corpses everywhere, but also from a large part of this world that is close to death.

But the next moment, these breaths of death were manipulated by a force and left Angela's body.

This made her look slightly relaxed, and she was relieved to know that it was the result of Li Mochen's "life and death divine power" manipulation. Only this man has the ability to take them and walk in this declining world.

According to the internal commandments of the dragon clan ~ ~ This "dragon tomb" is also a forbidden place for all living beings. Only those aging dragon clan near the end of life can enter here and wait for death.

"I have sensed her!"

Hairore was the last one to walk in. She raised her head high and looked into the distant sky.

"Adriana, the scorching dragon girl, she is waking up--"

Li Mochen has also sensed that a strong and malicious idea of ​​tyranny is spreading over here, locking him and Hairouer firmly. It was like the day when the blood sacrifice was reversed and the power was usurped by Hairou, full of disgust, hatred and resentment.

Li Mochen's eyes are slightly curious, and he has always been curious, what method does the disaster-fired dragon girl use to maintain her life. Presumably, he will know the answer soon.

In the next moment, he heard a dragon roar full of anger and surprise. The cognition of Longyu allowed Li Mochen to instantly recognize the meaning of the roar.

"You two thieves, dare to enter the dragon tomb? This must be the dark dragon **** blessing, here will be your burial place.

"Return my strength, Heir Wiltonstein!"

The black flame covered their foothold immediately. But before this, Li Mochen had manipulated the power of the dragon veins to take them with him, and came to a hill 500 kilometers away.

In front of his eyes, a dragon covered with shrouds was flying from a deep pit.

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